<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
I'm not sure what you mean at all, I'm afraid.
*Clear throat* I did something i was told to not do by Gabriel and Prism, and it turns out Satan came riding that horse.
Now i'm hard at work trying to see how to fix my mistake... At first, enchanting several quantum seals with apocalyptic scriptures has proven to weaken him all the way enough that he could be imprisoned. And ever since then i tried figuring out a way to completely eradicate him... as redemption for him seemed to be something he always used only to toy with our emotions and minds for his dark goals, never once seeming like the messages and talks did any modicum of progress. But one thing i did come to realise, is that he IS a genius deceiver and a genius level actor.
He would sweet talk you into heaven if it could bring him some form of entertainment or make him gain something. That is a false heaven, but still.