Avatar of The Odeoron


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<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

Why did a rift open to here from the previous world?

Psst! We broke the other place up remember? *I nudge at you* We opened the rift...
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

"Uhh... Heaven, I guess? I could be more vivid..."

Yeah what he said... *Hicks again* And who are you? And what is this place? We went through a very bad place first, then ended up here... and in one corner of your dimension here, a special somebody is entrapped and we are looking for her... any idea where she might be *Saying with a woozy voice clearly out of it after the drink*

@RoadkilBanana @Memory @Interface 2 [@TheOdeoron]

*The horde suddenly halts their assault, calmly backing away as they turn behind themselves... There stands a feminine, dragonic figure, of the same ichor like the others, petting a much larger beast like it was a cat...*

"What are you doing in our domain?"

*Akaria hissed, her voice echoing over itself within the minds of everyone here...*

Ooh! *I hick as i take another swig off my hemp whisky* Somebody that can talk! Hey Prism! Peism! @Memory Maybe she know where your girlfriend is! *I chuckle disgracefully*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*The creatures outside don't seem to acknowledge the clone, they simply keep assaulting the barrier; some begin vomiting purple sludge onto it... Whatever the stuff is, it seems to have a degrading effect on the protection spell...*


Anytime you want me to intervene? or should i keep respecting your experiments? Also where's jester spider fellow?
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Do you need any support?

*carries on drinking until i become woozy -- proceeds to hick* I want my universe back... but who's asking at this point?
<Snipped quote by Nate1008>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Holds out my hands, spiraling pale blue runes around the planet*
*A subzero chill falls across the entire planet as it succumbs to ice*

*Blinks out impressed as my hair flicks from just being frozen a bit*

Alright... alright...

@Nate1008 Hey Monster Army! This dude right here, destroyed an entire universe because he wanted to draw the attention of a cosmic power! Think you can rival him?

*I say as i continue drinking and wait for you @RoadkilBanana to make your move*
@Interface 2@The Odeoron

Cyrus: "Halt! I wish to have my way with this. I see potential in it."

Huh? *I halt my torrent of cosmic attacks* Should i even be surprised? *I proceed to continue drinking as i wait to be impressed*
<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

*It doesn't take long for the swarm to notice you, the rear portion of the horde comes to a stop while the groups ahead start splitting off and slowing down... They take a good long moment to investigate, tilting their heads and sniffing the air; many of them make low growls, hisses, and snarls, though they don't advance further... They either don't seem intelligent enough to communicate, or they don't understand...*

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

*The horde seems too preoccupied with the interaction between Cyrus to notice, though you can make out at least a few thousand creatures in the swarm...*

Yup @Memory Prism... Whisky! NOW!!! *I say as i don't even bother to wait, i manifest a bottle of my good ol' whisky oh hemp and chug it down my gullet -- then proceed to produce two black holes in my hands*

Well here goes nothing!

*I say as i wipe my mouth and shoot them into the horde causing them to be consumed as they get touched by it before the black holes vanish*
@RoadkilBanana @Memory @Threads of Fate @The Odeoron

*One portion of the ichor ocean seems to catch your attention... A whole swath of the pool seems to be... Moving... It doesn't take any much more than a slightly closer inspection to notice that this section wasn't an ocean of liquid, but an ocean of liquified bodies, a horde of oozing behemoths traveling onwards... They do not seem aware of you yet.*

Uuuum... guys?


Yes you owe me that whisky!!!!
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