Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

And you're certain combat is necessary to defeat the chaos?

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Prism, your heart is pure, your intentions noble. But the Vastness is a cloth woven from threads of both order and chaos. To deny one is to deny the other, to embrace only peace is to invite stagnation.

*He gestures towards the vast expanse of the cosmos, his voice echoing with the wisdom of eons.* Consider the mighty oak, its roots delving deep into the earth, its branches reaching towards the heavens. It stands as a symbol of strength and resilience, yet it is born from a tiny acorn, a seed of potential nurtured by the very soil it conquers. Without the chaos of storms, the oak would never grow strong, its roots would never delve deep enough to withstand the trials of time.

That said, young pacifist, some forces cannot be quelled by mere diplomacy, child... tragically, beings that precede known reality, do not understand the concept of peace as much as we do...

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Let's not waste time.
*Starts to recombine and separate again with various copies in order to share and exchange information*

*In space, in orbit around the Akashic Sphere...*

Arch Numakhiim Ar'Gavryiell: Fantastic work Prism!! You bring blessings to God with your dedication child!... Now pass me that final girder, and we can begin our military training here!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Grabs the dilapidated form of Ben and slams the potion down its gullet*

*The monster begins turning into a chrysalis as the potion is downed into it*

Soldier Boy Copy: Sooo... what now?

Klisp'Anarion: Prlolr... *Now we wait...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Would you like to do the honors?

Soldier Boy Copy: How about no?! You made the thing, you do it...

Klisp'Anarion: Prlolrtrtolroplrrrr... *I mean it doesn't really matter who does it... just do it already.. but as a teacher, i would insist Prism does it, so he fully familiarises himself with the art of alchemy...*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Sprays as well*
You're going to remember it when you recombine.

Soldier Boy Copy: I suddenly regret my life choices... NOOOT! The Russians did way worst to me than this gimmick here!

*Keeps on spraying until the monster is now a seemingly dead husk paralysed on the ground and dry like a piece of jerky*

Klisp'Anarion: Prlrplrplr! *Okay guys, now is as good as time as any to pour the potion down his gullet!*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Tosses a bottle of antidote solution to the copy*
Here, spray him down like an insect.

*Grabs it and begins spraying like hell as the monter retreats and clumps up in a ball as it shrieaks and smokes and steams up in agony*

Soldier Boy Copy: Is the fact that this is too much fun wrong at any level?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

Just give him time. Either he’ll get better or we’ll take drastic measures.

Klisp'Anarion: Pprprplrlrprlprlrplrprl! *Just keep on spraying that potion on him and when the mycelial veins are dried up, tackle him and force pour the potion down his throat*

Soldier Boy Copy: Ayo!!! What in all nightmares is THAT!! *I reel back at seeing the monster my copy became*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

One of your copies did something he wasn’t supposed to do.

Soldier Boy Copy: What?! Should i reabsorb him?


Soldier Boy Copy: Now i'm curious if squid guy is THAT panicked!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Retreats back away from the creatures*

*Continues to smoulder as i screech unholy sounds*

Soldier Boy Copy 1: Oy! What's that ruckus all about down there?

Soldier Boy Copy 2: Yeah! I saw the Tesseract light up as a blob of crimson energy merged with my copy of it...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Gargles and aerosolizes the solution onto him*

*The mushroom man reels back as i begin to smoke out as if i'm set on an invisible fire and begin screeching as a couple of those mushrooms explode surrounding me in more of that purplish cloud of spores*

Klisp'Anarion: PLRPRLRLRP! *OOF! Watch out for the spores Prism... stay a safe distance away!*
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