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<Snipped quote by Threads of Fate>

I'm just confused at what you're getting at.

@RoadkilBanana @Threads of Fate

Sooo... are we moving towards the rift orr... what?...

*I point towards the tear in the space-time fabric that formed couple hundred miles away...*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Do you want me to answer that question sweet power boy? *I say as i bite my lower lip as i look you up and down*

Uuum... i have a wife you know?...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Why would it copy one of us instead of making its own champion?

@Interface 2@Threads of Fate @RoadkilBanana

So what now? Is it safe to just blast at it?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I think number 2 sounds fine, it's not too complicated, right?

As for Delta, she is still with the regular Cyrus while he prepares his weapons. I would like to think she is currently wandering around the area that they're in, and don't worry, I have something planned for her in the future.

New guy: I think it would be quite funny if he was just chilling in the dimensional tear. He really is just a merchant, but has some combatant qualities as well as multidimensional powers. I could just introduce him without a CS, and you figure out more with his dialogue. I haven't tried that yet...

Yup. Option number two is what i prefer as well. And yes it is the simplest one, and mainly because it is also the laziest one for my part hahaha =P

And Delta also silently tagging along, phhhh. Yup. All cool!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Oops, I haven't been here, have I? Yeah, I forgot to move.

What is currently happening? Anything I need to know?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Damn... LOL! Get Discord already so i can pest you incessantly so you don't miss out on the action in the future!

And yeah, pretty much a lot. We got separated from you, b'cause the "building" or the building caricature we were in at the beginning disappeared and was replaced with endless more creepy fleshy pine tree forest expanse.

Cupid @Threads of Fate arrived, we managed to break a tear into the fabric of this dimension, and Misty might be rescued soon @Memory.

Now there are two ways we can handle the discrepancy that just formed between us:

1 - You and i are the only ones left in the building, and despite our communication attempts, we seem to have lost Eklipsis, Prism and the other me (Benjamin) as the hallway that was previously leading to the pine forest section, was replaced with a halways that led to more of this liminal building rooms.

2 - Cyrus tagged along silently, as he does =P and we carry on from there to reduce multiple scenes confusion?

I was also thinking of introducing a new character but frogor :p

LOLOLOLOL!!!! oy what happened to Delta? Also hahaahahahhaahh! Are u trying to compete with the eldritch horror monsters in here or something? From my point of view, that is fine, it would fit perfectly for the thing to be a local here, (Unless you have another story in mind) if it is a local but independent monster that can be reasoned with instead of it just wanting to kill us and eat our souls? heheheh.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Perks my head up*
...That’s her. She’s real, I can feel it.

Who... OH! You mean crazy blue hair girl? Well looki-here the luck on this guy!

So how do we approach this situation? It's not like that rift is only a few yards away, and we don't even know what'll happen if we just jump in there...
@Memory@Interface 2@The Odeoron@Threads of Fate

*Throughout all the chaos, and incessant pressure to break this entire dimension apart, a massive, gaping crack opens up in the distant, like a bleeding gauge in the flesh of a demon, oozing ichor, and what looks like starry skied looking transcendent liquid, as deep within it, Prism, you seem to hear the bored groans of a Misty that seems to be able to speak in there, but are not entirely sure whether this is real or not, but from the echoing conversations you gather she's been there working as a secretary of sorts for far longer than any sane person could like*


Well... what in the blue blazes did this place do again? Oh wait, i think that is a tear in its space-time fabric! WHOOO!
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

Attention, peasants!
*A light shines down from the sky where I'm floating downward, pink feathered wings behind me that are clearly not attached and float several feet away from my sides*
You suck. There's like... ten of the things you're looking for and you've found... what, one? Boring.
*I float until I'm just off the ground*
Seriously what is with you, you're supposed to be better than that, Prism.

I... uh... think she's talking to you Prism... and who are you calling peasants... angel lady... er... i guess?!
@Threads of Fate@Memory@Memory@Interface 2

*The whole place begins to glitch in several locations throughout the sky and even in the distant horizon as a massive earthquake forces you all to fall to your knees due to the shaking, as a guttural growl of pain echoes all across the region, as from those fissures Prism created, black ichor like goo begins oozing out and falling into the ground*


*I grin passionately at the show, then also stumble, a few of my copies fall on their back, while others remain steady like a statue as i begin hovering to avoid the shake altogether*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Blinks perplexed and slightly aroused at the sight as i giggle* Hihiihi!!! Well excuse me sir ressurection! *I proceed to tap into the power tornado you made then i punch the ground with enhanced force as i seem to begin saping the very life out of the ground as it cracks and begins to burn in waves all across the forest* WHOOOOO!!!

<Snipped quote by Memory>

HECK YEAH BABY! This is what i'm talking about! *You suddenly feel motivated as you look into my bright yellow glowing eyes, as seemingly all fear has been removed from you temporarily*

*I wink at you flirtingly as i proceed to clasp my hands again as the zky begins cracking like broken glass*

THIS IS WHAT YOU GET UNIVERSE WANNABE! *I shout at the entire place further drowning the wound in proverbial salt* @The Monitor 2
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Therapy is a good idea in any case.
*Creates concentration runes that gathers the energy and condenses it into my body*

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Are you sure we should be going all out? It won’t make the situation any worse?

*I proceed to look with a furious look towards the monsters as two of my copies extend out the arms towards the dead prism copies and unanimously shout with the same voice* LIVE AGAIN! NO TIME FOR DEATH HERE! *as they shout that your dead copies flash back to life with a blinding flash of light - Then i turn to you* Remember how before even honing your new cosmic powers you broke an entire universe? Well now you have it all under black belt training level with heaven's stamp on there, why don't you prove this prick of a universe wannabe who it thinks is going to intimidate here, perhaps we even get our exit building back if we make it run with the tail between its legs! *I say with a smirk*
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