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@Shadrack Nor

And if you did create this universe...
*Looks up*
You also know that I am a foreigner here.

*As soon as he finished talking to me you just suddenly FEEL this intense wrath that is directed at you*

YALDABAOTH: Ah Prism... prism, prism, prism... *He begins with a false calmness* you fed countless trillions of innocent souls to the outer void... how does that ledger of yours look like now... PRISM!!! *He shouted that with a reverberating thunderous tone that made you fall to your knees*

*I proceed to prostrate again next to you as i just double gulp*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Continues standing at attention, watching the orchestration with the stony salute*
I wouldn't get scared... yet.

*From the ground i turn my head to you* Dude, this is GOD! Like the top G who made souls, time, space, matter, the whole shebang!

YALDABAOTH: No need to display this child, even though fear of The Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom it is said... *He chuckles thunderously* You should get up... You are making this look awkward! I do not demand worship... the whole idea is a misunderstood concept about relationship here...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Nudges you with my elbow*
Hey. Show some respect.

YALDABAOTH: *While still conducting the opera of heavenly glory turns his head with a gentle expression towards us* Convince him that I don't exist, and that I don't hear his prayers, child prophet of mine and Father? Hahahaha!!! *He laughs heartedly and compassionately with a thunderous and reverberating echoing voice*

AAAAAAH! WH WHAAA AAAA! *I prostrate immediately since it is the only thing i know to do from what i saw to religious people*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Hesitantly tries to come up with the best way to show respect, and decides to salute*
Hello! What an honor.

*Next to you i also appear, this time the me you first met not a parallel*

Soldier Boy: So there is no convincing you out of this mindset anymore Grey? *Realising i'm no longer talking to Grey, i crane my head with terror towards the colossal being that is currently conducting this over the top concert* EEP!!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Hovers in the air*
Thanks for everything!

*A loud concert of peaceful and deeply emotional yet transcendent choir of a song is beginning to be heard, an infusion of ecstatic feelings and positive vibes as the vision returns but this place is a truly different sight, a seemingly endless expanse of mountains and cities in every direction with clouds upon clouds of people, spirits of all kinds and Numakhiim hovering and dancing around a COLOSSAL humanoid figure that can easily be the size of a small planet, He's glorious and imposing and mighty... and BLINDINGLY bright!*

Theme Song Styles of the Throne of God --> Sybrid - Wings, The Worlds Beyond - Magdelayna, Aurora Night - Place Of Refuge

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

How many prophets does he usually chose? Have you noticed any patterns that causes him to lean one way versus another?

Alexander Mcclain: Not really... he does seem to chose in the billions per universe... that said, each universe has octodecillion galaxies, which might make it look insignificantly rare, buut... ---- *He gets interrupted as you suddenly begin to glow brighter, and brighter... and brighter, your vision slowly turning to white*

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: Ooh! I guess his appointment is up then!

*The voices grow increasingly more muffled*

Alexander Mcclain: App... ment? ... eeting GO....!!!? Such... blessings!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The "other you" so to speak. He has a tesseract almost identical to yours, but it looks more like a cube. That can't be a coincidence.

Alexander Mcclain: Verily! It is known that the higher prophets more like great oracles of temples, or chosen leaders, are offered a signature talisman from The Grandfather, it can be anything, some get a bracelet, some get a watch, some get a pendant, yet others get an outfit change *I insinuate looking at your evidently stylish outfit that radiates the Aura of Alioth* My kind got a hyper-dymensional artifact, that is adapted to the mindset and personality of the individual... Cube you say... *I chuckle at the understanding* Well good he's not here, i think this much knowledge would send him spinning!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Taps my chin*
Then I'm curious, what does your history look like, being a prophet? How did you get to the position you're in?

Alexander Mcclain: Certainly! I actually was a scientist in the great Roman empire of Terra Firma in the year of Zeus 32007, studying some manuscripts related to nano-technology and magics and theories of great old stoics... Suddenly i get filled with this intense power and light and a sense of higher duty, i could not comprehend, and before i know it, i wake up back into my bedroom with this Tesseract Dodecahedron next to me... long story, but i could never forget the privilege i was given!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The third time? That's parallels on parallels.

Alexander Mcclain: Indeed Mr. Prism Stream! The Multiverse is a natural ever unfolding mechanism, that constantly splits into ever expanding infinitudes of alternate possibilities per nano-second, every atom, every quantum fluctuation can and does spawn a myriad new possible realities that become alternatives to the original actions, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, that is the glory of our God! *I smile proudly*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I see...
*Shakes your hand*
Prism Stream. You look a lot like somebody I know.

Alexander Mcclain: Completely understandable *Continues to speak with an Oxford Intellectual Accent* You must be new to the heavenly spheres mmh? In that case, from what i'm getting, there must be a parallel me somewhere else... how quaint! The 3rd time i experienced someone who confused me with a parallel me... Glory onto God's Mysteries!

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: *She just giggles, snickers and chuckles in the back*
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