Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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There is indeed still space.

There is no real limit on archetype due to being outside of established yugioh canon, but if you can make your archetype chosen fit your themee. E.g Gem knights from a mining family. That would be preferred yes.

for the other question, Yes card rarity should be sort of considered if by rarity you mean "Is this card a one of a card, or did I sacrifice my wife to the god in order to unlock this power.". In a way that some of your top end boss monsters would be better if they were earned. E.g lets imagine I was XYZ (the fusion monster series), Later on I'd unlock VW, and then later on from that through perhaps a really epic battle against it I'd unlock ABC,

Before finally culminating in the most epic summoning of A to Z

Generally speaking, if you feel like your story would benefit from you gaining cards then yes you can asssume card rarity to be a thing.

Limits to character backgrounds are minimal, As long as it isn't something mary sueish, You can be a washed up castaway on an island that grew up with nothing but trading cards and practicied his card draws in the woods until he was rescued if you so want (don't do this, this is just taking it to the logical extreme). But you can't be a Seto Kaiba (at least not ot the level of the actual seto kaiba) if you catch my drift.


there is indeed still space

Also a Discord~!
@King Cosmos

Depends on if their is a suitable hankering for one.

IF it makes it out of hte interest check phase.

Most likely if their is a need to communicate readily to the playerbase.

Accepted, a nice balanced deck (with notable exceptions to be earned later. Looking at you Master Diamond), a good personality.

I like it.

Sure, I'll just need alot of it paid to an undisclosee location.
@Darkmoon Angel
If it was a once per turn clause on the adding effect, to the point where multiple copies of the card face up would still only trigger on the 'first' activation of a kuri trigger.

Then yes that is a decent card for kuribohs and can be a continuous spell.

Again, though I need to see a decklist before I can accept the custom spell that is in it.

Ah you changed it.

That said to prevent thread clogging, please PM me further inquries about the custom.
@Darkmoon Angel

Would that not allow you to stack it for card draw due to it not being a 'once per turn' effect. Allowing you to go +1 on every kuriboh activation, while also letting you search Winged Kuriboh level 10?

I suggest keep it as a field spell to prevent that.

That said I would rather like to see the deck list you plan to slot it in.
@el spandito

Ok, I need to point out that while I said customs are allowed, I did specifically point out that "An entire archetype of purely customs" would not be allowed. Cool concept though. buuut its not applicable.
@Darkmoon Angel

Alright so first things first with all customs the question that needs to be asked is. "Why does Kuriboh need this if at all and what power level would be acceptable.

It seems your trying to make your field spell a catch-all that heavily improves kuriboh (which is a defensive archetype) into an aggressive beatdown strat that also has hand restock potential.

The first effect alone would be enough for the card, everything else seems like needless bloat, Not all powerful field effects need to float esp if they offer that much gas while up.

That said, If your running a kuriboh deck, half the fun of it is the fact that it isn't hyper oppressive, its just turtling as much hits as possible until it can turn the game around.

So I feel like the custom as is is unnecessary, for that reason alone if not for its unbalanced card design. To start you should skim it down alot and keep the core component of the card you want to keep.

That said I would like to see what type of 'kuriboh' deck your making before you try to slot in a field spell like this.

But for now, I recommend just make the field spells effect be only the first effect.
@Darkmoon Angel

Certainly, Would you like me to review the card on its lonesome or as part of the deck you wish to app.

The latter is a better judge of how fitting for the deck the card would be.
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