Callum Prosser
A moment before he'd been about to shove his dagger up under one of the scales and pry it up, the massive head turned, backing away and facing him with an eye wider than he was tall—before pulling back yet further, all three eyes trained on him.
Squarely on him, he was convinced; the shade-born anglerfish next to him likely didn't even come into the leviathan's consideration at all.
"Well, this isn't ideal," he muttered to himself as the monster's words grated in his head. Before he felt a sudden rip current pulling at him as the beast's jaws opened.
Oh. Oh it really did eat the court mage! Don't eat me, man, I only just got this job! Why was I one of the backups to dive down here? I was taught to fight people, not these things!He was almost surprised that he wasn't cursing or worse, though that was due as much to the fact that he couldn't force his own jaw to move as to any sort of bravery or fortitude he might have possessed. The anglerfish off to his left tried to swim away, breaking out of the current, as he floated, frozen in place at the sight of Ingens rearing back, his mind furiously trying to find
any way possible to get out of the line of danger. Unfortunately for him, every last possibility his thoughts trended towards was shot down as quickly as it was imagined.
There really didn't seem to be a way out of it for him. An ignominious end to an utterly disappointing journey thus far—he couldn't even manage to move fast enough, with the ring's help, to get out of the way of the current pulling him in. He'd just have to hope he could avoid the teeth...
Wait. That might work out.Forcing his limbs to move again, he started to try and cut his way out of the current just as Ingens lunged forwards. Jaws enveloped him quickly, water that the beast had sucked in pulling him along just past the snapping teeth. Not a problem for the leviathan, certainly—but Callum's last-second movement had carried him towards the roof of the monster's mouth. He let himself get carried back further, out of the way of
any wayward pointing teeth, looking for a spot that would be good to sink a hook if anything existed large enough to fish for a leviathan—before lunging upwards, sinking his dagger into a soft part of Ingens's mouth once he could see light poking through the translucent structures again rather than hard bone.
He was dragged along a little further, the dagger opening a gash in the leviathan's mouth, but with his free hand also shoved up into the bleeding wound he managed to keep himself from disappearing entirely down the monster's throat.
"Don't be like an eel, don't be like an eel," he repeated to himself, clutching onto his dagger and some loose flesh for dear life. He couldn't
see anything like an eel's secondary jaws further back, but he wasn't about to let that make him
too confident.
Rather, it was better to act as soon as possible.
"Alright, you overgrown fish, let's see if you like this as much as the smaller ones!" With a grunt, he pulled himself up, pushing his left hand deeper into Ingens's flesh; the subjugation pearls were still clutched tightly in his palm, but he stuck two fingers out, pressing hard.
"Dealanach!" While he'd never claim to be any great mage, the electric shocks he'd been able to conjure had proven their use multiple times, whether against fish or against people. While outwardly, it would likely mean nothing to the leviathan, he could only hope that the blast of electricity coming from
inside the beast's own head might prove more of a threat.