Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The angel of—what are you talking about?

... Misty ...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Look, this just... it just feel wrong.

Sure... what doesn't man! And here i thought, you with your mysterious popping in and out of the void friends, and the angel of death friend of yours that seems to alter reality had pretty much figured everything out. You know the saying, that when everyone is insane and you are the only sane one, you are made out to be the crazy? yeah... that was me... other than that, i got nothing for you.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Looks down at my hands in shock*
I don't want this... but the fighting is over... but this is too much authority...

Existential episode moment are we? Welcome to my nutcase show... at least you probably have an idea of how i felt when i was dropped in this time and world...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Clears my throat*
Right, right.
*Steps up toward the battlefield and annunciates with an almost-yell*
Everybody sit down!

*Your voice bellows with an otherworldy authority and echoes with an unnatural cacophony of echoes all throughout the battlefield... and everyone looks at you for a second, then they just sit down...*

Right... this is actually freaky, can we please go back to the bunny jungle we had earlier? i miss cute bunny aliens...

*I clown and mutter under my breath at the utter display of power*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

None of this is right. I'm not—
*Shakes my head and mutters under my breath*
What is wrong with this dimension?

Hey! HEY kid! You are the pilot here! Don't you lose it on me!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That... that really worked. How did that work?

*A bleep is heard and the speakers of the Commander are activated*

Commander what is happening on the surface? what was that cloud that appeared there, are you all alright? ... wait... why did everyone stop fighting?

Commander Greyson: *Frantically pics up his comms* I'll be right with you sergeant!... stay posted!

Soldier Boy: E X C U S E M E ?!?!?!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Let me see...
*Holds out my hands over the army and attempts to influence the minds of all parties involved toward peace*

A sudden paranormal mist raises out of the ground enveloping the entire battlefield, crackles of energy and yellowish lightning shoots out and throughout for about two minutes, then the mist dissipates with everyone standing there confused and... not fighting... mutants seem to even begin to tear up... this suddenly turned into a circus show...

Uuuuuh.... *Literally all i and Greyson can say here*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

This is...
*Releases the rewind*

*as soon as you release it the battle resumes in loud rage, bullets everywhere, explosions everywhere, oh and there's the matter of no atmosphere again*

Fuck yeah! No air... ha! *I immediately create a massive bubble of shield around us all where there is also air, and the hazards of battle can't touch us...*

Commander Greyson: *Clasps his tesseract pendant and looks around frantically* So is this something we can deal with better than a social media commotion?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

If... if you're sure this is a good idea.
*Holds out my hands and starts to activate the same time reversal power as before*

*Everything begins to tremor strongly and silently, then an omnipresent loud gong sound is heard, then what feels like static electricity fills the entire space and seemingly a wave of flux energy bursts outwards at incredible speeds even visibly enveloping Mars in the sky, then crackles of golden light appear everywhere accompanied with sounds of electric shock, then the entire scene starts rwinding like a video played backwards... everything is rewinded, and strangely the people present next to you are not affected, and the action sequences that needed them, simply copy them where they ought to be during the action, but then they re-merge with the ones in your field of influence. Now the scene is back right smack in the battle with a twist. The Commander is still here and not about to die, Soldier Boy still here, not currently invoking reality altering powers, but the whole scene is frozen, like in pause... you do get the feeling it is up to you if you wish to "hit play" on the action and see what hapens, currently we are all in a frozen past sequence of events*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Glares and slit-throat motions toward you*

Well at least she didn't change much that much i can say...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I honestly don't know exactly how it all works yet. We'd be taking a risk.

Okay then, i presume we could at least try it? i mean if my tesseract thingy gave you this power, i presume there must be a backup plan in case shit hits the fan?

Commander Greyson: Ah, what the hell... do it kid... let's see where this goes...

*Everyone just looks at Greyson with a mixture of confusion and shock*

Commander Greyson: Hey! What are you all looking at me like that? All i can say is that i trust in that higher power more than any of you so i'm pretty sure we must have this under control, and i do want to see what we can do with these new gifts of ours.
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