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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Laughs at the quip*
I think we could all afford to get our strength up with a bite or two after today. I’m glad you’re with us, Alexander. We could use your wisdom. And Ben, your strength is going to be critical.

Soldier Boy: *Eyes wide with disbelief, I stumble back, nearly tripping over my own feet.* What in the blue blazes...? Is that... me? But... fancier? *I gesture at Alexander's shimmering hair and golden eyes, my voice a mix of awe and confusion.* And those glasses... seriously? Since when do I need reading glasses? *I shake my head, trying to process the sight before me.* This multiverse thing is messing with my head more than a bender on Martian moonshine.

Klisp'Anarion: *Pops out from behind a towering stack of books, his tentacles waving excitedly.* Blrblrrl... pprrlrlrpl, YKLR! *Oh my stars! Another Alexander! This is getting juicy* *He scurries over to you Prism, his eyes wide with curiosity.* "Prrruuuu?" *How was your audience with the Almighty?*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I see... this may be a job for me after all.

YALDABAOTH: *His voice booms with a mix of pride and fatherly love.* Very well, Prism. Your willingness to take on this burden speaks volumes of your character.

The path ahead will be crowded with challenges, but I have faith in your resilience and abilities. And you will not stand with only Ben here, in this endeavor. The power of creation flows through you, and the armies of Heaven stand ready to aid you in your quest.

*He gestures towards Alexander, who is standing on the other side of the portal expectantly looking rather intently at me... a warm smile gracing Yaldabaoth's face.*

Alexander, my child, you have shown great wisdom and dedication in your service over the eons since your enlightenment and ascension. Your knowledge of the Akashic Records will be invaluable to Prism's mission. Guide him well, and together, you shall unravel the mysteries of the destroyed universe and restore it to its former beauty.

*He turns his gaze towards Soldier Boy, his eyes twinkling with amusement.*

And you, Benjamin, your spirit remains as indomitable as ever. Your courage and resilience will be sorely needed in the battles to come. The Tesseract is a tool of immense power, but it is your clarity of purpose and heart that truly guides you. Use your strength wisely, and never lose sight of the values that make you a hero.

*With a final flourish, Yaldabaoth claps his mighty hands as we are transported back into the Akashic Library. The air crackles with energy as we land.*

Soldier Boy: Alright then! Let's get this show on the road! Time to kick some C'thon ass and rebuild this broken universe! *I crack my knuckles and adjusts my utility belt, a wide grin spreading across my face.* But hey, before we dive headfirst into this cosmic mess, how about we grab a bite to eat? A soldier's gotta fuel up for a mission, right?

*I wink at you Prism, then turn to Alexander perplexed as he rubs his forehead in frustration...*

Alexander McClain: *Speaks under my breath* I see now why his tesseract is a cube... *sighs*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What does rebuilding look like? Rearchitecting?

YALDABAOTH: Something like that *Gestures with the hand* In some places you'll have to consecrate through spell-casting, in others you'll have to rewind broken time, in others you might just have to plant universe seeds... in case the universe is too far gone, the only glue left is patching it up with Parallax Radical Multiverse nodes...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

And what do we do in the end? Fight off a space army?

YALDABAOTH: You'll be rebuilding the universe, piece by piece, collecting souls and sending them to heaven, and banishing or killing or capturing whatever monster you can.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Left Prism: But you know for sure we can find her there, right?
Right Prism: I still fail to see how our power could ever compare to yours here.

*Yaldabaoth's gaze lingers on the two of you, his expression a blend of sorrow and resolve.*

YALDABAOTH: Misty's fate hangs in the balance, her soul teetering on the precipice of the Outer Void. The depths of her corruption are a treat to C'thon's insidious and unsatiable hunger. Whether she can be saved... that remains to be seen.
But, Prism. Even the darkest soul can find a path back to the light; I know i should keep that hope for the sons that fell with the one who betrayed us all... But the journey will be arduous, fraught with peril and temptation. It will require unwavering resolve, both from you and from Misty herself.

*He turns his attention to the question of power, his voice ringing with confidence.*

YALDABAOTH: Your power, Prism, is vast and multifaceted. It is a reflection of your own potential, a boundless wellspring of energy waiting to be harnessed. But raw power alone is not enough. It must be tempered by discipline, honed through training, and guided by wisdom.

*Yaldabaoth gestures towards the vast expanse of the Akashic Library as it is now revealed through a portal that has been opened for us to step in through, its shelves overflowing with ancient knowledge and forgotten secrets.*

YALDABAOTH: Within these hallowed halls, you will find the guidance you seek. Learn from the experiences of countless heroes and warriors who have walked similar paths before you. Master the arts of combat, strategy, and magic. Grow closer with my Numakhiim, whose knowledge of the Outer Void is unparalleled.
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Left Prism: How do you expect us to fight them off with our power? Especially if it's coming from your own?
Right Prism: Misty would be so much more useful in this situation than I am. If you could convince her to help you...

*Yaldabaoth's response, filled with a mix of amusement, wisdom, and reassurance, echoes through the minds both of our collective minds:*

YALDABAOTH: *His chuckle reverberates with warmth and understanding.* Ah, Soldier Boy, your humor is as refreshing as your courage. While your power may be an echo of Prism's, your spirit remains uniquely your own. An "omni-fagiggle," hmm? Such amusing way to show how much you need to learn...

*You feel him turn to you, his essence filled with compassion.*

YALDABAOTH: Prism, your concerns are valid. Fighting such beings with a power that is new to you may seem counterintuitive, but remember, the power you wield is a tool, a means to an end. It is your intention, your will, that shapes its purpose. Just as a skilled healer can use a blade to excise a tumor, so too can you use your cosmic abilities to restore balance and harmony.
You will be trained here, by experts from across the multiverse in anything you want, and you'll come to learn that, a true master, may come to use a stick to kill a beast if he knows how to use it. That said, my power is not so easily measured in comparison to beings that stand opposed to my nature, but it is really your power now, and it is awaiting growth, and shaping...

And misty... we'll get to that hurdle when we get to her, not even i can see her and how deep she has sunk...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Splits into two*
Left Prism: I can't guarantee that I have a soul to give. There are more than me far outside this universe.
Right Prism: My age, though, is hardly a lie. But it doesn't entirely represent my range of experiences.

YALDABAOTH: Take it from me Prism, you have a soul, and with the growth you are going to have to go through in order to salvage this universe, you are going to learn to recognize it... we may come from different realms, but we share one common essence of consciousness. Your particular type of soul is defined as an Omni-Soul, and once you begin recognising a commonality there... there's nothing stopping you, nor confusing you anymore... take it from me who knows a thing or two about souls! *He chuckles passionately*

Soldier Boy: *I remember i copied your power in a fight and i also split*

*The one on the right looks at myself:* So does that make me an omni-fagiggle of what-do-you-call-it?
*The one on the left stands at the ready and salutes:* I'm ready your highness!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

The fact that something about that seems familiar is... unnerving. But, how can we do anything about that?

YALDABAOTH: Well, first, i will need you both to give a copy of yourselves to stay in heaven... Cyentriss, Naorion, Orah, Delial... i have about a quadrillon sets of infinities... it will be placed in stasis for your souls to be safe... like a backup system, now i will be returning you to the Akashic records for you to meet with some Numakhiim generals, there are some plans of attack, and this is going to be a long adventure...

*I just shout* WHAT IN THE G.... *I hold myself at that last word again* WAS THAT?!?! Ain't no way i'm stepping foot in that world with THOSE things there!

YALDABAOTH: And i wouldn't condemn you for it, this fight should not have involved young souls such as yourself... though Prism, i'm still doubtful that he's as young as he looks, he doesn't originate from any of my worlds nor that of my father or siblings...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I would like to see. It should help us understand what we're up against.

YALDABAOTH: Alright here goes nothing... *He winces as you feel a sudden emotional shielding and mental strengthening of your mind and suddenly...*

Theme of vision --> Hybrid Core Music + Sound - Hunter of the Dark, Hybrid Core Music + Sound - Dead of Night

*Cacophonous thunders, muffled booms, breathings, whispers, SCREETCHES OF AGONY!... Maniacal laughters, sidways space falling, upside left... Fire... souls being syphoned... pain... and then it all stops as the calming voice of Yaldabaoth speaks gently in our minds*

YALDABAOTH: Its name is Truest Outer C'thon, or Lubb Derbyloth... a manifestation of utter insanity and devastation with a will so utterly undefinable, that it can only be classed as an insatiable hunger for worlds... there is more to learn from here, and since you have access to the Akashic library, you will be more than welcome to explore more as you and Ben work to rebuild this particular creation... and yes, what you saw is how Mars looks like now... in fact how most of the Sol system looks like and it is spreading fast across the frozen discoloured universe...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Let's do it. If I may ask, what sort of entity has taken hold?

YALDABAOTH: Are you sure? It... uuuh... i can show you if you want, while still shielding you, but it will not be pretty, and it should answer your question as to why even Gods don't have absolute control over certain concequences... but you'd better be sure child!
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