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<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

You know, there's a reason they hate each other. And it's not because they're all that different. And I mean tear out the walls to see what's behind them.

*As the lecture finished, and Alexander approached us, he couldn't help but overhear the last sentences*

Alexander McClain: He wouldn't have to... the very surface outer library shelves amid the gardens, contain that knowledge already stored and ready to learn... there are even 3d simulation rooms to practice building them... heh...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Pauses for a few moments to think*
...Dad would want to tear up the place to understand how it was constructed, and mom would look for the nearest bakery. Or try and fight one of the residents. Or get creeped out and leave.

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: Oof!... definitely sound a lot like Misty there pal! I can now imagine a tiiiny bit why you'd like her...

Wait... tear up the place? This is the afterlife like huh? Is there no afterlife where he comes from?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

His name is Data. I don’t know if I’d describe it as fun, but it’s certainly chaotic.
...So is mom for that matter. More fun and chaos, but less science or magic.

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: Y... you still are in touch with them? *I clear my throat clearly revealing some feelings there* What do you think they'd say about a place like this? I mean heaven? I sure have been messed up for the last two days or so... it is overwhelming...
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

He’s the bridge between science and magic, and the most brilliant man I’ve ever known... if a little careless at times. This is right up his alley.

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: What's his name? He sounds like fun!
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

To make multiple copies. This is all completely his forte. I mean, he’d probably be up there teaching this class.

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: *Considering that this talk has not reach our copies here yet* When was the last time you talked with him? And who is he? Is he some sort of a scholar like this... 'me'... i guess, on the stage?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*To myself*
If only my father had this ability instead of me...
*Scribbles down notes intensively*

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: *I look at you with a raised eyebrow as the lecture nears its conclusion* What do you mean? What ability?
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*Sighs and sits back down, nodding*

*Alexander McClain stands at the podium, his presence commanding the attention of the entire amphitheater. The room hums with anticipation, the intricate lighting casting dramatic shadows across his face. He adjusts his glasses and begins, his voice resonating with a mix of authority and enthusiasm.*

Alexander McClain: I would have to thank you, Prism, however, for your enlightening thoughts, even if mentioning things that were already done in the past it has helped spark new ideas on this set of equations i just wrote.

However now, we must continue to delve into the equation of the lambda corner in section tetra of the Entropy Codex as it is the root source used in this whole writing screen here.

*He turns to the massive screen behind him, which flickers with a complex array of symbols and equations that seem to shimmer and shift as if alive.*

Alexander McClain: The lambda corner, or λ-corner, is a crucial aspect of understanding the multi-dimensionality of entropy. In classical terms, entropy is a measure of disorder. However, when we apply ethereal mathematics and quantum equations, it becomes a gateway to manipulating reality itself.

*He gestures to a specific section of the screen, highlighting a set of interlocking symbols that pulse with an otherworldly glow.*

The λ-corner is where we encounter the intersection of the known and the unknown. It's a point where entropy doesn't just increase or decrease — it transforms. By understanding and manipulating this transformation, we can unlock the potential to influence events and entities on a primordial level — however fruitless that might be when dealing with deeper layers of C'thon.

*The audience leans forward, captivated. McClain's eyes shine with excitement as he continues.*

Now, imagine applying this to the challenge we face with C'thon. C'thon is not bound by our conventional understanding of physics, time, energy, spirit, matter or for that matter logic. To counteract such a being, we must utilize ethereal mathematics to disrupt its essence. This is where the λ-corner equation becomes indispensable.

*He inputs a series of commands into his console, and the screen shifts to a 3D holographic display of a complex, rotating shape. It resembles a multi-faceted crystal, with constantly shifting angles and dimensions.*

By focusing on the tetrahedral structure of the λ-corner, we can create a containment field that disrupts C'thon's ethereal energy. This containment is not merely a physical barrier but a quantum disruption that prevents it from stabilizing in the targeted Universe.

*McClain's assistant, who happens to be Eulysthrah Eriusiell, nods thoughtfully. Her fingers tap rapidly on her tablet, running simulations. Beside her, I suddenly begin watching intently, trying to grasp the implications and the whole ideas here, they still don't make much sense to me, but it is interesting none-the-less.

*Eulysthrah Eriusiell speaks up, her voice clear and confident.*

Eulysthrah Eriusiell: "Professor, if we integrate the λ-corner disruption with our existing ethereal amplifiers, we might be able to create a feedback loop that targets C'thon's energy signature directly in any aparition in this particular universe's intrusion variant. This could destabilize it long enough for us to execute a containment protocol.

*McClain smiles, clearly impressed.*

Alexander McClain: Precisely, Euly! The ethereal amplifiers will act as both the sword and the shield in this scenario. By using the λ-corner equation, we can channel quantum disruptions through the amplifiers, creating a cascading effect that C'thon cannot easily counter this time from the samples we got so far!

*I'm still processing, but i raise my hand hesitantly.*

Pre-Uplifting Soldier Boy: So, uh, if I understand this right, we're using math to fight... like, magic math?

*I chuckle softly, but McClain nods encouragingly.*

Alexander McClain: Exactly. Think of it as harnessing the underlying code of reality. By understanding the λ-corner, we are essentially rewriting the rules to our advantage. This is where science and what some might call 'magic' converge.

*The amphitheater fills with a renewed sense of purpose. The combination of ethereal mathematics and advanced technology offers a tangible strategy against the seemingly insurmountable threat of Truest Outer C'thon or Lubb Derbyloth.

The lecture continues for about two hours straight as we both learn a lot, you Prism definitely understanding and making sense of a whole lot more than i could... at least this pre-Uplifting me.*

<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

*I cautiously reach my hand out into the void, it's as if there is just an empty space surrounding this area. I step back a bit and turn towards the hallway, seeing the odd mist around the area. I turn back towards the newly made hole in the wall, taking the blade out of the wall and sheathing it. I unwrap the old cloth still covering what used to be my other arm and throw it towards the void, waiting for the outcome.*

∆: Let's see if this can do anything...

*The cloth sails through the air, illuminated briefly by the flickering light before vanishing into the darkness. A moment passes, and there is no sound of it landing. It's as if the void has consumed it entirely.

The silence is oppressive. Then, just as you begin to consider your next move, a subtle change occurs. The rhythmic clicking in the structure grows louder, more pronounced. It's as if the building itself is responding to your action. The walls seem to pulse, the surface shifting in a slow, hypnotic wave.

Suddenly, the void is no longer completely dark. A faint, almost imperceptible light begins to glow from within, casting eerie shadows that dance across the distorted walls. The light is not natural; it flickers and pulses, creating an unsettling effect that makes it difficult to discern the true nature of the space beyond the hole.

Your senses are heightened. The feeling of being watched intensifies, and you notices subtle movements in your peripheral vision — shadows that dart and disappear when you try to focus on them. The air grows colder, and a low, mechanical hum fills the corridor, resonating through your circuits.

As you watch, the light in the void coalesces into faint, ghostly shapes. They appear to be figures, but their forms are indistinct, as if they are only partially real. They move slowly, almost aimlessly, within the void. The sensation of wrongness, of being out of place, deepens.

Then suddenly, what's more unexpected, for a reploid, you wouldn't think you could cough like a flesh being, but you suddenly start salivating and coughing after the mist reaches you as if you choked on something despite not even needing to breathe... what is going on with this place?

But before you can put two and two together a sudden thunderclap is heard and you are pushed back as in a flash, the hole in the wall is regenerated entirely, while leaving the hulk of metal and circuitry on the floor where you dropped it, as if it just created more wall matter out of nothing. The mist has vanished and you stopped coughing.*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

What happens when you send someone that completely erases all information you might get?

Alexander McClain: I see... it doesn't base its strategy based on our recording of the information... it doesn't have to, it simply isn't something that has a 'sameness' sort of speaking, like a tree or a landscape or even a wild animal. therefore, nothing... and just think when asking some of these questions... we had literal eternities to explore nearly every avenue of thought that any of an infinitude of minds can bring to the table. You'd think no idea has escaped us right? We tried even that idea you just suggested. It is recorded too...

Pre-Upifting Soldier Boy: *Looks back and forth between the podium and you next to me* Dude... uuuh shall we allow the good professor to continue his lecture? I mean i know i can barely get anything, but at least you do and if i missed anything you can teach me in simpler terms? *Shurgs*
<Snipped quote by Shadrack Nor>

I understand that, but surely there's some tactical data you've managed to uncover!

Alexander McClain: We all get your frustration, probably more than you get your own... none... nothing... we are always at odds with adapting to everything new that it throws our way. It is a force that has eluded any comprehensive study, by much vaster minds than any even in this amphitheatre. Nevermind God. The collective of heavenly beings who volunteered to research, across vaster eons than any singular lifespan of a universe from big bang to big chill.

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