Avatar of The Otter


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3 mos ago
Current are we sure that kneecaps are real or has big ortho gaslit us all into believing in them
8 mos ago
1.5 oz gin, 1.5 oz sweet vermouth, 2 to 4 dashes orange bitters
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12 mos ago
dra til helvete
2 yrs ago
sometimes i like to talk to birds and pretend they're talking back
2 yrs ago
praise snail


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Somehow I feel like I started some sort of trend with that bit I had for Callum's backstory.


"You know, Callum, if it was Lady Furino yapping at you, you wouldn't hesitate."

"...I don't want to know what is wrong in your head that you think that's okay."
"...Do you normally go shoving things in little girls' mouths?"
Meanwhile, on the road leading to Hathforth...

"Lady Anabel, please, I know you don't like the oatcakes but it's literally all the food we've had time to prepare! Get something in your stomach and maybe you'll be a bit less irritable, too...you're not you when you're hungry."


"Huh? Did I say something funny? What're you snickering at over there??"
Posted. I really need to get around to those NPC sheets. If I haven't done one for at least Minuette by the end of tomorrow, yell at me, lol.

so, about how that "end of tomorrow" was yesterday...
i can yell instead if you'd prefer
Yelling at Click is easy tbh, just ask Psyker
Esben Mathiassen

"Ah, sirs, please—"

Esben pushed his way to the front of the group, wincing as his movements elicited twinges of pain from the parts that were still sore despite the healing by Neve and Miina. Luckily, taking the extra time to clean up aboard the ship before they all set foot on the docks was likely to prove a good decision; as he faced the guards with a smile, he looked for all the world like a young noble's son out on tour. "There's no need for any hostilities, I assure you." Indeed, in some sense, he was, though the slightly drawn, pained manner of the smile was far outside the norm.

Given that he clearly wasn't any sort of seasick that could lend to it.

He raised one hand, gently pushing down on Izayoi's arm, though at the same time careful to make sure that the both of them were still between the guards and Neve. "I'm Esben Mathiassen, son of the Baron Cadon of Skael. I've been out travelling lately, and have managed to accrue this...motley crew of escorts." He gave a wry grin at the guard in the lead. "Miss Shadesbough included." He subtly emphasized the correct pronunciation of her name, sure that the sergeant wouldn't miss the insult implied.

Better to settle their places as soon as possible. It wouldn't make the man happy, but—nobleman and guardsman, employer and rival employee. Dynamics that could never be forgotten for any act like this one to work.

"Truthfully, she has proven invaluable. Why, just the other day we were beset upon the waters, and it's thanks to her that I'm even up and moving right now, rather than being carried in a litter! By all means, we'll be happy to go and meet with the Grovemasters; I would love to meet the ones that taught our white mage so well, if only so that I can give them the thanks that they're due for having her so well prepared. I'm sure my father would appreciate me taking the chance to see about opening up a new line of business in this port of yours, as well. Ah, but..."

His smile turned apologetic. "Given that I'm the one that's currently speaking for her employment, and given that I am also her patient, I'm sure you can understand why we wish to accompany her. I'm sure the Grovemasters and I can sort out some sort of arrangement..."

He looked skyward once, before shutting his eyes and smacking his forehead, the remnants of the burns on his hand being just visible to the sergeant.

"Ah, silly me—you'd like to see my papers, I'm sure? I should have the signet ring somewhere as well...you do have someone who can verify the authenticity of all of it, of course?"
Esben Mathiassen

He grasped on to the larger girl's ankle, pulling himself up rapidly towards her. Dagger first—and the blade sank deep into Siren's side with barely any resistance. Before he could draw the blade back, he rapidly found himself bound by the woman's long, cerulean tail, barely keeping his left arm free of it as she turned his way, releasing Eve and letting her float back a short distance. Thus far step one of the plan had been a resounding success—now came step two, where he had to fight to keep himself alive long enough for Eve to actually get back in the game.

Siren's lascivious grin didn't deter him in the slightest. Whatever she may have tried to worm into his mind, he was confident he could resist, both prepared for it and long past trained to resist all sorts of techniques of persuasion, interrogation, and the like, mundane or magical. If anything, it was encouragement enough to know that she'd underestimated the team she'd been called to come and fight, and so long as he continued to play at her game, she would likely continue to underestimate him until it was entirely too late for her.

Right hand still firmly on his dagger as Siren twisted to face him, he reached out, grasping at her hip and thigh with his left, pulling her in. The dagger sank in again, each wrapped in the other's deadly embrace—sharp as it was, he knew he could continue to hurt her just with the bit of movement left in his wrist, cutting and twisting as Eve regained her strength—

Esben's teeth ground together hard enough that he began to worry one might crack as every muscle seized instantly. His nerves erupted in fire, enough that he barely felt as Siren's tail and grasp tightened around him, involuntarily moving to crush him rather than just hold him in place. Her wailing buffeted past the cotton he'd stuffed in his ears to drown out her song, tearing away at whatever damage had only just begun to heal that the undead warrior deep in the desert had done to his head not even two weeks prior.

He dimly registered something cracking under the forced contraction of Siren's tail. A rib, maybe; hopefully not his arm. His own grasp on her tightened as well, fingernails easily breaking through her skin as the line of sight between them was broken for the moment by a stream of bubbles as his and her muscles both forced the air out of his lungs, past his clamped jaw. Aether welled up around his hand, the warmth of it striking against her cold skin; spurred on by the energy threatening to burn them both out his hand clenched tighter, fingers themselves digging in.


Too easily.

Her pallid thighs gave way to his blade and hand both without nearly the resistance he would've expected. He latched onto the thought, forcing his mind to follow the singular topic despite the wailing and the pain. Whatever had been done to give her the appearance of liveliness and youth, there was no mistaking how shockingly easy it had been to deliver some harm her way. The skin was smoother than it should have been, but growing up on the coast, Esben was more than familiar with the sort of macerated flesh he encountered here.

A corpse!

As the surge wore down and he could reassert some control over his body, he twisted his dagger immediately, widening the wound it had made beyond what their convulsions had already caused it to do. Jaw still clenched tight enough to hurt all its own, the look in his eyes had shifted; brows drawn down, eyes narrowed, Esben's face was a mask of cold, righteous fury at the abomination that still held firm against him. Even as he struggled to stay focused, vision starting to grey and blacken at the edges, he was utterly convinced of the need to destroy what floated before him, regardless of whether Eve still entertained any thoughts of trying to 'rescue' one of her fellow experiments.

She was barely different from what they'd run into out in the desert. A drowned corpse, reanimated with power that should never have been handled in such a way as Valheim felt itself entitled to do. Filthy draug, even if you drown me you're not swimming away from here either!

Fingers wrapped around his free arm, unnoticed, as he let go of Siren's thigh; while her body may not have been the turgid cadaver he'd seen growing up, it was entirely too close for comfort. He struggled to pull his dagger free as his vision blackened, his only thoughts on finding whatever kept her from dying outright and making sure she would die for good—

The pressure around his face and body released, and where they'd been floating, now he could feel he was falling. He coughed, vision rapidly returning as he breathed deeply. Weight hung off of him, far more than his clothing—he could see again just in time to catch sight of Siren's limp form falling below, landing in the water beneath them.


He still held his dagger in a vice-like grip, and despite the protestations of pain all over his body he brought it back to its sheathe.



They were flying. He was hanging, nearly limp, from one arm, Eve struggling to keep them aloft.

The waters had been parted around them, he could see; they weren't terribly deep to begin with, but whoever had gotten the abyss away from them certainly gave themselves quite the margin of error. But the displaced water was rapidly filling back into the space it had just been forced out of, and even as close to the surface as they were, that was still making for the equivalent of a ten foot wave ready to strike them.

He tried to pull his body up a bit, to curl in and take up less space, and cursed as his muscles spasmed, erupting in new pain and driving the breath back out of his lungs with a pained growl. He could feel blisters already starting to well up in his hands; likely everywhere he'd been in contact with Siren he'd sustained some sort of electrical burn. Wherever he didn't, he was still aching and fatigued, muscles slow to respond like they should.

This must be what getting hit by lightning is like.

Still, the plan had gone off fairly well, minus the unexpected electrical intrusion. "Well, that was shocking, wasn't it?" he joked weakly, speaking quickly, eyes on the water that was quickly moving to meet them from both sides. "Get us up over this if you can, I'd rather not risk getting crushed a second time. You can swim back to the ship or we can both float and wait for one of the others to get out to us, ja?"
I like to think that this is all happening while Callum and Anabel are just riding hard trying to make sure they don't miss the departure date.

Because then it'll be really funny if Callum learns that Raiden was spotted on a dragon while he was out.

Thinking of, played a musical last week, have this week free until Sunday, and then it's another musical. I really gotta remember to add to my bit with Est before that next one starts up.
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