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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

Alfred was back to being human now, squinting as he felt the grass on his hand, savouring the sensation of finally being able to touch grass for the first time in a year. The dull grey walls of the cell had been tiresome to look at; there was no shining, no brightness in there, save perhaps for the crimson hue of the alalarms that resounded whenever a prisoner had done something heinous or somehow got loose of their restraints. The only other thing of interest within tose walls were the books that he was allowed to read in his spare time as a reward for good behaviour, though it is doubtful that anyone still thought that the whole affair of being nice was a sincere thing. It would be thought of as a facade to get the good stuff (as good can go in a prison for eldritch creatures) whilst being incarcerated.

Without warning, however, the fabric of space buckled yet again. A portal shimmered open in front of Alfred. He was, however, unsurprised by this: this was the power of one of the other phoenixes, of the one that embodied the concept of space itself.

A winged creature stepped through the portal. Its appearance glittered with twinkling starlight, the whole body taking on the form of a starry night sky. It was as if someone painted a galaxy on a bird, only that this was bird was a Phoenix, the greatest of its kind. Its eyes were of blue starfire, and a golden crown with gems in the shape of suns was set upon its head.

On its sides strode two more phoenixes; the one on the left was a creature of gears and digital technology, a strange amalgamation of both that strutted with an air of vanity. The other was a being of shadow, almost looking like a crow if it had red glowing eyes and a black mist constantly pouring out of every pore in its skin.

"Ah, it's them..." Alfred, or rather, the Frostbite turned towards the rest of the group of prison escapees, motioning towards what seemed to be members of his family. The apparent phoenixes of space, technology, and shadows looked upon him with what could be described as a pleasant expression, though they regarded the others with indifference.

"Well, guys. These are my kin. They call themselves-"

"I am the Dominus Astra," the phoenix of space answered for him in a deep, sibilant tone. "These are the Machine God and the Sinister One. Cheeky names, I know, but the superheroes have worse. Captain Planet, defender of Rhode Island my ass..."

The Machine God, as the phoenix of technology came to be called, strutted forward, scanning the group. "So, eh, we have a demon, a sorcerer, a demonic child, several mutants, and then our darling brother. My, what kind of company did you get yourself into when you made those Cabalites each a dick? Hah! Well, we better get going. I have to show you the latest Tiktok, brother..."

The Siniser One grumbled. It was a creature of few words.

"So, I guess we shall meet sometime again, eh?" Alfred answered as he began the process of transformation once again. "Cheers, then."
ey its back

Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

Satisfied, Kailani looked around the elevator to take in all those congregated there. Finally, she settled to looking at Ameliya and, in a morbid echo of their interaction that very morning, grinned wider and pointed to her bloodied mouth.

”I’ve had so much food!”

Frostbite looked at the little girl in disbelief. It hadn't really dawned upon him just how much human flesh that the creature had shoved down its never-ending gullet until near the end of their initial scuffle with the guards in the cafeteria. They had attempted to stop the rampage of the Devourer with a testudo formation of riot shields, only for the creature to swat them aside and eat them up like chicken nuggets in a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet. Why did they even think that would work? Surely they should have... something better? Maybe this was because they were caught in surprise by the sudden escape attempt?

Either way, the creature of ice gazed upon Kailani with that same piercing stare, a look so powerful it might as well go right through someone. Its red eyes blinked, and a low sigh escaped from its icy mouth.

"Perhaps you can find employment in a landfield," the Phoenix muttered in a volume nearly audible only to himself, the usual quiet and sombre voice turning a bit sour at this time. It wasn't because it was irritated or annoyed at the alien. It was more like genuine fear of just how much damage the alien creature could do. It was frankly terrifying, and he shuddered to think about what kind of chaos would ensue if more of its kind rain down on Earth.

"Are you... ever able to get full?" Frostbite asked, sounding concerned. "At this rate, I would think you're a creature that has a literal black hole as a stomach. Could be the only thing that explains you can fit all that... food in such a smaller form. I'm amazed."

More like horrified.
Baldur Angstrom

Angstrom Deep Vault
Northern Sweden

The meeting he had with Valeria Richards and Ilyanna Rasputin had gone without much incident. He now knew that one of the Ultimates was, in fact, a mole for some kind of resistance that sought to return this world to the way it was during the days of the first heroes. That, he could respects; Baldur even contemplated aiding them, but his own resources were rather tight right now. All he still had after the forty years that passed after the Dark Phoenix crisis was whatever was inside the Angstrom Deep Vault when he and his followers went into stasis sleep. The rest was either obliterated by the Dark Phoenix and subsequent alien invasions, or was nationalized by the Swedish government, and then by the United Empire as he had been presumed dead along with the rest of the Angstroms. It would have been a good idea to leave it to someone trustworthy, but alas... what is the point of making a will if the world was going to end?

After a few minutes of walking, Baldur finally arrived on his destination. It was nearly unmarked, a place marked only by a lone lamppost standing in the middle of the great forest. It wasn't the lamppost he was interested in, though. It was what is under it.

Baldur knelt down, and clicked several buttons on the base of the lamppost. A small hiss emanated from the post... and a door emerged from the forest floor, with another set of buttons for typing in the access code.

"Hello sir, you're back. You found what you were looking for?"

"Yeah, Lukas." Baldur handed Lukas, one of his chief scientists and the guy that helped him replicate Hank Pym's shrinking technology, a small bag containing at least a dozen stasis orbs, all of which had highly advanced technologies kept in suspended animation. "I met a few people on the way, though."

"Oh?" Lukas' interest was piqued. "Which ones?"

"Well," Baldur shrugged. "There was Valeria Richards."

"One of the Ultimates? How did it go? Odd that you haven't sustained any battle damage-"

"She's friendly, don't worry about it," Baldur stepped off from the aptly named Warspite armor, leaving his normal clothes on. "Apparently there is a resistance against the United Empire, and she's part of them. At least, that was the vibe I got. She mentioned that 'some of us are fighting for a better day'. If that isn't a Rebel Alliance, against the empire I don't know what is."

Lukas rolled his eyes at the Star Wars reference. "Well, I guess that's a good thing. But you have to remember that in this bunker, we have 300 people that we have to protect, especially the mutants like myself."

"I know... You know I'll never let anything happen to you."

"Thank you sir."

"Just call me Baldur, it's not like we're really a corporation anymore."

Lukas shrugged, his expression totally unsurprised. "Okay, whatever. Baldur. Uh. Baldur? You okay?"

Baldur stared into the nothingness, as if he was daydreaming. Try as he might, but Lukas wouldn't be able to call his attention. Not while Baldur was seeing visions of the future, a voice similar to his own screeching into his mind.

He witnessed the end of the world, of civilization as we knew it. Nuclear weapons rained down upon the cities of humanity, killing billions upon billions. Legions of Sentinels stood in serried ranks, while Oscorp and Stark drones were scouring the ruins in search of survivors that might have evaded the radioactive blasts that made much of the planet uninhabitable. Mutantkind and humanity stood united, but what could they do against such a horrifying intelligence, a cold, calculating artificial mind that sought to wipe out all life not just on this world, but in the whole known universe.

Strangely enough, Angstrom Defense Drones were not in the visions of the ruins of Earth. Perhaps this was because they were of older make, linked only through human minds? Maybe they were immune to the depredations of an evil AI?

"Seek out the others, seek out the Mutant Underground. You must prepare. The United Empire is simply a pawn of KIVA. Destroy KIVA before she ends this world!"

"Sir!" Baldur was shook to wakefulness by Lukas, who looked quite worried. "You good, Baldy?"

Had he not gotten a vision of the future, he would have irritably commented on how he had a full head of hair, but Baldur was too shaken to care about the nickname. "I have to go."

"What? You just got here-"

"Take care of everyone," Baldur instructed as he stepped back into the armor and scooped several stasis orbs from a nearby shelf. "I'll be back soon."

Alfred Gunther/The Frostbite

Never One...

Without the Other

She was no killer, she was not like the others. The people that Abby killed were all accidents. But then again she was still a murderer, even if it was an accident she still took a person’s life. Running over towards the elevator, once the way was clear by her group. ”We wait for the others, I’m not gonna leave anyone behind.” She said to Körbl, holding the door for the others to join her.

Frostbite quickly flew in from the hallway, his path trailing with a cold aftermath of frost and snow. The Phoenix's eyes didn't blink at the grisly sights to both his left and right; perhaps this is because he was a creature of such primordial age, existing since before civilization had even risen in the earliest cradles of humanity. Short lived human lives were just numbers to it by now, the comprehension of the Frostbite and its brethren far beyond the ken of mere mortals. However, with those it chooses, to the men and women that he and the rest of the kind dare bind themselves to, they achieve an eternal mutual understanding, an intertwining of thoughts and emotions so deep that they could be said to be one being with two minds. The rest of those that stood in the way of the Frost Phoenix's freedom, however, will be made into history, though their names will be forgotten in the next centuries.

"Before you ask, no, I'm not reverting. Not yet," Frostbite simply said as he folded his cold wings closer to his icy body the same way any other bird would. "Now where are the rest? If a league of superheroes come here before we can scatter into the four winds of the Earth, we're screwed."
Ganymede Madrigal - Hyperdrive

...plus we've got Frost on telepathic defense keeping us extra guarded for the time being that's the closest we'll get to absolute safety in the big apple. But we need to maintain a low profile especially with the beat down you gave Venom & all the Sentinels they got deployed." Scott concluded as Milo took a sharp right and pulled into the cargo bay of the safehouse getting the team home safely.

Ganni quietly got down from the hovercar, pulling the gas mask from his head. He wasn't looking his best today, especially after the nerve wracking chase that they just had with Sentinels and Ultimates. He was always told that they had to keep a low profile, lay low, ensure that the Mutant Response Division and their big wigs in the Ultimates were looking at the other way when the Underground was doing something important. This altercation, however, certainly wasn't subtle. It was the complete opposite of subtle. It was loud, and told the world that mutants were still out there, free of the damning laws that the United Empire had enforced upon the entire planet. And that a simple mutant freak was able to defeat Venom in single combat.

"Ganni, hey." Ganymede turned towards a familiar voice, a sister from another mother. It was Ophelia, another mutant whose power was small scale precognition. She probably already knew he and the team were going to be here five seconds prior to their arrival, but anyway, she was by no means a fighter.

"What did you do this time?" Ophelia asked, giving Ganni a tight hug as she was quite worried. "The news is buzzing about Venom being blasted with quite a few collateral deaths along the way. Oh, and the Sentinels were chasing you around, too?"

"Don't worry about it," Ganni shrugged, walking alongside her towards the safehouse itself. "Milo wrecked Venom's face. Speaking of which..."

The now maskless Ganni wheeled around and waved at Milo, a frown visible. "Don't do that again," he hissed at the much taller Mutant. "We know that Venom is vulnerable to fire, but you just had to give the black goo's a test drive before blasting it with fire? I just-, ugh. We dawdled for a little too long there, if you know what I mean."

Ophelia whispered at Milo, not bothering to attempt hiding what she was saying from Ganni. "He's worried about your safety."
Ganymede Madrigal - Hyperdrive

“Shit Shit shit someone take the wheel I need to start firing back at them, Milo’s tapped out and that plasma rifle Logan has isn’t going to be enough! Ganni can you portal them away?! IF they call more back-up it’s a wrap.” Scott bellowed as he was doing his best to focus on the road clutching the wheel and pressing down on the gas to allow the hover-craft to move faster & fast to escape the killer robot mutant trio that was gaining on them rapidly.

"I believe I can, but I could also portal us out," Ganni answered with one of those little shrugs of his. He was pretty obedient, though, and it was clear that they needed to take down the Sentinels chasing them before they could effectively leave. "Best it could do is redirect them for a short while."

Ganni then turned around, facing the rear of their hovercar to see the three death robots in hot pursuit. "Milo, take the wheel, you're the one that is out of powers to shoot out. Now…"

Hyperdrive began to focus, taking in another whiff of the smoke within his gas mask to soothe his mind. Creating these bridges through space was no easy feat, and if he messed up, it could lead right inside a wall. This time, though, that won't be a mess up, but an intentional deviation.

Another portal roared open in front of the Sentinels, too close for them to divert their path away from the waiting concrete street on the other side. They would most certainly slam right into it, their current speed and trajectory offering little room to make any turns sharp or quick enough to avoid impact.

"I doubt that's going to be the last of them," Ganni said, turning his attention away from the portal he lured the Sentinels into. "They know you're here, and the MRD will spend every last resource in trying to kill you, Scott."

Baldur Angstrom

Department of Damage Control Warehouse
Somewhere near New York

A larger disc appeared a heartbeat later, Illyana stepping immediately through it to began her observation of the shitstorm that was about to head Power Armor's way.

When the response force from Damage Control arrived at the Curator's position, he was already shrinking some of the relics that were the reason he was here to begin with. All the technology and devices built by Angstrom Defense; a plethora of stasis pods, shrunken attack drones inside small, pocket sized containers, cryogenic weapons, and several arc reactors that were believed to be made using stolen blueprints. Either way, Baldur wasn't exactly on his own either; once the Damage Control troops got within the same room as he was, they were immediately assailed by floating drones armed with sonic and energy blasters, whose shooting patterns were more geared towards deterrence than causing casualties.

"These belong to me," Baldur Angstrom told them as they hid behind cover. "I sleep for forty years, and when I awake, this is what the world has become? Shame on you all."

Baldur turned around, finally facing the doorway, clutching another stasis orb in his hand. Other drones were scanning the boxes, looking for his company's tech. Most were turning up with empty results, but that was to be expected when a long time had already passed.

The orb flew, detonating to reveal a pair of tiny old junkyard cars, which were immediately enlarged to their normal size to serve as massive projectiles to block the entrance.

Either way, it was pretty clear that he cares not what they send, just that he gets what he wants from this section of the warehouse.
Ganymede Madrigal - Hyperdrive

"What did I tell you about pacing yourself with all the powers that you have gathered?" Ganni hissed as Milo told them that he was tapped out, though less out of anger and more of because of concern. They had a cohort of pissed off MRD agents, the police, Venom, and maybe another Ultimate coming in, and there were just the two of them for mutants in here. The Bloods could not be relied on to cover their escape, as those gangs were utterly self absorbed, just like any other group of organized crime in this cesspool of a city. Right now, Milo and Ganni were alone, outgunned, outnumbered, and for the most part, outmatched.

"Screw it, here comes nothing." Ganni focused, moving his right hand in a circular motion in order to open a crack in the fabric of space. The portal yawned open like a glimmering purple mouth, a low humming noise coming out of it. One might have thought it was leading right into another dimension, perhaps a neighboring universe in the multiverse, but any esoteric motions would soon be banished by what came next. A vast deluge of seawater came in from the other side of the portal that was visibly glowing under the waters near the docks. The ensuing flood crashed against the police cruisers and MRD vehicles from above, drenching their section of the docks with salty water and some fish. That water wasn't exactly clean, either, and anyone with open wounds might get a nasty infection from all the filth that floated in a waterway so close to the big city.

"Hold on," Ganni said, clutching Milo's shoulder with his left hand while he began opening another portal. He could be heard deeply inhaling, a sure sign that he was going to open a long distance bridge, and he needed the smoke mixture to be able to clearly focus on his destination.

The portal began to open, and the other open portal with the flood coming out of it should serve as an ample distraction, if only for a few more moments...
Baldur Angstrom

Department of Damage Control Warehouse
Somewhere near New York

It was pretty quiet around the warehouse. Guards patrolling the outskirts of the storage area were rather relaxed, expecting nothing out of the ordinary, a this moment at least. There was news of an engagement between the Mutant Response Division and some mutants in the docks down in New York City, but other than that, there wasn't much to be alerted by. The latest sweeps had revealed nothing of note, and work continued as normal. It was just like any other day; another day of cataloguing and classifying the artifacts taken from the ruins of battlefields wrought into being by warring empowered forces. Perhaps superheroes of the Ultimates, if they were truly heroes, had handily crushed some upstart villain with petty ambitions to take over. Or some wielders of magic had been seized, their trinkets and books taken in.

At a certain section of the warehouse, though, were numerous stasis pods, cryogenic weapons, and all sorts of advanced technology that would initially seem to be the progeny of Stark or Pym Industries. These were, however, not built by those titanic enterprises; instead, these were products of Angstrom Defense. This company, operating out of Sweden, had been completely destroyed forty years earlier by Jean Grey's global rampage as the Dark Phoenix. All of their factories, save for a single one, had been known to have been obliterated. The sole surviving facility, bereft of what would be a presumably slaughtered leadership, was turned over the Department of Damage Control, all of its product given over to that venture between Stark and the government.

Or so they thought.

"Sir, this is a restricted area. A civilian shouldn't be out here. How did you even get here?"

Baldur Angstrom stood there, unamused. It has been forty years since he first went into that stasis pod, and a few months since he woke up. During those several months of wakefulness, he had learned that one of his company's production facilities survived, only to be nationalized by the government. That was to be expected when he disappeared in the middle of what could easily have been the apocalypse. But now... he wants his property back.

"It stands to reason that some of my property has been interred there for the last forty years," the scrawny man with a rather suspicious suitcase said. "Now, if you could simply escort me inside and let me get what's mine..."

Right, that's not going to work. Not when Baldur wanted to keep his identity secret, as he was known to have been married to a mutant woman all those years ago. His mutant son and wife, both of whom are long dead because of another mutant's rampage, would be murdered all the same in this day and age.

"Sir. You should leave."

Baldur sighed. "Oh well..." he quietly muttered. "I tried, at least..."

A pair of golden beams of energy streamed out from wristworn devices under his sleeves, licking the weapons of the two guards and turning them into tiny toy guns. Shocked and surprised, they fell back, only to be snatched away by a pair of drones that seemingly came out of their guns.

Baldur then took a stasis orb out of his pocket, hurling it upward. The ball of plastic split in half, and out came at least a dozen attack drones, their design suspiciously close to that of Stark Industries. Were these just copied from existing machines?

Quietly, he then placed the suitcase on to the ground, which quickly began to turn into a suit of armor, covering his otherwise completely human body. It came with a robe, too. Baldur really liked those.

"It's time," Baldur muttered, his cohort of drones following him into the warehouse doors, which he would immediately shrink down and plop down to the ground with those same wrist drawn beams. He wants his property back, and has no time to be nice about it.
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