Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Woah, The speed people are posting at is remarkable. and quite humbling really. Well, after @Stern Algorithm@Zelosse post, I can do the next GM post. Unless anyone wants to do some lovely interacting with each-other and their Digimon.
Ah. Alright. Is it egregious enough to need to change in my post or is it okay as it is?

its fine as is, you basically acted as if he was unconscious anyway.

@The World

No blows to the head, just fell unconsious as a result of proximity to the shift ala yokai incident.
Well, I guess I'll go ahead and lay my case before the tribunal here.

So the Raidraptors and Icarus Attack are way too thematically appropriate for a character who came too close to Core secrets, was banished, and are now seeking a revolution to change the system. I don't really want to change those.

And I get that HFD seems like a big blow-out card, but also consider that if you get locked down or stunned by your opponent's backrow and you have no way of getting out of it, it just feels really terrible and not very exciting to watch either. That's actually happened to me in RPs in the past, so I always try to sign up with a few backrow removal here or there. Also I will say that one, I was under the impression we're mostly doing PvE anyway, and two, I think we all have some sort of power card that seems really strong at first glance.

Actual Response
Alright to break this down, As I was on the fence about IA, and with you having it, it also technically counts as backrow removal. I mean if what your looking for is a way to sweeper the opponents backrow, other cards do exist that sweep it (but not as hard) like twin twister, In all the cases where your going to be locked down, they are usually going to be protecting the backrow anyway (hence why its a lock) thus the power of feather duster isn't really a "But this is my answer to locks" as it was just going to get negated anyway.

So on the flipside you got a 'get out of lock for 1 card' but also you can easily use it to completely skew a duel by removing a player whom say is already on the backfoot from your initial plays. It's a card that in the cases where you want to use it, you can't use it (Because if its an S/T lock who wouldn't run protection for it), And the other cases for it. It does too much.

If quickplay effects (monsters) were more abudant I would be onboard. But they aren't and as such the Spell/trap zone becomes that much more important to not be instantly blown-out. Imagine If I app'd a Raigeki this early, the feels bad would be similar due to how easily it strips away my opponents defense.

After-School Detention in Shibuya

With some very strange things going on...

It was quiet. Well, as quiet as one would expect a classroom to be. The one hosting this detention would be a senile old wort by the name of Mr Fujo. What could one say about this teacher except for his contempt towards the students. Even the slightest action against his own personal idea of what a good student should be would cause a student to receive a strict yelling. He was also notably liberal with his handouts of detention, course on the flip-side he never really escalated beyond that even for repeat offenders, something about "The joys of education are worth more then getting you expelled." That was his usual motto.

On the desk where he was furiously marking test results was a digital timer counting down the hour and half where you were expected to do productive things. Like homework or exam prep. Mr Fujo wouldn't check if you had a phone out or the like though. He was much too invested in marking those papers.

The indication that something weird was going to happen?

The digital timer. It began to glitch out displaying random numbers. Anyone on the phone would notice the screen been to glitch profusely, numbers and characters cascading across it like some sort of cryptic language then suddenly...

Mr Fujo's head hit the desk like a sack of potatoes as the building would quake as if caught in a surprise earthquake. Anything on the desks would quickly be thrown off them onto the floor as a result of the immense quaking. The buildings very foundation would groan under the resulting stress. As they intensified, the back wall with the door of the detention room began to collapse away. Tendrils of light and binary would snake out as it began to collapse away. Where once stood the back wall of the detention room was now a white-rift instead of the hallway and the windows to outside no longer showed the sky, instead that same mono-tone white light glared through.

Indeed you troublemakers had been left with both a messy classroom and a mysterious door to somewhere...

Somewhere in the Digital world

As if by divine authority

The Digital world had been rendered in a state of schism ever since the Yokai incident. Leading to each area suffering some sort of time dilation from each other. For some Digimon their next meeting with their old friends would be less then a year and for others it would have been after several lifetimes. Though there was an underlying sickness within the digital world whom symptoms had yet to truly rear their ugly head. The only ones that would know what it was would be those at the very centre of the digital world in a realm of data referred to only as Olympos, and they had seemingly closed themselves off completely a long time ago.

So for the unassuming Digimon, the resulting Digital quakes were most frightening... even more so would be that for a certain few Digimon whom would have been pulled down into chasms within the digital world and 'warped' to an auxiliary node of the digital world.

Given the connection certain (player) Digimon would have, they would be dumped outside the other side of the gate, From where they were standing, It would be a mysterious library, with rows upon rows of books comprised of solid data, that seemed to stretch on as far as the eye could see.

Somewhere in Tokyo

A girl regrets not drinking enough Sake for this

Sitting in some dingy dojo basement surrounded by electronics and terrible lighting saved only by the fact it had good ventilation, A woman whom looked like she hadn't had a good nights sleep in weeks would take a long drag of her cigarette as she sighed letting the smoke blow out around her as she stared at the screen. Typing a few things on her keyboard before leaning back. "Good grief." She said as she finished another segment of code. "Canto can you fetch us another round of Cola please." She said looking over at her partner digimon, who whom was kicking a paper ball about. The tired woman was preparing for another nights watch. She had a good thing going on scanning for these 'digital anomalies'. The Old man offered her a free room, and even free food, so really what more could she ask for?

beep beep beep beep

"Scratch that Canto." She said her face lighting up instantly from its once gloomy expression. "Ho?" The Bird-footed Digimon would respond back. "Go get the Old Geezer, Hes probably taking Hack for a walk, They need to get to Shibuya now and make sure to mask your presence like I told you!" The Woman would say looking back at the beeping rack. "Looks like we got some work to do." She said as she switched off the beeping, put out her cigarette, cracked her fingers and started to work away with a renewed vigour. As her partner Digimon would rush up the steps and out the nearest window. She could only hope it wasn't somewhere that was densely pact with people. She was feeling particular lucky today, it was always such a bother to deal with bystanders. Especially if they reported to the Japanese police...
My answer is...

I got so many GNPC's I could split you all down into Solo adventurers if I had too (preferably not! please be friends with eachother)

Given that I also don't need to app a main one, I can just have one of my lovely npcs tag alone to fill out slots if need be.

In other news. IC is up.

I'll be prettying up the first post as we speak.

Cliffnotes -
Players in detention have had a digital shift portal open behind them after a digital quake effectively totals their classroom and renders their detention teacher unconscious.

Digimon in the digital world were drawn into a fissure that warped them to the auxiliary server node data store (which is the other side of the Digital shift, The library that the server node comprises has effectively 'merged' with the layout of the school in the real world as a result of this connection, but upscaled it by like 100x)


The last one is just some NPC fun.

I'll update the CS section with the NPC tab.

IF people need more don't hesitate to ask!

~~I basically wrote it with the idea that if you want to add how you got into detention in the first place you could~~

Using the time dilation of the digital world to end up falling into it for a longer then average period? Sure.

Well I cleared your line already so. Accepted.

With that I think thats everyone, and thus 7 people, So the rule of thumb is, I can either offer a GM NPC in order to round us up into an even number for better group splittings OR we can march on aheae with 7 people.
@Stern Algorithm

what was indeed what I mentioned

In other news making the Zeroth tab stuff is very fun for cosmetic reasons ~!

Seems Psy has changed so no worries there!

@Zelosse@Stern Algorithm
Stern you just need to change the name stuff

Other then that. Both of you accepted

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