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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Wide paths of light navigate around and over the holes toward the exit*
Come on, this is our chance!

*Follows you using my enhanced instincts considering the cloth around my eyes* Hey just to be extra sure can you use some 6th sense type of thing so i can give you all some of these cloths too for your eyes? We don't know what tricks this piece of rotting garbage will pull next and Prism, get Misty already! *I materialize several extra bands of black cloth in my hand to have at the ready*
<Snipped quote by Legend Begins>

It's been clear ever since I got left next to the sea of horrors, trust me.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

All due respect, boys, we have no time to be arguing semantics right now. We gotta move!

None taken, uuuh... new lady i guess. Let's see here...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

She's right, let's focus on getting out of here!
*Extends magical runes in search for the way out*

*Calls upon primal power as the way out made by Alialliel becomes visible high out in the sky, but it is past several of those soul eating black holes*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Motions to your tesseract*
You sure?

*Looks at it with a cringe expression* Uuuugh... don't... don't point to that thing! It's more like I'M the cube's property and not the other way around!. And yeah, my world is a planet called Terra Firma. Then moved to Mars... that's the place i like to call my world... for sanity's sake...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

In fairness, no part of your world has been as expected so far.

Whatever do you mean by that, my guy... This is DEFINITELY not my world!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

The real and the unreal start to blend together here. Be careful!

Why am i not surprised anymore?... *I sigh resigned*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

Look, we're nearly out of this place. I don't know if you can trail us or not.


Huh? I'm confused... aren't we in somebody's mind? Reality all of the sudden doesn't make sense to me anymore...
<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

More than just Misty! The world itself is rejecting us!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Maiden springs!
*The ground becomes elastic and bouncy under the both*

Ugh! *We bounce on the ground as we reach the bottom* Hey! It's pink flowery bracelet lady!! Looki Prism! @Memory
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*An alarm clock sound springs to life around the building, shaking it like an earthquake*
Get out of there!

*Flies off building after the explosion catching @Memory Prism on the way*

You okay dude? You look like you saw a ghost! *I say as we are in freefall*

@The Odeoron@Memory

*You both suddenly find yourselves in two separate yet neighbouring cubicles working as employees of some sort for some company in this world*

???: I guess i'll just have to borrow this idea from my dearest sibling... *Snickers maniacally*

@The Monitor 2

Huh? What in the....? An office man suit? WHAT? *I quickly undo my bowtie and start concentrating my powers so hard that the whole floor begins to burn visibly and it explodes outwardly so that it is visible to anyone on the streets @Legend Begins@Stratocracy*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Ties it around my face*
Got it. I get the sense that this entity is toying with us.

Why am i not surprised anymore? These things seem to see us all as anything but less than dust beneath their feet! *Ducks from a rock that flew just past our heads*
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