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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Raises an eyebrow at the in-depth explanation*
Well... we could always try to just revert the recording, but if you think it's too big an issue overall, then we'll just belay that.

Soldier Boy: ... uuuhhuh... as i said, if your undo button works both ways just to take a peek and come back then i'm all for it, but if you can only do it once and done, i have my reservations, and besides this is new to you to right? so what are we doing? do we flip a coin or something? What's Misty's opinion here? i mean i know she just stabs and kill, but c'mon...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Too big a risk, then?

Commander Greyson: Look at it this way, you flex your new mojo on an entire universe, that's trillions upon trillions of galaxies, to a point in time before we even had the incident that gave you your power, and we are right smack in the middle of a battle, how is that going to impact our perception of reality, nevermind the possible paradoxes that could ensue, if that is how this power of yours works like, but then again if it is rooted in a higher dimension than that of time probably we would become like anomalies out of time... Yeah, i'm a nerd in my free time don't look at me like that...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

It's your world. I can't make that decision for you. At least, not in good conscience.

Well it's not my world literally i don't speak for trillions of lives... and am i going to be the only one talking here Grey?

Commander Greyson: What do you want me to tell you? that absolutely no? i would be curious though i sure as hell rather deal with this mess, than going through that battle again...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

My answer to all of those questions is "I have no idea." But it could be either a silver bullet or a disaster.

And are you SURE you want to do this to an entire universe? Or does this undo button work both ways just in case?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

He gave me some kind of rewind ability. I may be able to go back before this war started and give us another chance to change what we did.

*Both the Mark and Greyson stare at you like a cat at a stranger's door*

... As if we haven't been going through enough crazy already ... Are we sure here that this plan is going to solve this issue? And what other consequences such an action, if it is even real, is going to trigger?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Well... I do think there’s one alternative. He seemed to give me some sort of “undo button” during my visit.

huh... now i'm curious... what is this undo button?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That... does sound like pretty serious chaos.

Soldier Boy: However venial this may sound; this sounds like my kinda party! But seriously, kid, don't sweat it. You seriously look like a God, no joke, so I may be relying on your help here!

*I clap a reassuring hand on your shoulder.*

Listen, the people need hope, not fear. They need to know we're out there, doing our damn best to protect them. That's where you come in, Prism. You seem to have been upgraded and have some new skills; And the courage, and the shiny new clothes to make a difference.

*I wink, then turn to Commander Greyson.*

So, Grey, what's the plan? We ready to take on some religious fanatics and show 'em the error of their ways?

Commander Greyson: *Nods slowly, his gaze steady.* You are, as usual, making this sound too damn simple for our situation Ben. But we do have a few options on the table. However most of this has to deal with how the social media agents spread information, if you have any ideas i'm all ears...

*He turns to the soldier.*

Mark, prepare a briefing for Prism. We'll discuss potential missions and let him choose the path he feels best suited for. And do consider Misty here... we could use his friends to say the least...

*Mark snaps to attention, salutes, and departs for the desk to begin planning.*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Glances nervously at the commander*

Commander Greyson: *clears his throat, a nervous tic twitching in his eye.* Well, Prism, it's... complicated. The Tesseract, is a bit of a mystery, even to us. We've been studying it, trying to understand its origins and capabilities, but it's... elusive. It seems to defy our conventional understanding of science and technology.

*He pauses, glancing at Soldier Boy*

Commander Greyson: Religious fervor has already ignited, with some hailing you as a prophet or a god, while others would seriously doubt your loyalty to the Terran Dominion, the event has already sparked a crisis of trust in the Terran Dominion's authority and its ability to protect its citizens from the unknown...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I don’t know if I want to know at this point.

Dude, just tell me what the tesseract guy told you at this point... I'm all ears! also I'm seriously seeing your answers as doom and gloom.

If anything, our strategies have not caused such scenarios thus far, and besides me only being like 7 months in, right now, all i can tell, is people were cool with the explanations we gave thus far...

*Commander Greyson coughs falsely*

Right Grey?!?!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You could be risking coup-level consequences.

*Tesseract growths glow powerfully at the statement*

Uuuh... what was that?
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