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<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Stares up with an intense gaze, and gravity suddenly increases a thousand fold around you*

*I fall flat on the ground taken by surbrise by the power and not being entirely ready to resist it*

What... ugh... is... th... this?!?!?

*I say through the dirt as my face is glued to the soil*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Is kneeling toward the dirt, inspecting a set of tracks*

*Sees you from the sky while i look back and forth between you and the planet trying to make sure that what i'm feeling and what i'm seeing is right*

Naaah... this isn't Prism...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*You manage to trace it to a single habited planet among the stars*

This... this doesn't feel right... but this is the only trace i got and i doubt the other copies found anything... *I say to nobody in particular as i warp towards that planet and keep my senses heightened for anything that might be an adversity*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The ship flies backwards to make sure it has you in full view*

Loo... Skrydyenth!

*The same voice is heard as if she's confirming her confused observation while you feel a strong psychic mind intently focused on you... you simply should not be on that ledge there...*

*I wave mildly disinterested yet just resting on the nearest support pillar while i keep thinking through my issues*

Finally locals to this mad universe... Sheesh, could whatever that is be less pressuring?... *I just speak that with no intent of adressing the alien necessarily*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*Through the same space a ship passes by the station, that you are on, revealing how it is built inside of a large asteroid*

*A faint radio signal is heard as a womanly alien voice is heard, and you, Benjamin, having your senses tuned to as many frequencies as possible can hear the strange alien tongue*

... Skrydyenth Ley'krumma, shimmo... Sklyry!...

*It can only be presumed that whoever this is is definitely intrigued by seeing you on the space station, seemingly suit-less in an atmosphere voided location... by all means to them you are either a ghost or simply cannot be*

*The copy of me that remains there notices you and i chuckle somewhat amused, yet not entirely disinterested while i talk to nobody in particular*

... I guess the masters of this... whatever this is, came to check it up? Hmmm...
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The signal seems to strike a strong mental barrier that also resembles the brainwaves of Prism*

Tsch... Well i guess fair is fair...

*I react as i try to point the exact location of the signal in this universe*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The signal seems to stabilize and reside on the same world for a while*

*I rest my hands at my back as i focus intently in transmiting a telepathic message towards the signal*

Prism... you goob... is that you?!
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>


Alright, but be careful Ben, we can never trully know what we deal with in these wildernesses beyond God.



*I settle in the same reality, and i'm currently just hovering in space, not really heading to any one particular world yet*
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The signature eventually settles in a universe separated from your own by several dense worlds, further attenuating the signal*

What in the... i nearly lost him!

*I reach for my temple as i try to communicate with Ar'Gavryiel*

Listen chief, i think i might have spotted Prism... or at least something that feels like him, i will recall the rest of the copies to join base once i settle this.
<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

*The entity's signature appears to wane and start to fade as it travels*

*one copy keeps track of the signature as i keep travelling the multiverse without resting in any one reality*
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