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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I'm ready. We need to hurry; who knows what she could be doing right now?

YALDABAOTH: I can see your intention to repair that destroyed universe. But Prism, here's how things look like, that particular universe is now in the maws of a very dangerous entity that its name shall not be pronounced here. And i'm also interested in the recovery of as many of my children as possible from there, because though we have managed to save a few, there's potential to rescue everyone even... well... Misty... and i'm still inclined on staying away from her, but you say there's a seed of light in there and i believe in love. Maybe she doesn't but you do, and that should be enough, My Father didn't give you the power for nothing...
@Shadrack Nor

Did we... did we find out where Misty is?

Nope... didn't had that chance to ask yet, we had a proper divine therapy session by the feels of it...

YALDABAOTH: We can talk about that situation anytime you are all ready then... there's plenty to discuss...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Did we ask about undoing the damage? What happened??

*I look at you with a slacking face as i'm still half asleep* Uuuuh... no... we had a biblical encounter with Yahweh... or Allah... or... Yaldabaoth as He's called by the looks of it...

YALDABAOTH: *Laughs thunderously and echoingly with a warm tone*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Where... where are we?

*I also wake up with a relaxed face* Yo dude! Whassup?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What happened... I blacked out...
*Shakes my head*
The solar system. The undo button. What about all of that?

*I'm also sleeping as we find ourselves in a sort of bedroom that only has one wall behind the beds and a flat, plain white roof and floor, but no walls surrounding the rest of the cubical structure, you are in one king sized bed, and me in another, i'm snoring like a pig, as you wake up Yaldabaoth speaks again but you don't see him, just the seemingly endless landscape of vast mountains and snow-white clouds covering the landscape beyond, The air is cleaner than you sensed it... wait you are now aware of how the air smells, and it feels nice! You feel lighter, stronger, more focused, more... detached... yet somehow, fully aware of all life and why you desire peace everywhere you go, because all life desires peace, you were a pacifist on behalf of all who weren't...*

YALDABAOTH: Welcome back child...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Catches my breath, heaving in and out*
Who—why—What... is going on?

*At this point Yaldabaoth is heard weeping, you get the feeling that he is weeping for his children yes, but also for your sake, because he senses how deep the storm in your soul is, and continues to soothe you, giving you all the space you need to heal, to find yourself again, to grow in your identity as the song continues*

YALDABAOTH: Rest now Prism, everything is going to be alright... *He says with a gentle tone completely switched from the previous anger which you now realise it wasn't even directed at you personally...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Slams my fist onto the ground, blood trickling through my nostrils and choking*
What... happening...

*A gentle light, like a light glittering powder falls from the skies onto you covering you like a warm blanket, healing your blood, your wounds, and all the hurt in your mind further intensifying your true independent self apart from any strings, as the music continues.*

*Next to you, you see i'm also affected by this as my face is a mess of tears!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Despite the reduction in force, the strain in my eyes continues to grow until several blood vessels in my sclera pop, tinting them pink with blood*
She isn't— Misty's my— do not—
*The forces vying for influence within me snap, and I stand up straight, shoulders hunched, speaking with a voice deep and carnal*
What god has weakness? What god divvies out gifts he can't control? What god can't fix his own mistakes? What god punishes a victim instead of protecting the vulnerable?
*My breathing becomes more ragged, my eyes gleam crimson with blood, and I jut my index finger at your form*
I embody an eye external to your world, not crafted nor understood by your hands. You may subjugate me with violence, but is that all? Justify yourself!

*God just suddenly stays silent, as a soothing and compassionate warmth surrounds you, it feels like a warm and understanding hug, the kind of: "here i am child, i see you where it hurts, i'm here for you!"
Then, as if on queue, the music choir changes as a strong impulse of regret and redemption and love everlasting is infused into your angered and hurt self while God stays silent and looks at you with a sudden intense pity and concern for you, and the clouds of beings seem to begin orbiting above you almost as if the entire chorus of heaven is saying, YOU ARE LOVED!:*
Song change --> Aurora Night - Adagio Ascendance

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Hits the ground to resist the pressure until I retract my fist, bruised and bloody*
It didn't come with an instruction manual... he encouraged me to use those gifts.

*I look at you with a terrified and pleading face* Dude, are you serious right now? Apologise for real! for real!!!

*Yaldabaoth's voice drips with contempt and disgust at the continual excuses and avoidance of repentance but seems to be tempered slightly at the end as he senses the love in your heart, twisted and tragic as it may be*

YALDABAOTH: You proceeded to missuse this power, you KNEW Alioth has a weak spot for chaos as much and probably more than I do, but had never taken under consideration WHY!! You did all this for One insignificant, chaotic, psychotic, putrid and EVIL soul which is NOT WORTH the destruction you wrought! You are an entitled, arrogant fool! But i'll spare you this! Your love, however reckless and foolish, is genuine...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Hits the ground with my fist and pushes against the apparent force of gravity*
I did no such thing. I used the ability granted to me, and had no sway over this universe's reaction.

YALDABAOTH: DO NOT GIVE ME EXCUSES AND TALKING BACK TO ME!! YOU KILLED MY CHILDREN! *The air crackles with divine energy as Yaldabaoth's voice erupts in a cacophonous roar, shaking the very foundations of reality* You were given great power yet you would blame the consequences on MY BELOVED FATHER!?! *His wrathful aura intensifies, radiating a palpable heat that scorches the surroundings.* Are you even the least bit remorseful?! Do you comprehend the severity of your unthought actions?!
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