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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

∆: Man... what happened...

*I notice a hole in my arm from earlier and remember a bit of what went on before*

((by the way, I'll be using purple for Delta, and red for Axl))

*Looking around, the land is... too yellow, and when you look at the hole in your arm... monochrome yellow, what happened to all the colour? Also you notice that there is a twister in the distance... frozen in place... to your side, what looks like a vehicle transporting some ore... frozen in place...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

It’s not something I ever do. But... this is an emergency.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHhh! Th... this is goin...ng tooo... be felt lateeeer! *We all shout on the band as we zoom across the library*

Klisp'Anarion: Prprlrlrrlrlrlpplrplplprlrp! *Alright then fellas, let's go to my laboratory, get yourselves several groups of Bens and Prisms my fellow people and teach them each your niche of knowledge! To each you'll also have a writing hand assistant!*

*All that is remembered is you nearly falling into a field of magma and then suddenly... bzzzt... you are now standing in a seemingly barren wasteland among some advanced domes all with the mark of the terran dominion but something is off... everything is monochrome yellow, and a strange white glittering dust seems to fill the air and as you look at your hands, also monochrome yellow...*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Er, pull a Prism? What does that mean?

The thing that you just did and i did, going to learn multiple things at once!

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: Alright boys, brace yourselves for the trip to the classrooms section!

*As she says that the band starts and we are whooshed away again*
So i came up with a small idea, @RoadkilBanana @Memory, what if, due to the chaos, you glitched to a rim territory colony, in the currently monochrome yellow frozen in time universe, and you just wander around confused for a bit, the reason glitched off to another terran dominion planet, because currently the Sol system and a few neighbouring systems look like the dreams of insanity and delirium, not very stable places in reality for ne to find themselves in...

So i prepped an image for that planet:

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I think Alexander would make a phenomenal instructor. You should consider it.

Soldier Boy: You know what? I'm actually gonna pull a Prism if i come to think about it! *Proceeds to split in a small group part of which climbs on the transport band and another goes with Alexander and another yet with Klisp and another split to go to the surface to find Ar'Gavryiel*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Splits into a small crowd and we follow after you*
That should be doable. And doable rather quickly.

Soldier Boy: Hold on! So do i have to come too how are we doing this?

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: If you want, on the other hand Alexander can teach you other niches of magic

Alexander McClain: *Toying with his tesseract dodecahedron, mutters under his breath* First i'll have to teach him basic calculus and kindergarden stories of history... *Coughs falsely and turns to all of us* Uhum what? Yeah certainly *Forms a cocky grin*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

That’s my plan. Anything that isn’t resource-constrained, I plan to practice millions of times over.

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: Right then, make a group of yourself to follow me, we are going to go to one of the sections dealing with runic magic for starters, and be ready for a LOT of reading, these things must become reflex memory so you can cast them without spending too much time thinking. *As she says that she approaches an index panel and touches it* In the Holy Name of The Most High and His Father, I, Myallah, beseech the wisdom of eternity! Lead us to the nearest sector with records on runic magic from across the Milky Way Galaxy! *Then at her feet a familiar band of light manifests to zoom us to that location*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*An instance peels off of me and heads in his direction*
Once it’s long-term memory, you lose a lot of the weirdness. Do two events that happened on different days last week feel weird to you? I would guess probably not.

Arch Numakhiim Myallah: So do you want a part of you to stay here with the Quizeans and learn theory and alchemy? There are already plenty of laboratories set up in several rooms for these tasks, just not vast halls for a million copies practicing on large scales like that...

*Klisp'Anarion wobbles and bubbles holding his massive alchemy and arcane briefcase looking at you pleadingly as his tentacles wiggle about in anticipation*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

If it works the same way as mine, neither set of memories dominates the other. It’ll be written into your mind as if you experienced both events.

*All three of me, the one that was previously browsing books and the new one, look at you confused, then we merge, and you see me think for a few seconds* For everything that's worth... this is creepy... how do you stay sane like that? Damn! *I shake my head as i'm weirded out by three separate memories occuring in the same time*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Will be waiting you all in high orbit to the Akashic sphere, laying out the grounds-work for the new training platform, come join me when you are ready! *Proceeds to begin hovering as he cancelled out his double presence effect, and flies off into the large cavernous halls of the library.*
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