Avatar of The Otter


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3 mos ago
Current 1.5 oz gin, 1.5 oz sweet vermouth, 2 to 4 dashes orange bitters
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7 mos ago
dra til helvete
1 yr ago
sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
1 yr ago
praise snail


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Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@HereComesTheSnow

Fionn nodded at Lilia as she walked off, rapidly turning back to Nico. "Commenting on lacking her mother's speed and making up for it with magic, and between you and me, I think she either underestimates herself or overestimates most of those any of us might be expected to fight. But that's beside the point. Your weapon isn't much lighter than ours, it's more a matter of the balance—and that balance gives you a lot of opportunities we don't have, even as much as it means you don't have the ones we have. And regardless of the weapon, unless your goal is explicitly to try and take the other person alive, any action you take that isn't meant to immediately end the fight in the safest manner for yourself is an unwise choice, especially if it leaves you open—like you said, you can't defend as easily if you're committing to strike at the hamstrings or the knees, or the legs in general. Now consider Gerard in your position with your sort of blade rather than a longsword—no magical talent, no magical weapon, and now using one that is somewhat disadvantaged in the cut compared to what he actually uses. He's even worse off than before if whoever he's fighting has even thick trousers."

Fionn shook his head, both at how clear what he was pointing out should have been and yet apparently wasn't, as well as the headache that he was starting to experience. Had he forgotten to drink anything that morning before he set out after Lein?

"No attack that is truly directed at the legs, with commitment, is going to be a sound attack with the weapons we use. Either their blade is down low, in which case they're prepared to parry you anyways, or it's up high, in which case you're leaving yourself entirely exposed to a lethal response. An enemy with a broken leg or severed hamstring can make their way back to the healers. You, if they split your skull open, bury their blade in your throat or lung, hew down through your collarbone and ribs into your heart, can't."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@HereComesTheSnow

"Against an opponent in armour, he'd be doing similar. Looking for exposed areas. Halfswording and using it like a spear for extra control, or outright turning it around and using it like a hammer. Swords like the two of you have, in normal hands, might be easier to beat aside—but you can just as easily evade the beat, come back around, and use the point control afforded by your weapon's inherent balance to seek out armpits, holes in visors, and under-protected necks easier than we can, in some ways, if they don't think to simply push your blade aside with a gauntleted hand."

Fionn narrowed his eyes at Nico. Surely this had to be some sort of trick.

"Beyond that, Lilia's comment towards armoured opponents was about her magic, not purely the blade work."
Fionn MacKerracher


He looked back up at the dissatisfied noise that Gerard himself made, glancing over at the younger man. "Properly covered, lad. That's the important part to remember. If you're close enough to strike at my leg, even if I'm overextended myself, you're close enough that I can split your skull at the worst, or at best just cripple you in return by striking at your hands and forearms, whether or not I let yours land." He lifted his training blade, lightly jabbing at Gerard's chest for emphasis.

"Sure, you might be cutting from tag down to pflug, but like I said, any strike to my leg should be incidental. A result of me not voiding your cut properly. You always aim for a strike that will end the fight, remove the other person's ability to keep attacking, and keeps you covered at the same time. Aiming so low doesn't do that. That is why I keep telling you it isn't a valid target whenever we're keeping score in our spars."
"I'm an idiot, Fionn. Solid posture."

He'd walked right past it through all that.

Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Krayzikk@HereComesTheSnow

Fionn simply looked down and sighed.
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

"It's not a comment on your fencing, it's just a recurring discussion I've been having with him."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

"Nach," he corrected, almost unconsciously. "And not quite. You're not entirely wrong but I don't think she ever lost her own control of the situation, which is the real danger getting stuck in such a situation. What I want to lecture you about is that bit about going for the base, for the legs. How often do you really get a chance to make a properly covered attack at someone's leg? Too easy for them to smack you in the head while you're going for their knee." Or any number of other such attacks taking advantage of how open any significantly low strike could leave the person making it.

"You're bigger than me and you use a bit longer sword. Bind and wind around their defense, don't treat it like you're a low wolf aiming for someone's hamstrings. It's not worth it unless they've clearly overextended their stance and you know for sure you aren't in harm's way attacking their leg, or if the contact is incidental after they failed to entirely void from a cut you were making."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

Fionn's eyes turned from Lilia to Renar, his face following suit with a growing look of complete incredulity arranging itself upon his features. Certainly, Renar had no way of knowing the run he'd gone on early on, certainly not when he'd made his way out of the castle grounds likely as the other two were just getting dressed. If that specific bit of ignorance were all that needed consideration, the question would appear completely innocent. Reasonable, even.

As long as they'd known each other, though, and as well as Renar had to know how highly Fionn valued his own pursuit of swordsmanship, it was nothing short of bewildering.

"You have to be kidding."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow


Fionn glanced down at the training sword in his hands. Sure, it was a good one, one that he liked, but it still wasn't the same as his actual blade. If he could use the latter instead...

"Okay, you're going to have to show me that one later."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

"Oh, don't worry too much," Fionn replied to Lilia's continued misgivings. "Once you work out some of that nervous energy everything will be fine!" Of course, after quickly scanning the training yard himself, he decided to leave out that the Knight-Captain who Lilia so wanted to speak with was out there at that very moment. Better not to let her distract herself and get even more anxious—just wait and see if Fanilly's more dressed-down look compared to the week before might let her escape notice for some time.

Rather than let the pause linger, he strode on forward straight towards a set of blunts and federschwerten kept for full sparring between the knights, deftly plucking out one of his favourites as he strode past. "Where do you think, lads? Out by the project? I've still got to have somewhere to put this pillow before it disappears again."
Fionn MacKerracher

@Raineh Daze@Psyker Landshark@HereComesTheSnow

"It wasn't left out; it was stepped away from for no more than a few minutes. And don't let her poor eyesight deceive you, she's as devious as they come."
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