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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It must have been so difficult for you.

*Wipes my eyes and composes myself*

Yeah... uncomfortable feeling that! I think it only becomes more difficult with time, especially with those never ending questions... not so much about the why, but about the what, how and the what ifs... *I seem to have lost a bit of mental focus over time here*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

We use universe for simplicity. What happened that led to its collapse?

*My eyes become misty* Something beyond any rational comprehension... that's what... Please... i'm still mourning. Yes i got blessed to have some of the closest friends escape the disaster, but i had so much more back there... I cannot believe that things such as those could exist...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

To remove all mystery, I mean the universe you all came from.

Ah... that place... You mean Axis 98? Well that was how Prism named it... it was not just a universe... it was a complex of multi-layered omni-realities... i have nothing much left to describe them. I'm pretty sure that whole place is in cinders now...

*I stutter in sadness as i sip on my tea next to the holodeck*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

That's part of it. Really, the nearby universe fallout was curious, to say the least. I figured I could come and hear your side of the story.

Wait... Nearby universe FALLOUT?! What do you mean by that? Are you implying that whatever anomaly beset this reality has affected surrounding realms?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

That's part of it. Really, the nearby universe fallout was curious, to say the least. I figured I could come and hear your side of the story.

I don't have a side of the story Grace... All i know, is one second i was doing a mission for this place just called 'the tavern' with a good friend of mine named Prism, and then 5 hours later i return to find out this place moved forward a full month... i'm still trying to find answers here...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

You're too kind. I'm not worthy of any veneration, especially as a function of my race.

Good to know! *i smile as we begin heading inside one of the larger structures* So what made you curious about this universe? Is it the temporal discrepancies?... I still couldn't wrap my head around that chapter...

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I wouldn't reject a spot of tea. I'm grateful for your hospitality.

But ofcourse! You are an angel! *I look fondly at Gabriel* Your kind is one of the main reasons i turned a page on my life... towards the light... and onwards...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm not here to free or destroy any demons. Just to investigate.

Good... Phewh!

Well then, shall we have some tea or a pizza? or some games in the holodecks while we talk?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I don't plan on tampering with anything. But I do plan to be ready.

Don't worry, he hasn't escaped in nearly three months now... and the integrity of the cell is still 100%... not likely he will unless people bite on his bait...
<Snipped quote by The Monitor 2>

*Drops my cloak in preparation for combat*

Uuuh... what are you trying to do Grace? *Blinks in concern* If you want to deal with him then please don't... that is exactly what he's expecting you to do... any tampering may risk the prison cell we placed him in....

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Another one?

Not another one... i said three from my home... i don't consider the devil as a cherished family member remnant of my world... she is. Another archangel. She just so happens to have pulled the smallest straw for today's prison guard shift...
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