Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Wisemon's Lament

Wisemon would fixate their eyes upon the fixtures that upheld the great books well emblazoned marble, no damage to any of them, hence why Wisemon was so stumped. Nobody should have the authority to remove them so easily save for Wisemon. Hence why it had to be these unknown variables. That was why Wisemon without a doubt believed that even if they did tell the truth. They weren't being entirely honest with the protector of the library that was Wisemon's personal belief though the Librarian could at least be somewhat cordial.

Turning its towering figure around to the arrogant little chessmon and its arrogant partner. Wisemon would stoop low to look at them both directly and personally. "Why do you think-process-CONCLUDE that I would allow a arrogant-suspicious-INTRUDER like yourself to freely move about my library while under suspicion-interrogation-WATCH, So know that you have no right to make such threats in this library." Wisemon would say before creaking back up to full height. Towering over the two as an imposing figure, before merely floating away.

Wisemon would next address the organism that was paired with one of the rather rare Sistermon types. Wisemon wasn't unfamiliar with the standard respect one should give to angelic digimon, but Wisemon also didn't really care for such formalities. "Visitors, Rare if at all, Lending? No. Teleportation of books sounds like good idea. Will consider for future investment." The Librarian said with seriousness to what was probably a stupidly complex idea.

Indeed Wisemon had answered all the short questions they felt like responding to, because someone had said something that was quite interesting. The girl with a Tinkermon far away from home had brought up the intriguing factor about digivolution. But the girl with the Renamon had asked directly about the books themselves. Wisemon could answer both in one explanation.

"I have already told you of the importance and power of the books, But if you wish me to go into detail about the iconography..." Wisemon would say, Their voice a calm more readily to explain sort of tone. Indeed if there is anything this Digimon liked to do. It was to show their intellectual know-how about all things.

"As you can see there are seven pedastals, but only six books upon them. The ones that remain are Plutomon, The god of the underworld, whoms symbol is that of a dark diamond. He manages the underworld of data. Neptunemon, God of the Net Ocean with the symbol of the horse and trident. Vulcanusmon, god of the mountain forge and the owner of the grandest mines of the digital world whom uses an anvil as his symbol. Dianamon, the harbringer of the night and the goddess of the moon represented by that very same lunar rock. Venusmon the lover and the compassionate, She both drives Digimon to great success and to ruin with her overwhelming love for all things, represented by her dove and oyster. Last of the ones that remain is Bacchusmon, The foremost drinker and the party holder for all Digimon, represented by the wine glass. They are all gods compared to you and I, the gods of the digital world." Wisemon would conclude.

"The final book, and the one that was stolen contained" Then Wisemon would keel over in agony clutching its head in pain as if drawing that much information had hurt it in some way. As it quickly shook its head. What was in the last book. It attempted to try to recall the information again, keeling over once more, something was wrong. What was it talking about. The gods, Olympos XII. The intruders. Jupitermon.

In pain the digimon would reach out towards the books to try to read it to refresh its memory. Accessing these books should allow it to remind itself what it was talking about and ground itself. With outstretched palm Wisemon arbiter of the node and keeper of the great library would attempt to read Bacchusmon's Tome.
Data corruption at unacceptable levels
Access Denied

The voice would bellow loudly.

And Wisemon?

They screamed


Hack enroute to the Digital Shift

Leaping from rooftop to rooftop to close in on the signal of the digital shift, a white-furred digimon with a flowing red cape would be rushing to the scene. Hack had been sent alone because not only was he faster, he was also capable of slipping into the school unnoticed. The old geezer would have to wait outside. They would assess the situation before closing the rift. God forbid anyone was trapped inside. But it was the best they could do as of current until they know what the enemy was. All Hack and by extension the rest of Dojo team knew was that the longer the rifts were open, the more unstable the real world would become and they couldn't risk another Yokai incident...

Thus it would continue running headlong towards the school.

Wisemon in their fit of anger and rage was causing the very library to shake, books would fall off their shelves, others would turn red symbolising damaged or corrupted files as a result of Wisemons fit. To see such a figure that had up to this point been at least somewhat intelligent and polite if at least threatening, be devolved down to a rabid beast and then even more frightening. Wisemon would just stop and calmly lift itself up.

"Take them. The books. Take them far away from here and do it quickly. I am no longer suited to be the protector of these books. I do not care what your intention is, if your a bad person someone else will have to stop you. Just take them and leave before I inevitably change my mind." Wisemon would say their voice free of distortion. One last island of sanity before the darkest abyss of mindlessness. They were twitching oddly, like a bug being probed with a sharp stick. Their book they stood open shedding pages.

It seems whatever Wisemon was doing it was only to stall for time.
Alrighty, with those responses I feel I can get right down to business.

Wrapping up this opener.
Alrighty, I will work on the GM then, I appear to have caught something given how tired I feel, So it may be slow. But given that, I might as well ask for some future character projections,

Will you guys be maintaining eachother as one large group or would you prefer to split off into smaller teams (Easier to manage) to better foster specific interactions with people.


Actually, Zel hasn't posted yet. I failed to mention that we weren't in a collab this time. I also know what time zone they're in so it's not quite Sunday night for them yet.

Oh I see, Ok, I'll wait on Zel
Alright thats everyone I'll work on a GM post!
@Stern Algorithm Hows the collab coming~!
Can we get a quick description of the books? I want to make sure I'm not assuming things incorrectly in my next post.

Visual guide of what they roughly look like but the flair varies

Basically they are thick grimoire like books that are emblazoned with the personal symbol of each member of the Olympos XII, The one missing is Jupitermons which is emblazoned with a symbol of a lightning eagle. The ones left are, Pluto (A Dark diamond) / Neptunemon (Horse and Tident) / Vulcanusmon (a blazing anvil) / Dianamon (A moon) / Venusmon (A dove and oyster) / Bacchusmon (Wineglass).

Effectively speaking what book you take does not matter at all. As all function exactly the same in terms of digivice terms.

So! GM post. Wisemon is going to push you all into the relic room for like 2 reasons. One he gets to show you what book was taken. So if you are guilty and seem to already know too much he can delete you. OR if you show increased agitation to comply he can interrogate you further.

Finally. It means if players do attack they are in proximity to the books that function as digivices when opened by the human half of the digimon-human pair. Which means the fight is much more fair. That's all.

Trajan Node - The Auxillary Library

Wisemon overwhelms the silence

The anomalies had spent the gracious time the Liberian had given them protesting or declaring innocence, or in some cases insulting them with a mannerism that they did not comprehend. Save for the aggression. In the interim Wisemon had been personally analysing everyone present. He had pertinent words for each of them but firstly they had to address the confusion before these wretched individuals continued to blight their presence. Indeed each one of them had something about them that bothered this Digimon whom held themselves in the utmost esteem.

"The book is no longer present-in range-here, It has been removed-taken-stolen in such as manner as to make it vacate the entire library!" Wisemon said stressing to these intruders that if they knew where the book was they most certainly wouldn't be bothering themselves with questioning. "I can sense any information record within this place. It is not here, therefore, you must of transported it through this dangerous-intriguing-DISGUSTING portal. "Even if your telling the truth. I cannot help but... find you all GUILTY" Wisemon would say, indeed given how the air crackled around the ultimate digimon, it was a hair-trigger away from attacking. Held back only by its need and compulsion to break down its view of each of them.

It pointed first to the girl and her Renamon. "Maceration, A process whereby one can obtain a clean skeleton in order to display it, much like how I would prefer to display you as a means to ward off intruders should you insult me further"

They glanced over the Sistermon, They hadn't said anything of note. He may have commented on their apparel but the Digimon had no reference for what was decent where the anomaly was from but given that they themselves wore such heavy robes a revealing outfit like that was unmentionable. Though Wisemon refrained from making the comment, the fact their gaze lingered a bit too long meant it must of had something to say.

It next directed its attention to the woman with the audacity to claim royalty. "Do not think I cannot hear you suggest that you yourself are royalty before me, I have seen-witnessed-helped in the destruction of royalty before. Do not act in a way to make me consider you a Tyrant-Dictator-Enemy even more so then you already are."

He would pass over the other two, whom had merely subscribed to the logic of the room. Finally resting his eyes on the most loudest and observably terrified of them all. "You." He said looking directly at Taiji. "If you think that You have the audacity to ask such a question, then I will tell you who I am. I am Wisemon. The guardian of this library of which you have all broken into. A library that contains more knowledge then you could comprehend"

Wisemon would stand there for what seemed like a few more awkward moments. "But. You have all told the truth at least from the way your body language tells it. Thus I will show you where the book was taken from." The Digimon reasoned thinking that if any of them showed increase agitation to be in the same room. That too would be a sign of guilt. As he pointed to the great door behind the group. "Step through there. You should notice one of the great books to be missing." He said considering to simply remove the problem of all the anomalies back attacking them from behind if they all turned towards the door.

Indeed he felt the need to destroy them all... but he also hadn't had visitors in such a while. He could get away with explaining everything about this place to them before he destroyed them... They weren't allowed to leave after all.

Alright, so I've concluded Im going to go the third option instead, Given that wisemon gave you all 10 minutes to talk amongst yourselves, Lets see if you guys can actually get some character mingling going on, Quickly sort out a plan amongst yourselves in character, interact a bit. I'd say at most that'd just mean one more post cycle before wisemon acts immediately, HOWEVER I do feel that a quick group talk or at least an addressment of the other people about you and what they are doing might be a good idea.

OR y'know I can just post out the next GM post, I just feel that a bit more character interaction between PC's might be pertinent.

Actually I'll just create the GM post anyway. Better to keep moving forward then get hung up on stuff.
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