Callum Prosser
Luckily for them all, Hayworth noticed what Callum was trying to get him to see before the leviathan started moving again, rushing back to the beast and slamming the Seed home without any wasted time. Ingens barely stirred, still fighting off the effects of Callum's own magic cast within his throat, meaning that Hayworth could make a safe retreat as well without any reprisal. Satisfied that they'd managed their part of the ordeal, he turned, ready to see just what the queen was planning to do—
And instantly had to bite back a curse upon seeing that she had come up right next to him, her focus clearly on the sword that he held, as her next words made entirely obvious. "Huh?" was all he could mutter to himself in response, as she continued on past him without a second glance. The sword appearing next to him was confusing enough—but evidently the queen actually recognized it. As the rest came together, he noticed the quick glance that Mirie shot down to it in his hand. He thought back to the momentary stare that Hayworth had directed his way, what he thought was towards him, but but may well have been focused on the sword instead.
It was the second time he'd been so close to the queen in the last week, clearly everybody seemed to have some clue what the sword even was but him, and she was telling him to be ready to kill her with it. From tagalong, to enforcer, to fixer, to...appointed self-executioner? What even is my job here? Not for the first time in the last few days, he was beginning to question the wisdom of all of his choices thus far, in much the same way he had been since finding out that the man he was supposed to squire under had been assassinated the night before he even arrived.
"Maybe father did have a point," he grumbled to himself, trailing along behind the others. "Alain said as much too. Maybe staying home and helping him keep the place running wasn't such a bad idea..."
Beyond making sure to give the polite nods and greetings that were expected of him, Callum was too focused on his own brooding to really take in much of Athius itself. As they came to the king's palace he tugged at the necklaces of shells and pearls that had been draped around his neck. One of the mermaids had thankfully brought along something he could wrap the blade in, which he now carried in his hands floating along the sea floor. As their merman king addressed them, he couldn't even see anything interesting in what the man was offering while his mind was still elsewhere.
While he wasn't the richest in Arrowfell, he'd never been hurting for gold. Perfumes and such didn't interest him much, nor did he have anybody to be gifting them to. He already had pearls around his neck that would be the envy of any but the dukes and duchesses of the kingdom, and while the weapons could prove interesting, he'd already gained one that day as it was, and he'd have hell to pay trying to get his old ones cleaned up so that the saltwater didn't ruin them on the voyage back to Hathforth. It would be difficult enough figuring out what to do with the pearl necklaces that had already been thrust upon him, assuming he couldn't just pawn a couple off on Anabel to keep the kid happy on the way back—
He blinked once, the only shift to his expressionless face being his eyes growing a bit wider, assuming any of their aquatic hosts were paying enough attention to notice.
Where had she been during that entire fight? He'd already risked himself for her sake twice over, between fighting off the spectral would-be kidnapper from Ravenfell and dragging her out of the ship's flooding hold. When the queen had told him to stay on the deck, he'd expected he'd be keeping an eye out for her as well, especially when a fight did break out. But he'd had no clue where she went, and then he was called underwater.
A kid like her has no business being out in the middle of all of that. She knew that, right? I'd better not come up there and find out that bastard stole her again just to spite me.
Hopefully he wasn't on the hook for it if anything did happen to her. She was the one that recruited him, after all, not the other way around, and he'd been given different orders for the day anyways...But now he just had another thing to be worrying over until they all got back above the water and he could go and check on everything.