<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>
*Through the same space a ship passes by the station, that you are on, revealing how it is built inside of a large asteroid*
*A faint radio signal is heard as a womanly alien voice is heard, and you, Benjamin, having your senses tuned to as many frequencies as possible can hear the strange alien tongue*
... Skrydyenth Ley'krumma, shimmo... Sklyry!...
*It can only be presumed that whoever this is is definitely intrigued by seeing you on the space station, seemingly suit-less in an atmosphere voided location... by all means to them you are either a ghost or simply cannot be*
*The copy of me that remains there notices you and i chuckle somewhat amused, yet not entirely disinterested while i talk to nobody in particular*
... I guess the masters of this... whatever this is, came to check it up? Hmmm...