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<Snipped quote by Path>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

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*Keeps flying faster, so fast space around me warps and begins tearing apart as i simply break through the speed limit of light without suffering any of the quantic consequences and instead the laws of physics suffer a feedback loop that eats at the foundations of the fabric of space-time in this universe as i leave you behind*


*Sighs as i read that we seem to crank up the construct's speed and warping limits before warning signals display of an inability to continue following*

Uum guys... he's getting away... And i don't think it would be wise to continue following it, space itself here seems to tear apart in his wake...
<Snipped quote by Interface>

*Rocks backwards with the force*
Woah! Don't let him escape!
*Extends my arms, which causes the giants' arms to stretch forward after you at high speeds*
Give it all you got everyone!

Roger! *The tesseract hovers over our head, slowly regenerating the broken part of the titan as we continue on*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*blinks and coughs into empty space*


Guys... i hate to be the bearer of bad news... but umm... he tore a hole through us and now he's running away!
<Snipped quote by Interface>


<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

How do you even know these planets are not just made up?

<Snipped quote by Source>

*pokes your back and connects to you*
OKay! I am a battery now!

Fair enough i guess! But still! *I charge you up with more power for whatever you have planned*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Uses my own will to push more of its astral energy toward your spells*

*Manifests a holographic version of the tesseract in our hands clearly for all of you to see as we start glowing with solar fire and the collective power starts exploding from within Dyklothiath's body*
<Snipped quote by Interface>

All of you! We have to focus! Whether you want to be on this quest or not!

Already ahead of you pal! *Focuses my power through my arm of the giant and cleanses the eldritch growth on our leg*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Basically zero!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Who called it that? and very low.

That does not excuse you risking them on! Guys c'mon... let's be more careful here please!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

How do you know that?

I don't but have you seen these star systems? There's a reason it is called the universe of the thousand planets systems! Every star system has around ten thousand planets per star... give or take... what do you think the likelihood of each one of them to have at least a primitive civilization on them?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Memory>

There we go!
*Follows up with my own strike, which channels magic through the giant to convert hundreds of star systems into a massive explosion*

DUDE! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! Do you realise that those stars may have trillions of people around them?!
<Snipped quote by Memory>

I don't know, we can test it later!

Levy is it? He can totally make copies of himself, he just chooses not to. I can stand witness to that!

*Wills my arm to clench on the tentacle enveloping us and channels my power through to attempt and burn it down*
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