Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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I mean if his fathers an immigrant I guess thats a logical reason to keep the name the same? But I dunno, his first name would still feel out of place.

Sure If I need to move back to fill slots I'm all for it.


Righto, Someone pointed this out to me, (I noticed the changed backstory btw! don't worry thats fine now) Its to do with your name, Your characters name doesn't actually fit someone who is native to japan. Do you have any potential workarounds for that or?

I don't actually have many issues with the main monster lineup. Besides say... The out of place battle ox? and the fact they are running dark rebellion when raidraptors carry the theme of rebellion pretty well themselves.

The main issues of contention are the sweeper cards/efficent removal. Namely Harpies Feather Duster & Icarus Attack, I think we are trying to avoid invalidating the S/T zone so duels flow better with facedowns. Harpies this early would do that as there is no easy way to negate it. Icarus Attack similarly is a very good board breaker. Certainly not as big an issue as the duster. But a card to keep an eye on to be sure, due to its flexiblity (can be used as an offensive or a reactive play), ability to target anything, and the decks ability to swarm via the RR

Heh, I'm glad you found it funny.

Well, it would either be Renamon turning into a cat or Kyubimon turning into a cat, so I went with BlackGatomon to foreshadow her Mega.

@Raineh Daze
I hate to be "that guy," especially when you were already accepted, but I'm personally curious if you plan to warp digivolve past Ultimate into Mega, or if you're refitting Beelstarmon to be an Ultimate, since she's normally a Mega...
Again, not trying to start anything, just wondering. I'm sort of wary of asking since last time I did it caused some trouble with a GM of another digimon RP.

You make a good point foreshadowing the mega. Well then besides that, Your totally accepted!

Also yes, Rain cleared it with me prior, as we both game to the conclusion that the ultimate stage was a bit of a mess in terms of bridging from sistermon -> BelleStarmon, so I agreed that since X existed as a much more powerful version it would make sense to retroactively move Bellestarmon (OG) to the Ultimate slot for a more through-lined progression.


Might wanna remove this
> nobody believes him that monsters were real. They were REAL he had SEEN them!

@Stern Algorithm

Fortunately she is in spearland for the foreseeable future!

What are spears if not throw-able projectiles.

Given everyone whom has already shown interest (including those whom did so via DM or the like). The rp is now full!

(because too many people is too many people)

@goodmode Given the changes and stuff have been made. And I found no issue the first passover! Accepted

So here's my attempt. I can obviously change anything that needs changed. Originally I was gonna gun for Lunamon but... if I can get away with this VPet-viable evolution line then I'll go with this. Almost went for Meickrackmon as the Perfect but figured it would be turned down.

Besides the strange humour of Renamon actually turning into a petite black cat thing. (Why not use Kyubimon while keeping everything else the same? (part of the flexiblity of rps and all that)) I don't really see any major issue with the sheet! Thus accepted also (unless you wanna shift BlackGatomon to Kyubimon)

...Slips this in here

I know I was late to the thread and I'm willing to give up my position if someone else who posted before me really wants in. It's only fair! But given that, here's my application, because I recently picked up Hacker's Memory again. I'll send the rest of the Digimon line in a DM, if that's okay? All of them are canon Digimon.

Alright so from the top - The Main issues I see as of current with the sheets is you completely forwant mentioning imps fresh -> rookie, As well as any special moves (given impmon has so many, I'd say take 3)

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