Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Swings my direction to head toward the unit*
Where do you want me to take it??

*I speak through the helmet communicator already since we are a bit further apart from each other now*

See that giant tank looking thing over that rocky mound of dirt and gravel? Yeah, you wanna get it there, and you might wanna plug in the suit shield to the Scorpio-Phenix's cause y'know!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I-er-yeah! I can drive! I have family who would kill me if I couldn't.
*Looks at the vehicle*
Is it automatic transmission, at least?

Dude! You'll figure it out! Yeah... and AI-powered co-pilot and instructor... eh... i keep forgetting your not from here... Even a kid could drive it! We just won't sell it to the public domain, for obvious reasons!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You think you have a way to get rid of him??

*Continues running towards the Maelstrom Plasma tank*

No... but i can always try! This thing has never disappointed me thus far, and by pushing the boundaries i found out i could control new and finer abilities!

*I kiss the cube, The others have collected as much weapons as they could from both fallen soldiers, and fallen pirates and new soldiers have joined me recognizing my crazy idea and knowing my capabilities*

Hey mind picking up that Scorpio-Phenix! You can drive right? That baby has some nice atomizing cannons and miniguns on it, that hopefuly we can create a true Hell storm on that thing!

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

She'll find her way out, trust me! Don't worry about her and just focus on staying alive!
*Stumbles at the shockwave of you punching the rock, but regains my balance and keeps running*

THERE! go there!

*I pivot and turn towards a massive tank like vehicle*

Hey chaps! Minus you Prism, Give all your guns that can kill, and get ready to stick em on the surface of that thing!

*Then i call on the comms*

Load the Maelstrom up! LOAD THE MAELSTROM UP!

*then i turn towards yall*

I'm gonna do a thing, so we might be able to get rid of it!

*I say that as you see me pull the Tesseract up and grin*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Takes off running*
What? What is that!?

FUCK! The commander! *i look exasperately in all directions as i run then i snap my sight in your general location*

From what little i know, it's kinda like the 'lion' of that planet's jungle... except it is a thing that is straight out of greek myth and hell... Some type of thing that shares in the body of the hydra... with one exception... it is worm-like, and it can grow protrusions that become new heads... kinda like a fractal! WATCH OUT!

*I come behind you and repel a massive rock with a blast of raw power from my hands*

Other than that, it is the main reason we never set camp on that planet... also because it orbits a white dwarf star is what they call it... and they theorise that somehow the radiation and other energetical elements from that dead star, mutated and made the thing to become such a monster. Where's you Misty? I know you told me it is best that we leave her, but unless she skipped reality somehow, that thing is tall enough to even reach that floating base.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Ah, we can make that work too (sorry, my OOC responses are slower than my IC ones). There are a few peeps outside combat right now in @Shadrack Nor’s event, or we can find something entirely unrelated if you'd rather do that. Any preferences?

Posting from an alt

Also sorry for replying too late, i've been a bit ill... uuuh... i mean i want to say that my event is actually an entire universe/multiverse in development? So technically speaking there's The Terran Dominion, which has already cobwebbed the Orion arm of the milky way galaxy, and i'm still working on several other ideas and concepts, so though technically won't be with my lead character Soldier Boy, you could still be on Mars, or Terra Firma, or the broken moon ring (Yeah a ring station type thing bult around the earth, that is kinda like linking pieces of the moon together) But until i'm developing more stuff due to excessive creativity syndrome you can be on either of these places, no need to be right in the middle of battle...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Immediately activates the shield, the double barrier clinking against incoming bullets*
Will do!
*Frantically swaps between scribbling in the notebook and healing team members*

*Suddenly the ground begins to tremor brutally from off south in the easte fields away from the fortress, and a massive cloud of dust and rock burst out of the ground*

Uuuuh.... what the heck?

*Out comes the Pryschillian abomination, a thing of nightmare, an ever shifting multi bodied and remorphing thing from another world, it is COLOSSAL, easily the size of a mountain*

*I gulp so audibly that it is transited through the helmet communicators to all*


*I head immediately towards you as you see me almost willing to grab you up and carry you away*

They got themselves a thing! I've only heart stories about it, but it is a local life-form from planet Pryschillah about 1000 light years away from Sol... i don't know how in all hells they managed to transport it here!!

*BBBBRRRROOOUUUUUUUMMAMAAAAAAARRRRR - It roared boomingly and screechingly, and despite the very thin artificial atmosphere here on Phobos, its screech could be already heard bending the metal on the colossal mechas and tanks *
<Snipped quote by Phase>

We could probably tie you into the current event with @Shadrack Nor and @Memory. What say you @Shadrack Nor?

Oh hi! Sorry for missing this for so long! Uuuh, yeah, sure why not 😁
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I’ll... keep the offer in mind.
*Shifts my weight to adjust to the healing gun*
I hope it’s not an ambush like before.

Theme of battlefield (optional) --> THE MISERY: PART II - DAMNATION (Instrumental)

*We go through the threshold of the teleporter and in a flash of blinding light and sneses warping effects we find ourself in the middle of the battlefield on Phobos.
The place is a cacophony of gunfire, explosions, and the screams of dying men and mutants all silenced by the near lack of atmosphere on the asteroid-moon. The landscape is scarred by trenches and craters.
You, Me, January MacClay, Leon Crrville, and Aria 9S6 have just materialized in a blinding flash of light, right in the heart of the chaos.*

*I shout over the din*
Well damn! Looks like we jumped right into the hornet's nest!

*I raise a shield of light and energy, a shimmering barrier of energy crackling with cosmic power. I push forward, a beacon of defiance amidst the chaos. I turn to you with a stern face and point for you to activate your shield immediately*

Stay close, kid! This ain't no picnic!

*January MacClay, her eyes blazing with fury, charges into the fray, her plasma rifle spitting bolts of searing energy. Leon Crrville follows close behind, his cybernetic limbs whirring as he unloads a barrage of bullets from his minigun.
Aria 9S6 moves with silent precision, her twin blades flashing as she dispatches enemy soldiers with deadly efficiency.*

*I wade into the thick of the battle, my shield deflecting blaster fire and shrapnel. Then I slam my fist into the ground, sending a shockwave of energy that knocks back a dozen pirates, brutes and giant mutants. Shortly after i roar with laughter*

Is that all you got, you slugs?

*I try to spot you as i assume you might be struggling to keep up, and i leap to your side side, shielding you from a hail of blaster fire that is incoming your way.*

FUCK! Don't worry, kid. I got your back. Just focus on doing your thing and keepin' us patched up whenever you can!

*The battle rages on, a whirlwind of violence and chaos. But amidst the carnage, a glimmer of hope emerges. Soldier Boy and his team, united in their defiance, begin to turn the tide.*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Alright... let’s head out before I get cold feet.

*My eyes soften for a moment, a flicker of the old me shining through the radiant can do me of today. I place a reassuring hand on your shoulder, my voice a gentle rumble.*

Easy there, kid. No need for cold feet. We ain't jumpin' into the fire unprepared.

*I give you a reassuring wink* Besides, ain't nothin' in this universe that can pierce that shield I just cooked up for ya. You're practically invincible now, kiddo. Time to show those pirates what we're made of agreed?

*I turn towards the teleportation chamber, my voice booming with newfound confidence.* Alright, team! Let's get this show on the road. Threshold Bay, on the double! We got a fortress to blot outta the map, and a whole lotta ass to kick!

*With a mischievous grin, I add* And hey, Prism, if you see anythin' shiny down there, feel free to pocket it. Just consider it a bonus for a job well done.
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