Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

That's another cycle of everyone having posted~ which means its time for another GM post.

Though there is a small question to be had.

Given how everyone reacted Wisemon can react in one of two ways, Either by attacking (after of course explaining there is none of that particular book left only the 6 original books remain)

OR by Wisemon calming down just a bit. As a result of everyone (even the rude ones) adopting a passive approach as of current and giving wisemon ample time to check their persons.

@Stern Algorithm

Hows the collab coming?

I will be resigning from this RP as a result of the fact that TOON chaos monsters are now a thing, This has caused me to drastically rethink my personal deckbuilding and wished I had the massive IQ to app TOON chaos instead. Truely I am a fool for thinking anything heroic could of occured in a gang of duelists. I really should of app'd light and dark monsters in a pegasus theme deck. Thousand eyes restrict would of been right at home here.

peace @Ammokkxboy

A brave choice.

I'm for option 2 because it offers a better chance for everyone to create these prior interactions in a proper more organic way.

But you didn't really need my input for that did you.

@The World
Doesn't seem too egregious

Also reminds me, The stolen book isn't in the library anymore, but feel free to look for it in character if thats what you wanna do.

bad and naughty children get put in the WISEMON MACERATOR to atone for their crimes

Do we keep to a turn order?

Also, @PsyBlade - if you're looking for CR I had this mental image of Kuroko coming up with some airsoft-based training exercise for the Digimon (and Sunny would be all over that like ketchup) though that'd have to be, I guess, after they're not all in mortal danger haha. They also both share that grey zone of being friendly but not actually getting very close to folks, so maybe there's something in that... Just some food for thought!

(If anyone else wants to juggle CR ideas as well, lemme know!)

Wisemon is prone to just show up places

Anyway! Turn order wise I think the only order I've got so far is everyone posts at least once before the next GM post, but you can post more if you want to. So in that regard its less a "Turn order between players" and more a Everyone needs to post before the GM does.

IC post done -

Time to exposit on some lovely updates:

- Wisemon is addressing everyone. Everyone is free to respond however they choose.
- The Digivice for this RP use the sacred Grimoires of the Olympos XII as a foundation (the pure data is converted by the bonds of a human and Digimon) So be sure to pick one of those up. You can do so by resolving peacefully/Fighting and winning with/against Wisemon and receiving. OR you can just steal and ditch. The Latter is obviously much easier then attempting to calm down the enraged digimon with the power you currently possess. (Of course if you worked as a group you could overpower even an ultimate digimon. Especially if you steal A Grimoire to use it to digivolve first then beat Wisemon)
- Yes there are only 6, and there are 7 of you. @Raineh Daze has already said that she is fine with forgoing a digivice this early on as a result of the Sistermon featuring Slide Modes. The Grimoire you recieve has no bearing on how you digivolve. As it is merely just a massive receptacle of data to use. (Its filled with stories of the gods exploits). A digimon could also bypass the need for a digivice entirely by just training really hard and in-taking/efficiently using Data. So it is possible to permanently maintain a champion state (Ala Gatomon) should you choose but it is a lot more work.
- The red text is where the text to speech is inhuman.

IF anyone has any further questions ask away!

I will be adding the Location details of the Library to the first post, and adding Wisemon to the NPC tab in the CS section.

Trajan Node - The Auxillary Library

Quiet in the Library!

Fury of the Wise

Wisemon, A Digimon with motives shrouded in mystery. The custodian of the Trajan node. A keeper of knowledge that records, Analyses and experiments with anything it comes across to expand the information it possesses. It is an effective Custodian of information both in its fairness of how it treats visitors and in how it values exchanges of equivalence. For what then would cause such a calm Digimon to become lose its cool.

Someone had taken one of the Grimoires. The holy scriptures. The spoken words of the gods themselves. The core tenants of the mightiest. The greatest books in the collection. It invalidated his entire purpose as a Custodian. For a creäture of such strict logic and pride. The idea of being tricked was never considered. The Thief must still be here? They must.

Wisemon cocked its head. Did it hear voices just outside this room? Its eyes shone with righteous fury. It lamented to itself of its failures as it began to process the information and formulate a plan. Intruders. Thieves. Scan. Find. Others. Anomalous Data near other Digital Fauna. Virus? Infection? Mutation? Unknown. Interrogate. Contain. TERMINATE. As it finished its line of thought it would step upon its open book and in an instant it would teleport in front of the gate. Behind the distracted anomalies and the Digimon.

Analysis. There was a gate behind it leading to the perilous unknown, a realm of taboo knowledge certainly. It would turn to study the humanoid anomalies, No recorded Digimon that it knew of. Data seemed complex. Organic coding with a central programming network of electric impulses. Comparison with humanoid digimon would conclude that the head was a critical point of weakness. It immediately concluded that none of them appeared to have the tome on their person. They must had transported it somewhere. Wisemon couldn't leave the library. It would have to take prisoners. But it would be effective to only take one prisoner. The Anomalies seemed infinitely more interesting than the Digital Fauna present. So it would rank the capture of them over the Digimon. This entire analysis took place within a second.

"01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111" It said audibly sounding out the binary for a moment in a monotone voice, its voice shifted pitches and tone. Settling on a voice that sounded like a hybrid of text to speech devices.

"Intruders-Guests-PREY are not welcome within my Library-Abode-LAIR." It stated first. Always putting emphasis on every third word with an aggressive tone that only an angry synthetic voice could produce. Vibrations of static included. "My terms-conditions-ORDERS to prevent the immediate ending of your freedom-playtime-LIFE is that what you return the stolen Grimoire-Holy Scripture-BOOK immediately." Its yelling was filled with the rage of a being that had its very purpose challenged.

"The stolen item is one of the 7 sacred relics of the Olympos XII. Capable of allowing a Digimon to bypass its natural life-cycle and rapidly increase its power in a short amount of time via a great intake of information. Should it fall into the wrong hands, Since it cannot be opened by a standard Digimon I must consider the anomalies are at fault." For that brief reprieve of when the voices were calm enough to speak in harmony it would lecture them why it was so mad. So these inferior lifeforms could understand. The calm wouldn't last long though of course. "It could bring an Extinction Event-Calamity-GENOCIDE to the digital world." It would finally bring itself to its closing and most threatening words.

"Failure to talk-tell-SPEAK of its whereabouts will result in immediate TERMINATION. Failure to comply peacefully will result in immediate ANNIHILATION. Taking longer than allotted time of 10 minutes will result in immediate DESTRUCTION. Failure to close the rift at the end of the interrogation will result in immediate MACERATION."

Safe to say, Wisemon was pretty mad.

Ill post tonight

And I'll attempt to get a GM post up tomorrow, Then.

Afterall. I have nothing but Free Time

But if anyone wants to ask any questions or do anything beforehand do so!

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