Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

The Fool's Game

Ito Ai, a hospital patient whom had been in and out of hospitals for the greater part of her life was having that same reoccurring dream that she had been having since her most recent internment into hospital. The first time had been weird, the third time had been a bother, this was her 12th time ascending this damn tower. Her dream always picking up where it left off. She had come to memorise the details of this dream vividly.

She would always find herself ascending a staircase which was ironic given the fact that outside of her dream she wasn't capable of walking unassisted. The spiral staircase would be wrapped between an outerwall and an inner pillar with doors on both side of the staircase. Indecipherable writing on the door frame of each door. Yet every time she tried to wrestle with a door to open it the door wouldn't budge.

That is until after a few more monotonous moments climbing the stone steps of this mysterious tower this dream wasn't the same, well it was the same but not. A door was open.

She couldn't describe the feeling that washed over her, it was both one of familiarity and one of instance curiosity. She felt like she had to explore inside this door. It was her door if she could describe the strange sensation she felt as she stepped towards the doorway. Almost at once her senses were assaulted with a voice coming from behind her, as if spoken to by her own shadow. She turned to see who but the voice would always be behind her. It was repeating a message as if waiting for an answer.

"Is there not a wish you want to have granted? That one desire out of your reach?"
"Our halls will grant that most fervent desire."
"But if you decide to continue further in this tower..."
"If you set foot beyond our doors..."
"You will enter the Fool's Game."

"A wish? You want a wish?" She said considering for just a moment, This was a dream right? Therefore it didn't matter how big the wish she made was, Perhaps her dream would take on a more escapist feel so she could finally get away from it all. The stress, the worry, and the sleepless nights. Yes. She had a wish.

"I wish-"

Fujiko was standing in the middle of the school halls during lunch break, looking at the schools bulletin board to see if there was any new news she had to keep on top of, or if anything interest was going on such as events. Yet the only new thing she saw of note today was the missing persons poster for one of the students. Japan had been having a lot of issues with missing people and outbreaks of depression lately.

"Ai has gone missing" Her curiosity peaked at this little mystery, was it related to the game? Her fingers clutched her shirt, and the small bells just beneath. Just another avenue of mystery to explore. What on earth was the nature of this game she had joined. So many questions filled her inquisitive mind. As she just stood there her mind wandering off into the sea of possibilities.
Matsumori, Fujiko


can i expect a response from you?

A servant is posted, and honestly did you expect it to be anything else, but the one guided by the wisdom of the Mahatma!
Welp it seems the Party might be splitting, So for those that want to leave the library exit can go that way, and those that want to go to the portal can go that way. Otherwise, move as a group for one option.
@goodmode@Crab Bane

Hows it going your end you two?
So how is everyone doing, anyone need help or advice post wise?
I'll have Sunny grab Bacchusmon's if no one minds. Its namesake seems suitably zany for Sunny and Impmon's dynamic. Though I don't know if it really affects anything other than... letting us digivolve, if I'm backreading right?

Thats the jist of it yes, but I am considering adding a little bit more weight to it given how everyone seems so intent on specific books.

But really its just to let you digivolve yeah.

Wisemon is losing control of himself as a result of data corruption stemming from that missing book.

He says to take them and run.

Everyone but @Raineh Daze grab a book~

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