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<Snipped quote by Server>

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

My main concern- my true one, really, is the potential to make things worse. I’m not sure how it could happen, but we have no idea.

How could it be made worse? To me all i see here and even what i sense, is her freedom to consume nourishment has been restricted by... something... and how long until another solution appears? Does she even have that long? What if by the time that alternative appears, she's already too far gone?
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

Just... if not now, when? That's my thought.

I'm not entirely sure about the details of what's been going on with you, or why this is happening. But all i can say, is i'm more than confident in my ability to help. As to when. I do not know. But i'm here now. And i'm offering to help. *I smile warmly*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

But do you think he has a point?

In general yes. Objectivity and caution are always important. I'm not going to insist on this.
<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

I'm desperate. Desperate people do crazy things.

After you Miss Jade!

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

<Snipped quote by Server>

This all seems to be a rather rapid jump to action. Hardly a detail actually known, and there’s also the matter of abandoning your position here.

Put yourself in her position Orthrus. You are starving, on the brink of death, some unknown person poisoned her and she's dying. She might not make it by the time a solution appears.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Slides the glass across the bar counter*
Nope. Phew…
*Blinks a few times in quick succession*
No, I’m sticking to what I said. But that is some strong stuff.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I’m not immensely in favor of jumping to action on this one. Feels like prying, more than anything.

Fair enough man! And yeah, here' have a bottle for yourself as a gift for whenever you feel stressed out. Just... remember to drink slightly less than you did now then *I chuckle - and create another one of those bottles out of light next to you*

Well it isn't prying since she will be with me fully aware of everything i'm doing there, in fact we are both participating, if she doesn't want me to see something, she just locks that door in her mind. I don't need to find out personal information, just check what is preventing her from feeding.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I guess that's okay...

*Nods then fully reveals the tesseract to both you and Orthrus @Magnanimity *

<Snipped quote by Magnanimity>

Who do you think I should talk to?

*I lift a finger attracting the attention as to say i'm that guy who has the solution*

So Miss Jade. Shall we? Do you want to do it here then? I'm perfectly fine with doing it in public. but i do not know the policy of preternatural abilities manifested in the bar section of this tavern...

@Magnanimity Mister Orthrus, if you want you could join us. Show me how well you can handle yourself in the mind-dream-ether state? And who knows what form that blockage of Jade's might take, we could use help in defence if it becomes hostile...
<Snipped quote by Server>

Any number of folks, honestly. I’d be more insightful if I was the type of expert to truly diagnose, but the best I could do is give advice that may or may not be misguided. We don’t want that.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Swirls what little I have around in the glass before taking a swig of what’s there before letting out a huge sigh*
There sure is a kick to that one.

*Lifts the bottle up* Think you can handle a full glass of it then? *I chuckle*

*The effect of hemp and strong alcohol coursing through you may be dampened due to your resilience, but you certainly start feeling a little... senselessly happy and drifty...*

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

One could say I’ve got a tolerance. Among the best in my family, anyway.
*Takes the glass and then tilts it toward you*

<Snipped quote by Server>

I won’t insert myself into your problems then. But if you need a guy who knows a guy? I’m your guy.

*Grins and clings the glass* Cheers! And may our journeys be as epic as they can possibly be! *I grin and chug the entirety of mine down without so much as a blink then proceed to pour another one shamelessly*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

My name is Jade... and I think I understand? Or maybe I don't...

It isn't necessarily an easy concept to understand Miss Jade. Not everyone ponders the nature and functionality of living beings unless their journey leads them that path, completely understandable. But for me to help you, i have to pinpoint within your ethereal being, the mind and the barrier between the soul, what exactly is blocking the feeding channels and functions so i can dispel them... I can't think of any other way that would be less intrusive and safer than this...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

It's not a mental issue, I think...

Everything starts from the mind miss... apologies i have never asked your name... I feel you have me at a disadvantage there *I chuckle* If you think about it, the brain is responsible for managing all bodily functions and in the brain also exists the control centre for deeper layers of being such as soul, spirit and consciousness. And if you are some kind of being that needs energy to survive, i presume that lies somewhere between the soul and the mind before the physical... am i wrong?
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