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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Rushes over and unloads the healing gun, heaving it to you with all my might*

*I don't even wait one moment before i rupture the core straight out of the gun and slam it against the tesseract and incant:* By thy power, absorb, reshape, upgrade, empower! Bring life where death would rule!! *after a few moments I see that nothing happens and just lift the core and slam it against the tesseract shouting:* COMMMOOOOOONNNN!

Theme of The Tesseract's Awakening -> Of Life: Awakening (Instrumental)

*With that a silent burst of blinding light explodes outward, then a shockwave of implosion so massive collapses the light inward, and another bright shockwave explodes so far that it reaches space. It doesn't do any damage, instead it quickly follows up with me seemingly absorbing all that energy and light into my being, and i suddenly get entranced by a powerful vision, an entity... something familiar yet distant booms out to me, and strangely the voice can be heard by everyone else as well as if it's coming from the Tesseract*

*The booming yet comforting voice shouts: I am the threshold! The one who judges the balance! The one who guards order! I am Alioth - The One Who is Bright! -- I am with you, this is not the end, in fact merely the beginning, reach out, and call them all back from death, heal them all and cast thy vengeance forth, and my power will create the wrathful vengeance! The army you need to finish the job!

*I get up from my knees still seemingly in trance and reach my hand forward towards the fortress as it is blazing with light and on the sides all the dead soldiers of the Terran Dominion and injured seem to get back up as they are healed and refreshed to perfection, including Commander Greyson*

*Then what look like amorphous shadows begin forming everywhere as they take more and more a solid shape, horrid abominations of shadow and fury, beings that would strike the fear of hell in any who look upon them*

*A minute later, what looks like blooms of grass and flowers begin growing in the asteroid-moon's surface almost paradoxically as the monsters now fully formed fill the surroundings massacring all the remaining pirates, and tearing down the fortress with explosions that almost feel abstract*

*With that my form is fully transfigured by the symbiosis*

*A cacophonous and echoing cosmic voice comes out of me as i declare:* I BRING LIFE! DEATH IS NO MORE! LET THE BARREN SPRING FORTH GARDENS!!

*As i say that, the entire moon of phobos slowly but surely turns into a jungle of a multitude of beautiful and bioluminescent flora and pacifist fauna*

*The corpses from the pirates and their destroyed vehicles, now joined by the dying monsters summoned as they fulfilled their purpose, start filling the region with growths of red glowing quartz like crystal, this is indeed Tesseract crystal and it immediately blasts into space a wave of energy, that completely encapsulates the moon in a bubble of energy seemingly created to keep the artificially induced atmosphere from escaping a near gravity-less rock*

*Then at the end i just collapse, closing my eyes and passing out*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I... I think you won. They should really call this the Battle of Overkill.

Pfff... stop it you!!... *Fake a cringy reaction with dishonest shines - but then i compose myself and salute you*

*Just behind us, what looks like behind a rock, we hear a coughing gurgle of blood and what is also heard like blades or spikes impaling flesh*

Commander Greyson: *Gurgles blood* FUCK YOU TO HELL! *He says as he unleashes a last barrage of bullets into the giant mutant that grew obsidian spikes from his hands and just impaled him and continued to slowly grow more spikes as they keep exiting the commander's body from multiple directions*

Mutant: You first puny human! *It growls as it too begins collapsing due to the hole in it's abdomen*

*As soon as i see this i rushes to the place and drop to my knees to hold my near-brother of a friend* NNNOOO GREY! Stay with me... st... stay with me man!!!..

Commander Greyson *gugles as he begins to choke with his own blood* It... cough... gurgle... it's alright, y... you did great... we d... ddrtt.... gurgle... did our bes... sss...stttthhh..."

*He exhales his last as a small fountain of blood comes out of his mouth for a short second*

*I boy release a roar of outcry to the sky, then i shout for you, Prism *

Hey Prism! Pass me that tool already, we doin' that experiment NOW!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

This is a first for you, then?

A first for the level of intensity, but my nuclear blasts were enhanced before in smaller quantities... whoooo! Look at that blast! and is that a lake of lava surrounding the place... oh look at all of em currying now! *I point at the distant army of pirates trying to retreat in their fortress*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That’s not something you see every day.
*Puts the finishing touches on the record*
A real, honest-to-goodness superweapon.

Well, no duh! I'm pretty sure that this thing is responsible for pulling me from my time and world, so yeah, but this level of power impressed even me to be honest!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Quickly grabs my pen and starts jotting down notes of the overwhelming display of power*

*A pin is heard dropping after that, and a what is also heard like a can... yup the rest of the group are left aghast at the sight -- I just calm down after the event, grab back the Tesseract and store it proudly*

Well... that went a WHOLE lot better than i could have expected... damn... it's almost like the cube KNEW the amount of power needed for this event... HAHAH!! WHOOOOOH!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Let’s make sure we get out of this alive, first. I’m not completely convinced we will yet.

TRUE *I cough falsely to hide what i just said realizing the morale bomb i spewed just now*

Now Back off, people! *I bellow, my voice echoing across the battlefield like a thunderclap.* This ain't no ordinary scrap. Time to unleash the fury!

*I raise my right hand, the Tesseract of Abstract Chaos levitating beside me, pulsating with a strong crimson glow. Tendrils of fiery energy snake from my fingertips, intertwining with the Tesseract's power. My eyes ignite with a nuclear fire, a terrifying inferno that reflects the cosmic chaos surging within me.*

Theme of attack (Optional and same as battlefield theme) -> THE MISERY: PART II - DAMNATION (Instrumental)

*Behind me, a spectacle unfolds that defies description. A kaleidoscope of shimmering sigils erupts into existence, each one a complex tapestry of golden light and infernal flames. They writhe and twist, their divine radiance so intense it's almost unbearable to behold. The light is so bright it almost seems like the environment around me darkens and it is nearly hundred times brighter than the sun*

*The Maelstrom tank, a behemoth of Terran Dominion engineering, begins to tremble. Its metallic hull glows with an otherworldly energy as the smaller weapons and vehicles around it levitate, drawn into its orbit like moths to a flame. The air crackles with anticipation as the battlefield itself seems to hold its breath.*

Witness the power of a god you foul excuse of a monster! *I roar, my voice a symphony of might and authority as i glare daggers at the abomination before us.* This fortress, this moon, this entire excuse of a band of criminals will rue the day they were born

*I push my hands forward with the tesseract now hovering above my head, as an invisible wave of energy is injected into the maelstrom of weapons before me, and a cacophony of thunder claps and booms is heard as blinding colossal beams of blazing fire and seemingly refracted bullets and rockets that look almost to scale up in size as they reach further and further away distances and start slamming mercilessly into the mountain of the beast that is the Pryschillan abomination, rupturing tentacles heads, preventing new growths and burning it in such colossal flames that one would be excused to think this is a super volcano eruption*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Swings the vehicle over, spinning in a circle once and stopping at the targeted destination*
That’s for sure...

*I stare at your show of driving*

Hey you really enjoy driving that thing! HAH! If we survive this, i'm sure i can talk to the commander to give it to you... or... we can say it was destroyed in battle... its not like tracking battlefield vehicles is the kind of paperwork the army is willing to do especially after such a mess of a warfront we got here...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

So much for watching and reporting...

*I couldn't help but overhear the comment through the comms*

Hey, battlefield reportin' am i right? it's a doozy sometimes

*I chuckle dryly as i see you approach*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Mulls to myself*
This is so cool...
*Engages the controls, stretching my fingers one at a time against the dual control-sticks, and pushes forward in the direction of the rock*

*As you start to drive, a particularly large mutant is seen in the distance fighting with a soldier, and another is shooting an anti-vehicle torpedo... which... just simmers and farts when touches the shield, turning into ash leaving it wideyed and confused and questioning life choises*

*I am already at the tank and am communicating with the soldiers inside*

Soldier 1: ...Yes Soldier boy, we get you, but that creature has only been ever dealt with before by orbital bombardment, are you sure you can rival that level of power?

Soldier 2: *Chuckles in the background* do you know who you're talking with pal? This guy IS a living nuke and then some!

Soldier boy: Your colleague knows his stuff *I quip proudly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Scrambles my way into the machine and frantically acquaints myself with the main controls*
Oh, right!
*Plugs the shield into the receptacle*

*Ai turns on, scans your Terran Dominion suit, then your reporter tag, And as soon as you plug the shield in, a bit of white noise and an error is displayed, then it cheerfully welcomes you*

Welcome soldier! Should you need help i'm here, on another hand i can half pilot the Scorpio-Phoenix so you can focus more on the offense!

*Outside you hear the double bubble of shield that was just your suits before, now it echoes electronically outside as it activates and envelops the vehicle, which you can see through the windows*

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