Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Hows the IC coming? people in the discord are wondering.

Due to her being physically manifested outside of the dimension she was in, she has forfeited the ability to observe where she wishs to observe. So basically shes limited to physical senses like everyone else. (hence why she wants to be in a position where she can find out more about where she is at... e.g a headmistress role)

(Note: Her summons also don't expand her ability to see, she actually has to create a summon with the ability to relay thoughts to her in order to return to her iwth hte information.)

Such Sacrifices have to be made to manifest early after all.

So yes on that note, Illusions kind of work. As well as invisibility spells and things. So playing a trickster actually makes you a solid counter to her. Not that she'll fight you anyway.


If I was gonna 'godmode' and abuse power it wouldn't exactly be a fun and fulfilling story would it?

To put it simply, most of the powers are there for embellishment, shes not exactly there for fighting, or is she the type of person that would actively fight others. She is there to talk, and to find out what is breaking the balance.

**Where once s tood the CS of Mother~**

Moms home.
**Just gonna slide in and say my interest in this for now**

Hello everyone.
Gimme a moment... I'mma go make a comprehensive list of combos for Circe...
@Scribe of Thoth

considering his reconsitution is a biological process for his body. Yea they could increase the speed that occurs lol.


Yes!! (If it involves the two of them jumpkicking the same target at the same time It'll get an additional 10 points)


Unrelated Note:

For the character of Circe due to her inexperience she could either A: Go the route of her father and focus on turning herself into a physically imposing powerhouse on any battlefield or B: Go her own way and make a new style based around mixing up manipulating herself and other peoples processes (Ever heard of weaponized Cancer, Because thats what will happen if she sends your cell division into overdrive, she can heal you to death ((Of course this would require a ton of training to reduce the time down considerably since its much more difficult to alter someone then herself after all))

The former seems like a fun 'bruiser' character, while the later seems like the wildcard of the battlefield. Both are pretty good. She'd basically become the most terrifying White-mage in the latter case lol.

Only gonna be a question as to whether or not they want to combo up. All Might was a solo wonder, after all~

Superhero teams are generally more iconic though... and also more enjoyable to watch due to team attacks. Not everyone is capable of a united states of smash afterall.

Regarding Circe and Sanyu.

Yea they would probably hit it off quite quick, Mostly due to the fact that even when it comes down to how much they know how to use their quirk they are on opposing ends of the spectrum. Sanyu knows whats shes doing. Circe on the otherhand is at most just relying on instinct and what has worked in the past. Basically shes winging it with her quirk which isn't a good idea.

**That and I totally want a combo attack called Maximum Overdrive**


*If Circe can affect peoples biological processes while they are in maintained contact with her... and Sludge Boys entire concept is becoming living armor... Couldn't she boost his toughness even more til the point they become a juggernaut in terms of defense?*

Just asking~

Edit: Also.. I just noticed a fun little combo Circe can pull off if given a little preptime with your character.

Edit 2: Yea all these characters have lovely synergies since many compensate for peoples weaknesses.

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