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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm... good. I just drink here.
*Lifts a hand and snaps twice, before a short girl walks past, glaring at me*
Okay sorry the usual please.
Don't raise my rent...

*Chuckles as i pour one shot for me and i take the glass of ale you offered and first i drink the hemp whisky shot and then i gulp a mouthful of ale* Aaaaah! Nothin' like mixing beverages brother! *I look at you and at the annoyed girl* It's fine, i'll pay for myself and for this dude... do you accept gold or precious stones? I'm sorry i heard of your tavern coin, i have none of that... but i have valuables i can trade! *I seemingly grab out of nowhere two small rectangle bars of gold that resembles the Spartan bars of ancient Greece or any Romanic or Grecian like civilization*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You know, I'll trade you a drink for that. Let's grab one before we launch. You like mead?

Pal! You're my type, I'll drink any alcohol, in fact i'll drink both in fact. *I proceed to remove the cap of my whisky* Any glasses? Warning, my brand of whisky is particularly strong, as it has both effects of alcohol AND hemp high... you think you can handle it?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

What's your favorite spell? How big a fan are you of incantations? What's your longest of all time?

*Reels back in surprised shock at the magic geek reaction that was totally unexpected* Uuuh... whoa whoa whoa *I grin and with a glint in my eyes i manifest my staple hemp whisky and pull it up almost like a rabbit out of the non-existent hat type theatrics* Care for a drink and tell me if you can hold it in? *I grin and sideye you Prism remembering your aversion with amusement*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Didn't have to be that far, but that works I guess.

Hey man... give me a break, they kept poking the bear with demands for honesty and trying to swidle us, you said trust, i trusted...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Ooh, artifact magic!
*Inspects it up close, allured by new magical knowledge*

Yeah... Prism acted in more composed way but similarly when he first saw it... so what? You asked to see me and him prematurely, you kept poking, i said to hell with it. What is happening from here on then?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm not sensing hostility. Better communication solves most problems, so let's just try to talk it out first.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm going to be blunter than Lily. You have three options here. Either relax a little and build some trust in your potential party, join the party anyway with suspicions high on both sides until Lily eventually breaks through whatever you're hiding, or lose your cool and do the quest on your own.

<Snipped quote by Meta>

Uh huh.

Ugh... fiiine... but if this kills us here you know you're the one who is risking more than me here Prism! *I release my energy mask and a near solar explosion of power floods all your senses @Meta almost making you vomit especially when focusing on my tesseract which you can see*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The magic circles never leave my pupils*
Hey, you said you're new to this, right? If you take stuff so seriously all the time, people not as nice as us are gonna end up taking advantage of you. Consider this some friendly advice!

*I just look at you Prism @Memory with a questioning eye as to ask for your input in this and whisper* Hey i know you don't remember the specifics, but you still have some instincts there... do we trust these two with their demands? or we skedaddle?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You'd do best to be honest with us. Not that I blame you.

Yeah, no thank you, i was warned not to trust any of you travellers, even if you are potentially good hearted. Your priorities are suspicious at best, and though the friends of this pal here were who we looked for when we were lead to the tavern, i don't intend to let you know what i am capable of just yet. And if you approach me this way, you might want to step back. My intentions are noble, but from what i understand you guys don't seem to truly care for nobility or high morals... you are more like pirates to me. You see mee, and all you see is a target. I don't appreciate that. It reveals foolishness of the deepest nature. *My eyes blaze with anger at your cockiness and seemingly touching a chord of being unjust in my eyes*
<Snipped quote by Source>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*My voice tone-shifts and red magic circles spin to life in front of my pupils as I look at you*

*Your magic hits a hard wall suddenly, as you get stats of an average sorcerer with some hard battle scars hewn across his soul* Hmm?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

So we're taking the analytics quest? Awesome!

Yup! Let's go then! *I give you Prism @Memory in particular a knowing look, that we don't really need currency since we can just create anything we need but for now... we need to play it low*

*I trun towards one of the doors and realise i have no idea how this works yet* Uuuum... so newb question here... how... do these doors work?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Hah! Nice try, it's an investigation quest. That's free labor.

Well, i don't even know what you actually pay, and what is the agreed upon multiversal currency... my main concern is getting allies and building a fairly... let's just say high morals and reality defending network of travellers. And since Prism pal here knows not much about the traveller culture anymore, i'll give up, you come, you take 70 percent, fine... i still don't know what money is to you guys, and i get to see if i can trust you two or not... and if Prism can trust you too...
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