Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

But it didn’t change him in any way?

Soldier Boy: I don't know... did it Grey?

*I turn inquisitively towards him*

Commander Greyson: Did it change me... hmmm... well as you put it, the only thing i felt when i tried lifting that enigma up, was a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart, and then i had a sort of vision, if you will, of how valuable all life is, and how important it is that i am sacrificing myself to defend the good guys...

*A tear falls down his cheek*

Commander Greyson: Boy such fulfilment, i think this is a gift from God... yes call me religious now... but i have no other explanation for the experience, other than that, i'm still myself...

Soldier Boy: Yeah he did cry then too... which was so fucking weird... We are still researching it, and thus far we can only say it has some trans-dimensional nature of sorts if it makes any sense... I did manage to chip a bit off it, which weirdly enough regenerated instantly, which the military could use to enhance the teleportation tech...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I think you’d be surprised, sir. I would not worry about us; we’re outsiders to you anyway.

Commander Greyson: He was an outsider too..

*He Chuckles as he rubs my head uncomfortably*

Soldier Boy: Boy do i hate when you do that... ahem... sir!

*I grunt evidently annoyed but in a funny way, and faking a salute to avoid penalties*

Soldier Boy: And if it comes to it, i can always use my cube...

*I tap the crimson-red glowing cube on my belt*

Commander Greyson: Ah... yes... you and your weird reality glitching device tech, mad crystal, that we still couldn't uncover what it is...

*He reels very slightly suggesting how odded out he is at the sigh*

*After that i turn to you two with a nod of confirmation*

Soldier Boy: Yes he too can see it, in fact most of the military knows about me, as it was them that i asked for help first in helping me solve this nutcase mystery of mine... Let's just say he experienced the 'not being able to lift it, but it feels like a loving piece of quarts' mind altering experience when i wanted him to pick it up, unlike you phasing through it...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Cuts my eyes over to Misty*
She’s my shield. I’m a pacifist myself, so I don’t need any weapons.

Commander Greyson: Uhuh...

*He looks intently at Misty*

Soldier Boy: Yup my thoughts exactly Grey...

*I chuckle sardonically*

Commander Greyson: Well at least we do have some extra armour and anti-psionic tech available in the ship should you chose to add extra defence, even to you young lady... Pacifism is all good but at least wear some shielding gear... is she like omnipresent? are you sure she can defend you from multiple points of attack all at once if you find yourself, God forbid, in the middle of a horde of mutants?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I'm a journalist today. Here to record the events of the war, and, to be transparent, to tell Misty here when would be a good time to stop.

Commander Greyson: Aaah... a journalist, we definitely need brave souls such as yourself, the more people know what's going on under the sheets, sort of speaking, the better and more aware they can be as to how much they need to learn to defend themselves and participate in the military.

*He smirks pleased*

Commander Greyson: But can you defend yourself, do you need any armour? what skills do you have, can you handle a weapon? Journalism is all fine and all but even journalists... and ESPECIALLY battlefield journalists have a habit of being targeted first by these criminal scum...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*A knife whizzes past your head at the word "psychopath"*

*Commander Greyson seems unfazed at the action, but is definitely staring daggers at you, but nods his head in approval, clearly not as shocked as Benjamin was before*

Commander Greyson: Lady... You have issues, but i think you have the skills of an assassin... just know that these pirates are not only physically agressive but have a twisted way of torturing their victims mentally and emotionally with some sort of psionic tech they concocted...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Volunteers in a sense of the word.

Commander Greyson: Yup you can tell me a bit more... before i take the two of you under my wing and potentially risk some civilian casualties, gimme something... like daggers girl, she clearly has no problems killing and seems to have pinpoint accuracy, you? You can do... what exactly?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Glances over and tilts my head*

*Chuckles awkwardly*

I have no idea why that's cute to me but hell...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

<Snipped quote by Etcetera>

I'm sure. It was a process.
*Looks over*
I think she's really just interested in violence right now.

Ah... so that's what that means... Damn! I think she might even find a job in the military... Terran Dominion, like to parade how unified and supreme they are, but oooh no! There's so much trouble going on in the solar system and the rest of the charted galaxy.... She certainly will have an outlet for her anger there, and a mighty good paid job too...

*the vehicle is landing and is the size of a bus lands near an open pad out of which a couple of soldiers come out and a heavily armed, what looks like, half machine man*

Commander Greyson:
Commander Greyson at your disposal, Hey chief!

*Comes in for a hug revealing that he's more than just my boss, but a dear friend*

Soldier Boy: Heeeey you bear!! Com'ere!

*we macho hug*

Commander Greyson: *Scans the two of you, looks you over intrigued* Are these the volunteers? Do you know their skills? You know that the Limilith Cartel is a fucking psychopath gang and are VERY dangerous... you know of... *Avoids talking about a tragedy that happened* Never mind...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

From what it sounds like, the cube has made you the best version of yourself.

Probably... you might be right... But tell you what, learning to manage an espionage company sure didn't feel easy at first.

I'm expanding my skills, i'm definitely a new man...

What about Misty? does she have any questions, i think the commander is nearly here, yup...
*I point at the sky as a landing vehicle is seen in the distance approaching and getting ready to land*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I see. The same, but now different. The cube has introduced something foreign, new, and exciting?

Nah, the cube ain't changed nothin'.

*I reply, my gaze shifting away from the Tesseract.*

Just sharpened what was already there. Always been a survivor, a fighter. But this world... it's taught me some new tricks.

*takes another swig of beer, my eyes scanning the plaza before returning to you.*

It's funny,

*I continue, a wry smile tugging at the corner of my mouth,*

I used to be all about anger, vengeance. But now... it's different. Calmer, somehow. More focused.

*I pause, my eyes momentarily glazing over as if lost in thought.*

Maybe this world ain't so bad after all,

*I murmur, more to myself than to anyone in particular.*

Maybe there's somethin' here for me. Somethin' worth fightin' for.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What brings you to the military? What does your history look like?

Long story, pal.

*I grunt, taking a swig of a bottle Martian beer.*

Long and messy. Let's just say I've been a soldier most of my life. It's what I know, what I'm good at.

*I pause, a flicker of something else in my eyes, a hint of the light that now resides within me*

But I'm learning new things. Slowly. This world... it's different. But a soldier's gotta adapt, right?

*I lean back, my gaze sweeping across the plaza, taking in the unfamiliar sights and sounds.*

Needed a job, a way to make my mark. Figured the military was a good place to start. Turns out, they ain't so different from the ones back home. Just fancier toys.

*I chuckle, a dry, humorless sound.*

But the fight's the same, no matter where you are.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’d be open to talking with them. They may not be interested in a person like me, but it could be a good opportunity for us both.
*Looks over to Misty, cheerfully bouncing along*
She has a... troubled past. It’s led to a number of problems for her, none of which are her fault.

*Looks compassionately at Misty then turn to Prism again* Hey welcome to the club... messed up childhood, messed up adulthood, messed up life and now... *Looking around the plaza and at the evening blue-yellow sky of Mars* Messed up situation - completely uprooted from what i even thought was real... i think i may have a coin of understanding there *I chuckle awkwardly*

As to your last statement, if you prove your skills in observation in this mission, you'd have no idea just how supportive the Martian military are and how appreciative they get for skilful people...

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