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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The two re-merged into one a few pages back.

lol.... i completely didn't even saw that cause of life... well just pretend it happened where Soldier Boy didn't saw it then 😅😛
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I recognize that, but... what's the alternative?

*Commander Greyson rubs his temple*

Commander Greyson: Explain yourselves... means to explain... fuck you know what?... *He sighs wearily* Okay, you want to join, you might as well, it's not like we can leave you here where there barely is even an atmosphere, but you will be under intense scruitny, i see you pull ONE wrong move and i'll shoot these two without hesitation MYSELF... then Benjamin will have to face some disciplinary actions for chosing to invite suspicious people on a secure mission like this... not that i'm not thinking on putting him in the brig for the next 4 months!

Soldier Boy: *I just gulp at that last statement*

January MacClay: So what are we doing commander?

Commander Greyson: Just show them to the equipment locker like you did these other two... we'll deal with this after the mission... *He sighs wearily*

January MacClay: Aaalright... right down this way new mysterious people...
*She directs you but she intently scans you for any suspicious body language*
@Memory Another question, i just remembered our early confusion... is Soldier Boy now looking at both @Spiritblitz and your double, because you mentioned prism has the ability to clone or split himself... so aren't there technically speaking 3 people (Including your double)
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I think for now, we're safe. But you have new participants, sir.

Commander Greyson: Sure thing, let me just get my notebook where i write how people manifesting out of the void are going to be accepted into a HIGHLY dangerous mission against maniacs... Yeah in your dreams! Explain yourselves

*He evidently did not trust the new arrivals in fact his demeanour gives more suspicious defensiveness than anybody*

Soldier Boy: I gotta say Prism... like this doesn't sound good, nor does it look good. Think if you were a highly medalled and ranking officer of a pretty big deal of military branch in any country but especially one as big as The Terran Dominion, that granted, they do have teleporting tech, but don't suddenly expect new people to just pop in out of the blue and especially in enemy territory where this was supposed to be a stealthy mission... I vouched for Misty and you, because we met just a few hours before my mission began, but these two new people, i have no idea where they came from, no way of evaluating their trustworthiness...

I may be impressed, but with such a big gap in our understanding, these two new people look like potential enemies...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

In an indirect sense, you could say the cube is at fault here.

*I look at you gobsmacked and almost cross-eyed due to confusion and concern, then i grab the cube and start intently gazing into it*

I KNEW you had more shit up your sleeve... are you pulling other people from their times and worlds like you did me?

*It truly is a comic display what i'm doing, because obviously the thing is not even acting as if i exist or anything... it may be an enigma but it's still a cube of quartz-like material... what in the 9 heavens is an object going to say, not that the commander isn't approaching me with equal curiosity*

Commander Greyson: So... tell me more...

*i turn to him with an awkward chuckle* Ih... eh... you and me both sir, this thing is just as much as an enigma to me as it is to anybody else... but i wouldn't be surprised if it suddenly started pulling more people from other realities and timezones if it did me...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I'm no scholar, but I'm broadly as familiar as I need to be for where I'm going. I don't know anything about your customs, but the idea of space travel isn't new for me. But as a traveler, I often visit worlds you might consider primitive.
*Motions over to the sudden guests*
Such as these two folks, who happened to teleport here.

What do you mean? Who did? ... *turns to see @Spiritblitz and @Asce in the ship* What in the goddamn!?!?!

Captain Greyson: Hey where did you suddenly popped in from? *He frantically gestures then points a judgemental finger towards me* Did you pull one of your magic tricks on me just now Benjamin?!

*I frantically nod as in no sir! then i look at the tesseract and start tapping it annoyed* Are you pulling one up on me magic cube thingy?!?


*Motions over to the sudden guests* -> New players? Or are you referring to some of my characters? heh i'm a bit confused....
@Memory For anyone interested, The Tesseract, though this may come as a spoiler, is visible to anyone from Myriad Reality. This will be revealed later, but due to all the characters ability to travel between reality, everyone essentially have taped into a similar multi-dimensional energy that it is made out of. That said, @Etcetera Misty can also see it, even if Soldier Boy didn't present it to you.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Impressive technology...

*I approach you contemplatively*

Nope... as crazy as it sounds even to me, these are fairly basic equipment, sure it may...

*The i realize*

How familiar are you with the concept of technology? When i first asked you, you said you are familiar with boats, horses and sails and such... it seem like you come from the middle ages or somethin'

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Looks between each person, and then to the suits*

*January MacClay approaches you encouragingly*

January MacClay: Go for it, which one do you fancy? They are all basically the same in abilities, but what's fancy about it is...

*She presses a small button on a wrist pad and the whole armour changes and becomes more flexible and adopts a purplish hue, then she shifts a circle on the pad and it adds incandescent red hues, then she presses another button, returns to the original shape and this time it is all entirely pitch black*

January MacClay: You can basically customize how you want it to look and which defence settings to be more prominent over others...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That sounds like a plan to me, sir.

January MacClay: Alright you flower buds! Hear me out! We will be intercepting some rather moronic evil and soulless pirates when we get transported to our respective locations...

*She gestures as she opens the doors to nanite enhanced armours*

January MacClay: This here is a suit of armour that can generate a kinetic and energetic shield, plus is Nanite enhanced so it will fit any body type seamlessly! You'd better pick this up if you want to avoid any flesh wounds and also any mental punches, yeah, it will protect you from psionic blasts too...

Soldier Boy: Gosh, do i love her style...
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