Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

The Yokai Incident

At the turn of millennium, Japan was struck by a wave of digital interference that caused electronics to go haywire. For three hours following this event, strange beasts appeared all over Japan: From the densely-packed cities to the sparse, open wilderness, with the greatest area affected was Tokyo itself. In those two hours, many people had varying interactions with the phenomenon, Some were rendered comatose as a result of being attacked; others ended up traumatised by the incident, and a few even lost all memory of the event.

In the rarest cases, however, some people managed to form bonds with those strange creatures.

People like you.

The Present

Ten years have passed since the Yokai Incident, the world has appeared to move on. Those that ended up comatose have yet to wake. To many, the incident remains with them scar in their hearts. There are still those that wish to investigate the incident and its cause, of course, and the recent surge in paranormal activity focused around electronics has only spurred on more curiosity and paranoia.

With every April comes the start of a new school year, in your high school in Shibuya, Tokyo, that does not change. But, perhaps if by fate or by chance, there are others like you present in the same school. Those whom'st encountered these strange creatures in the past, and perhaps have also similiarly formed a bond with you as school friends

Now, with all of you in the same room for detention as a result of something or another, the electronics around the school have begun to act up. With that, the curtains to this incident open, your life is moments away from being changed forever...


This is a RP inspired by the Digimon Franchise. With the greatest amount of inspiration coming from Digimon Story / Digimon Tamers. In this RP you will take the role of a both a high-schooler (16-18) and their partner Digimon. The majority of Digimon encounters occur within Digital Shifts: A phenomenon where the real world and the Digital World cross over, allowing Digimon to manifest in the real world. The crux of the RP will be finding and dealing with these shifts, while the overarching plot would be all about finding the reason for them... and by extension the reason for the Yokai incident of 10 years earlier!

You'll meet or rather reunite with your Digimon partner within the first shift of the RP, taking place inside the school. From there shifts can either be one large group event, or smaller shifts that need splitting off into groups to deal with. I'd prefer 4-6 players with a minor amount of leeway (if a lot more than this take interest I will take the best sheets)

When it comes to Digimon, you can app any single one! However you'll have to app the Digimon's entire line from Fresh -> Mega. You'll PM me what its line would look like, while putting only the Digivolutions revealed so far (at the start of the rp this will be up to rookie) on the sheet. Besides this all Digimon are tentatively legal for application. (If there is any issue with mega/ultimate, I'll inform you in response)

Character Sheets

You'll be reunited with your Digimon partner when you enter your first Digital Shift.

Information Bulletin

The sheet from a cursury glance seems interesting But due to the way you two are doing things I sorta have to wait for the other sheet as well.

Well as long as you clear it with me beforehand then its fine. Adding such flexiblity can be nice. I will need to accept it first though.

If by custom you mean connecting together logical steps to create megas that have none (e.g Gundramon) Then yes, Unless you mean like full custom digimon then no. (By that I mean, A totally OC digimon, Not like er for instance linking Beastmon to Lilithmon etc.)

Character Sheet!

You'll be reunited with your Digimon partner when you enter your first Digital Shift.

So for Flexibility reasons with the backstory, ~~I am gonna change how long the incident lasted, by adding another hour~~

So have fun with these sheets!
@Zelosse@Stern Algorithm
Well there is certainly no rule against that, and as long as it doesn't compromise your posting schedule, it should overall be alright.

Also my, this has got some interest quickly.

The Yokai Incident

At the turn of millennium, Japan was struck by a wave of digital interference that caused electronics to go haywire. For three hours following this event, strange beasts appeared all over Japan: From the densely-packed cities to the sparse, open wilderness, with the greatest area affected was Tokyo itself. In those two hours, many people had varying interactions with the phenomenon, Some were rendered comatose as a result of being attacked; others ended up traumatised by the incident, and a few even lost all memory of the event.

In the rarest cases, however, some people managed to form bonds with those strange creatures.

People like you.

The Present

Ten years have passed since the Yokai Incident, the world has appeared to move on. Those that ended up comatose have yet to wake. To many, the incident remains with them scar in their hearts. There are still those that wish to investigate the incident and its cause, of course, and the recent surge in paranormal activity focused around electronics has only spurred on more curiosity and paranoia.

With every April comes the start of a new school year, in your high school in Shibuya, Tokyo, that does not change. But, perhaps if by fate or by chance, there are others like you present in the same school. Those whom'st encountered these strange creatures in the past, and perhaps have also similiarly formed a bond with you as school friends

Now, with all of you in the same room for detention as a result of something or another, the electronics around the school have begun to act up. With that, the curtains to this incident open, your life is moments away from being changed forever...


This is a RP inspired by the Digimon Franchise. With the greatest amount of inspiration coming from Digimon Story / Digimon Tamers. In this RP you will take the role of a both a high-schooler (16-18) and their partner Digimon. The majority of Digimon encounters occur within Digital Shifts: A phenomenon where the real world and the Digital World cross over, allowing Digimon to manifest in the real world. The crux of the RP will be finding and dealing with these shifts, while the overarching plot would be all about finding the reason for them... and by extension the reason for the Yokai incident of 10 years earlier!

You'll meet or rather reunite with your Digimon partner within the first shift of the RP, taking place inside the school. From there shifts can either be one large group event, or smaller shifts that need splitting off into groups to deal with. I'd prefer 4-6 players with a minor amount of leeway (if a lot more than this take interest I will take the best sheets)

When it comes to Digimon, you can app any single one! However you'll have to app the Digimon's entire line from Fresh -> Mega. You'll PM me what its line would look like, while putting only the Digivolutions revealed so far (at the start of the rp this will be up to rookie) on the sheet. Besides this all Digimon are tentatively legal for application. (If there is any issue with mega/ultimate, I'll inform you in response)
not much more to add my dude.
Honestly I feel the best opinon is a role call but thqts just me.

Ever heard of Madolche

Or y'know Hungry burger or something
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