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Aw, how thoughtful of Llewelyn. Bibery isn't a bad tactic xD
Five Days Previous

"Father, you cannot be serious!" Ariella raised herself from the ground, dusting snow from her ground length robe. "You expect to send me off to the Savannah? To live with House Bosanda?! Where they depict their so-called Gods as silly ani-"

"Ariella! You will hold your tongue or so help me I will call upon Xeion to cut it out!" Her father's booming voice cut her off, his icy glare making her feel like a small child.

Ariella knew not to speak, so instead she stood still and met her fathers gaze with equal disdain, feeling warm pigs blood slide down her fingers and stain the snow beneath her feet. Just minutes before she had been enjoying her regular morning ritual praying to the Gods, decorating herself with the blood of a sacrifice for guidance. It had been a nice quiet morning in the open field under the great willow tree, it's long leaves covered in ice. And to think, she thought today was going to be a good day... why hadn't the Gods warned her?

The willow tree they stood under was sacred in their lands, only to be used by the nobles, and the base of the tree was covered with dried blood. Legend had it that the Gods were attached to the tree and would always be listening to those who prayed beneath it. Xeion was their mighty God of mischief, chaos, destruction and death - to speak his name aloud, especially under the sacred willow tree was certainly a bold threat. Normally they did not speak the Gods names, unless they truly wanted their presence. Thus, Ariella and Lord Dederick Laventis stared at each other in a silent stand off.

Finally after what felt like an eternity Ariella's father let out a bewildered sigh and turned his eyes on the sacred tree. "House Bosanda is a good, respectable house Ariella. You will go, it is the King's wish as it is mine. The letter from the King is in my study if you wish to read it." Lord Dederick turned to face his daughter again, a frown on his aging bearded face. "Lord Cheick would make a fine husband."

Ariella practically rolled her eyes into the back of her head. Nonetheless, she could not fight him on this. She was stubborn, but not dumb. "Yes, father." She spoke through her teeth, bloodied hands curled up in tight balls at her sides. "I will... pack my things."

As she turned to walk down the stone pathway to their castle, she heard her father, "You will act proper and courtly, as well."

Current Day


This place is dreadful. I use to think that Crescent Bay was a wasteland, but I have to admit that I prefer it over these sand-filled lands. The sand is everywhere! It gets inside everything. EVERYTHING, CLARA! Pray to the Gods for me, ask them to grant me the strength to make it through these two months. I am not sure if they will be listening to me this far in the south...

I miss you, your warmth. It's awfully hot here, but I would still hold you close if you could have joined me. Being a Phoenix, I didn't think I would be bothered by the heat, but I believe it's made it worse on me. The sun is harsh...

I meet with Lord Cheick soon. Wish me luck. Thinking of you always,


Ariella put her feather ink pen back into its case and closed the black bottle of ink, looking over her short letter to her lover back home. The handwriting was a bit of a mess, as the carriage she rode in wasn't exactly the smoothest to write in, but it would have to do for now. Nervously chewing on the edge of her bottom lip, Ariella folded up her letter and sealed it with crimson red colored wax. She pressed a stamp of her family's insignia into the wax and left it to dry on the seat next to her.

Her mind raced as she stared out of the carriage window, examining the architecture of House Bosanda's land. Everything was so foreign here, and she would stick out like a sore thumb as soon as she stepped foot out of the carriage. "Damien, I hope you're at least watching over me. Grant me your strength... your wisdom." She thought, sending out a silent prayer to her deceased brother. If things had gone as planned, Damien would be living another life, unaware of who Ariella was... but she still thought of him as if he were still there to guide her, despite how much it went against her families belief system.

"Miss Laventis, we have arrived."

Ariella's stomach twisted in knots as she heard the coachman call from up front. She took a deep breath as she waited for the coachman to open the carriage door. "Proper... Courtly." She thought to herself just as the door slid open, letting in a stream of sunlight. Squinting against the sunlight, Ariella took the coachman's hand and stepped out of the carriage. Looking forward, she was at the front of the main castle and what looked to be the Bosanda family waiting in greeting.

"Lady Ariella Laventis, House Phoenix of Crescent Bay." The coachman announced her presence, bowing deeply to her and the Bosanda family.

Forcing a tight smile, she met eyes with whom she assumed to be Lord Cheick. "Pleased to be here." She lied, bowing her head to the family in respect.
Ari is going to melt in the Savannah xD
Registration of Current Nobles

The Name of the Noble:
Ariella Laventis

The House of which said noble belongs: The Phoenix

Current Age of said Noble: 22

House History: Five generations ago House Laventis rose quickly to infamy as word got around about their very "odd" ritualistic nature. They have always believed in "The Gods", most of which they do not say the name of without good reason. As a family of practicing mages, they periodically perform magic rituals for their Gods, which always involves bloodshed. Often times those performing in the rituals will decorate themselves in blood, smearing it in intricate designs around their body. At times the rituals can lead people to the edge of death, or they end up actually killing someone. Whether it is on purpose or not, it does not matter for they do not fear death, as their house symbol is the phoenix and they believe that if killed, they will rise from the ashes again. If not in this life, they will rise in another. Fear is what originally lead the Laventis family to power, though these days the people they rule over are fiercely loyal and continue the practice all over the city. The Laventis family is strongly magic focused and most have been gifted with an affinity for one type of magic or another, while the rest they will work on for the rest of their life to perfect. All Laventis kin are believed to have the fire of the phoenix burning within them, which is why they stay in the cold mountainous region of Cresent Bay. The frost cannot touch them - or so they say.

Lands and Ownership: Crescent Bay - the most northern coast of Handon. It is a cold, unforgiving land surrounded by a barrier of mountains. House Laventis rules over a majority of the northern coastal areas, though because of the harsh nature, most people only live within the city itself instead of the outskirts. Cresent Bay is a popular spot for hardy fisherman who often come to go crabbing for the large, high demand type of crab which you can get a hefty price for transporting to other parts of Handon.

Autobiographical Knowledge: Ariella was born the second child in a large family of eight children (and counting, if the Gods allow it). Her eldest brother, Damien, had been the "golden child". Not only was he the family favorite, he had also won the hearts of all the village people in their lands. Damien always knew what to do, what to say, and excelled in nearly every aspect of his life. He was Ariella's role model and wherever he was found, she would be trailing right behind. She was interested in everything that he was learning to do, though she wasn't as quick of a learner as he was. Ariella had always been a rambunctious child. Full of energy, curious, and had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. In short, it took her much more effort to master her skills. Nonetheless, Damien was always there to help her in whatever she needed.

When Damien turned 16, their family was gearing up to marry him to a noble born girl about the same age as him. Damien, though hesitant, was ever dutiful and went along with everything their father instructed. A month before the wedding was to happen, Damien was found dead. His body had washed up on shore, beaten and bloated. The Laventis family was devastated. Not long after a suspicious suicide note had been found after searching his room. It stated that he was to throw himself off of the highest bridge into the ocean. Ariella swore that it was not her brothers handwriting on the note, despite the coroner ruling that it was in fact a suicide. Her family believed foul play was involved, though most of the village suspected it was all the pressure on him that caused it.

Though her family felt at a loss of what to do, their father was their rock and snapped them back into the powerful family they were. Ariella soon became the new prodigy, being focused on day and night to perfect her skills. In honor of her brother, Ariella worked as hard as possible to try to become the best of the best. She no longer took part in her usual antics and started to develop a colder personality. Damien's death had completely reshaped her. One thing that hadn't changed, however, was Ariella's interest in the female gender. She had always been attracted to women and was open about it. Her family didn't mind, though her father would always ask when her "phase" would be over and she would be ready to settle down for a marriage with a noble man. The idea made Ariella's stomach tie in knots, but she knew this day would eventually have to come. She had to honor her family. If not for them, for her brother. She could be a dutiful, loyal wife to a man.... right?

@POOHEAD189 Thank you! :D I'm looking forward to all the interesting characters we have.
Finally had a chance to finish it! Hopefully it's alright. Haha :]
Registration of Current Nobles

The Name of the Noble:
Ariella Laventis

The House of which said noble belongs: The Phoenix

Current Age of said Noble: 22

House History: Five generations ago House Laventis rose quickly to infamy as word got around about their very "odd" ritualistic nature. They have always believed in "The Gods", most of which they do not say the name of without good reason. As a family of practicing mages, they periodically perform magic rituals for their Gods, which always involves bloodshed. Often times those performing in the rituals will decorate themselves in blood, smearing it in intricate designs around their body. At times the rituals can lead people to the edge of death, or they end up actually killing someone. Whether it is on purpose or not, it does not matter for they do not fear death, as their house symbol is the phoenix and they believe that if killed, they will rise from the ashes again. If not in this life, they will rise in another. Fear is what originally lead the Laventis family to power, though these days the people they rule over are fiercely loyal and continue the practice all over the city. The Laventis family is strongly magic focused and most have been gifted with an affinity for one type of magic or another, while the rest they will work on for the rest of their life to perfect. All Laventis kin are believed to have the fire of the phoenix burning within them, which is why they stay in the cold mountainous region of Cresent Bay. The frost cannot touch them - or so they say.

Lands and Ownership: Crescent Bay - the most northern coast of Handon. It is a cold, unforgiving land surrounded by a barrier of mountains. House Laventis rules over a majority of the northern coastal areas, though because of the harsh nature, most people only live within the city itself instead of the outskirts. Cresent Bay is a popular spot for hardy fisherman who often come to go crabbing for the large, high demand type of crab which you can get a hefty price for transporting to other parts of Handon.

Autobiographical Knowledge: Ariella was born the second child in a large family of eight children (and counting, if the Gods allow it). Her eldest brother, Damien, had been the "golden child". Not only was he the family favorite, he had also won the hearts of all the village people in their lands. Damien always knew what to do, what to say, and excelled in nearly every aspect of his life. He was Ariella's role model and wherever he was found, she would be trailing right behind. She was interested in everything that he was learning to do, though she wasn't as quick of a learner as he was. Ariella had always been a rambunctious child. Full of energy, curious, and had a hard time focusing on one thing at a time. In short, it took her much more effort to master her skills. Nonetheless, Damien was always there to help her in whatever she needed.

When Damien turned 16, their family was gearing up to marry him to a noble born girl about the same age as him. Damien, though hesitant, was ever dutiful and went along with everything their father instructed. A month before the wedding was to happen, Damien was found dead. His body had washed up on shore, beaten and bloated. The Laventis family was devastated. Not long after a suspicious suicide note had been found after searching his room. It stated that he was to throw himself off of the highest bridge into the ocean. Ariella swore that it was not her brothers handwriting on the note, despite the coroner ruling that it was in fact a suicide. Her family believed foul play was involved, though most of the village suspected it was all the pressure on him that caused it.

Though her family felt at a loss of what to do, their father was their rock and snapped them back into the powerful family they were. Ariella soon became the new prodigy, being focused on day and night to perfect her skills. In honor of her brother, Ariella worked as hard as possible to try to become the best of the best. She no longer took part in her usual antics and started to develop a colder personality. Damien's death had completely reshaped her. One thing that hadn't changed, however, was Ariella's interest in the female gender. She had always been attracted to women and was open about it. Her family didn't mind, though her father would always ask when her "phase" would be over and she would be ready to settle down for a marriage with a noble man. The idea made Ariella's stomach tie in knots, but she knew this day would eventually have to come. She had to honor her family. If not for them, for her brother. She could be a dutiful, loyal wife to a man.... right?


I swear I'll post a character up today. Work is bust ugh haha I have about half of it written up so far so I should have it up after work in about 5ish hours
I'll be making a lady as well.
Hey all! Just stating now that I should be able to submit a character sheet after work today. Looking forward to this! :]
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