Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

@goodmode You weren't that late I'll await passing judgement til after I see the line in PM's

Should I post my CS here or in the OOC first?

OOC is preferable so it doesn't get lost as easily.

You make a fair point. Even if I myself wouldn't of minded all the same.

In other news I enjoy making Zeroth post headers for finding all the characters easier. For my sake if no one elses

I almost didn't see this.

While I almost thought about making a rejection based on the fact you brought notice to the X-Antibody inside of the digicore (The reason for this is the X-Program didn't occur) I can still just handwave that as the Digimon showing strange genetic qualities thus having a subtype line of its original.



@The World

Given the fact that two individuals managed to squeeze themselves together into the same spot A 500 IQ play I wasn't expecting, and my upper flex limit. I think there is tentatively still room.

Oh and @goodmode That applies to you too

In the event space fills up too much it'd be a first come first serve basis on sheets, however if sheets are fighting for the last spot then it'll be a battle of quality.


Finally did a thing


The First Acceptance of the RP goes to Ohhohohoho & PawnChessmon (Black) !
Friendly Faces and Hated Enemies

Human NPCs

Digimon NPCs

@Stern Algorithm

Firstly, No issue for number of skills, It happens sometimes (looks at Veemon and the number of variations), If you wish to mention how they met, Feel free to add a history section, but it is not required. Finally, I can't help with a name.

All in all this half of the sheet is fine and accepted... now onto the other half


The incident in japan is notable enough that it has its own name as a tragedy even if the specific details are hush hush as hell. I find it weird that he'd have to deal with those calling faker, More that it more likely they are calling him out as a liar on the fact that a non-human would save him.

Other then that, as long as the medication thing doesn't get overplayed I see no issue!

So once that is cleared up this half will be accepted too.



Ooc is up

For stuff like digivices, I should mention you'll get your digivice as part of the first shift. For mechanical details feel free to ask. Though most of them will likely be explained in RP in some way by the usage of NPCs.
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