Avatar of The Raven Calls


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current This damn writers block is killing me... Fuck
26 days ago
20 days into being 25 and I still don't feel any different. THEY LIED TO ME!
29 days ago
Apologies to all my partners, potential and current. Somehow my work week turned into 7 days of 12 hour shifts! Replies will come, just like winter did in GoT, but uh... Probably about as slow.
1 mo ago
God I have never wanted to hang myself from the rafters of my job than I do today. God would I kill to be on a beach with a margarita right now
1 mo ago
74 people in the 1x1 interest check section!? What're we having a gangbang/train?!


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Damn didn't get far this meeting it seems lol
Welcome to CFAA! Let's go around and share our name!

Hello everyone, I'm cat, and I've been a part of CFAA for 20 years. Who wants to introduce themselves next?
<Snipped quote by Black Cat>

The new season of Bridgerton comes out just before my birthday and I'm stupid excited for it. And I do love milk and cookies so thank you!

I cannot wait! Though shit, I hope I get a birthday present that cool! Maybe a new fantasy romance will drop in August! Fingers will be crossed hah! But def feel free to message me after you binge watch season 3!
Le bumpa
Did somebody say BRIDGERTON!?!?!

Sorry, I have a Mr. Crocker type spasm everytime someone says BRIDGERTON!!!!!

Jokes aside, welcome aboard the crazy train! Here's some milk and cookies!
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