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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Alright... let’s do this, as unpleasant as it might be.

*As you pour the potion in its right vial as instructed, you clearly see the now mushroom man that i became agitated beyond belief as if the mushroom that took hold is aware of the poison and how dangerous it is for the mushroom*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Right, right...
*Prepares the antidote*

*The ropes you used to bind me turn into more of that mycelial dirt and the Tesseract around my belt glitches and turns into a mere block of obsidian as its essence is visibly absorbed by one of my copies*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Wanders off to go prepare the concoction with a grumble*

*As you make the antidote i proceed to start growing those mushrooms all over my body as my clothes turn into mycelial dirt and i gurgle and growl ferally*

Klisp'Anarion: PLRPLRL! prlrprllrlrlprlrpr! *AND DON'T FORGET THE RIGHT SIGILS! You need to pull on the threads of the aether above the cauldron just the right way or it will only turn into a slob that tastes bad and not an actual antidote!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Er... that’s a strange process.

Klisp'Anarion: PORPLR! prlrplrrplrrlrrlp!! *YES IT IS! You read the books, alchemy is not for the faint of hearts! it is disgusting, weird, strange, yet it results in nigh-godlike results... now you can either do it or i shall... because merging Ben with the rest of his clones will NOT get rid of the parasitical spores!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Kicks him in the chest with my newly-honed reflexes and follows up by hooking his legs below the knees*

Klisp'Anarion: Povrvrvrllllroolrp! *This is as good as time as any to practice emergency antidote brewing...* *He says that as he launches towards you a piece of cloth* Prrrlolrorprlplrp! Get that cloth urinated ASAP and mix it into murky water from that nearby lake, then mix it in with the Kilivial herbs that are... uuuh... right there! Next to the waterfall! Then boil them for two minutes and force feed the concoction to the mutated Ben!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

∆: What... happened here... I hope this still works...

*I activate a lighting setting, causing the white in my eyes to glow a bright blue, illuminating the room.*

*You hear a haunting moan from the room next door, as the door is slightly ajar... and the feeling like you are a prey victim suddenly intensifies*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Side-eyes Ben with an amount of disgust*

Klisp'Anarion: Porloorprolroolrp! *Yup! And, by all means do NOT allow the victim to lick you cause... WATCH OUT!*

*My mutated monster self lunges at you attempting to grapple you and spread the infection*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Takes one of the Prisms walking by us by the arm and absorbs him*
The mushroom is responsible for stabilization between ingredients that would otherwise reject each other, such as eye of stewet and denatured r'tholgo precipitate.

Klisp'Anarion: Prlrprlrlr! *Exactly! And what happens to the handler if not careful and gets a mouthful of its rather... mutagen and parasitic spores?*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

We have to do it some way or another. Although learning the theory doesn't necessarily require the practice aspect.
*Looks out over the Prism hive*
How is combat training going?

Klisp'Anarion: Prlrprlrlrlrlplprp... *Well if you did read the section what does that mushroom do?*


Klisp'Anarion: *Blinks exasperatedly* Prrlrlrldlrdlldlddld! *Nothing of your concern big fella! Keep on reading!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Clears my throat*
Can one of Ben’s copies come reabsorb him?

Klisp'Anarion: Prlrplrprlololololol! *Are we sure this is what they should be doing, that mushroom is quite... pesky... you'd know if you read that particular chapter on ingredients*
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