Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Well I've decided to try my hand at this and pick the Berserker of Red spot. So here's an Attack on Titan reference.

Hello there! I noticed your trying to app Talos, To be short. This version of Talos is denied as a result of Talos already being an established part of Fate Canon. To avoid going into further detail. This Sheet falls short on this regard. I would suggest if you still wish to try Talos, to look into his more canon-aligned version, I would also stress that anything on the powerlevel surpassing a modern day nuke is a bit too much.

- Oh and the stats are much to high skewed A++ endurance is a little high given Talos's natural weakness.

Considering Caster. Indeed.

Welcome aboard, and with that two slots have been filled. For those that are still hovering about, feel free to ask questions if you need to.

The Tower of Babel goes both ways

May 1st, A Sunday, the day after the national holiday of Showa Day, in the city of Tokyo in the Shinjuku ward. You and a small handful of others had brought into a circulating Rumour amongst the people of Tokyo about a website that you could only access with a specific url. Forum trawling and asking about, you managed to acquire the URL to the stream. It was a simple black website with nothing but the video feed staring blankly at an non-descript apartment wall. There was no text chat to speak of. For the most part this is how the stream had looked for the longest time. Until tonight.

There would be a backlight lighting up on the stream. A heavy sigh would occur, perhaps waking you up from dozing off from how dull the stream had been. The man would cough slightly as if to clear his throat. He would begin to speak his face obscured from view as he would be sitting behind the camera that would be staring at the back wall. He would begin to speak in a very rigid dialect it was clear Japanese that was to be said for sure but his words did not flow. It was as if he was predicating over his pronunciation of each word over each and every deliverance of syllable.

"Hello, Watchers and Observers, The Salvation is at hand, the pure shall be saved and we will soon be united in a joyful bliss in the bosom of the creator above. Though we are all not yet saved. While us faithful wait for our own salvation, I will decree the names of those known to you that will be saved."

He would begin a long process of listing names of listing the first to be saved and their times of death. The stream would showcase the profiles of the victims specifically his names would only appear to be people you would know, you may recognise a few from work, or from around the place Perhaps even from school some were said to die early in the morning, others late in the afternoon. The largest amount being at 11:59pm Monday May 2nd. Perhaps this was some kind of ARG? Or the delusional speakings of a crazy man. One could of easily wrote off the entire thing as just some sick practical joke though it seemed so elaborate for the names of each person on every stream would only be someone that person knew. Some people got next to no names others would have an incredibly packed list but even this overwhelming information would prepare nobody for what would happen next.

Suddenly Homes would go dark, and yet would still be illuminated. By Light coming from behind curtains or through slivers of windows. Light so intense that it cast no shadow, Salvation had come and thought it took none from the city of Tokyo, the rest couldn't be said for the world outside. Tokyo was now trapped within an ethereal barrier of light. That after its initial conception would dimmed to provide no more light then the light of the moon. This ghostly barrier that extend up towards the heavens.

<Enoch's Ascent has been installed> Your phone would ping after the stream had concluded. The only light left in your once again darkened home.

The 9 million of Tokyo had become trapped like Rats within a cage. But the trapping was not the only concern. For now creatures had begun to manifest in the streets, Demons that would terrorise those that had been left behind. The World had ended on the turn of a Sunday, going onto a Monday. 00.00am Monday the 2nd. Constitution day. The day the world ended. The day your fight for survival began.

Hee ho there friend, and welcome to the interest check for this here Devil Survivor RP. Firstly a few things out of the gate, I will be capping this roleplay at five players, anything more and the mechanical complexity becomes a bit too much to properly handle. Secondly the RP has a in-roleplay time limit of seven days (matching the games that inspired this rp to take place) meaning players will be fully attempting to maximise what they do each day, while also attempting to defeat the 'boss' of that day as they hunt closer to try to find the source of what did this. All while averting their own deaths and the deaths of those around them through the use of Demons. Mechanics are used to allow players to improve themselves as the st ory progresses from gaining new skills, to upgrading your starting demons

If this feels up your alley and your up for a roleplay where you will progress in both strength and character then welcome to RP

Alice Sicilly : Rebirth from Oblivion


Oblivion, Gentle and reassuring and constant. Finally she could sleep it was over. It was all over. It wasn't the best life and she regretted everything about it. She held no hope for what lay beyond. she just wanted her blissful oblivion. Oblivion to comfort her and to keep her safe from those that would abuse her trust. How long til she would stop thinking? Eternity? Or was she only dead for a few moments that the mind processed as an infinite amount of time.

Hatred. That is what she felt towards humanity. She had tried to suppress the fact she had grown to hate everything and everyone as her life had continued to plummet closer and closer to the event horizon of despair. She had given the world everything and received nothing back but more pain and suffering. It sickened her to believe that the perhaps the fault lay with her and her alone. But at the same time, She couldn't consider her mind any other way. Civilisation was diseased if humanity itself wasn't but either way. She wanted nothing to do with people anymore.

Why was dying taken so long, surely she could slip into peaceful oblivion already. Come on! Dying wasn't this hard. Wait. A voice? Why did she feel so... No. She didn't want to go back. Not to a world full of people. Never again. Not with them. No. She wouldn't court with humans again. She tried and failed. She had rejected her humanity. So why on earth did this 'goddess' choose her? It angered her that she couldn't just sleep. She didn't feel like she could hope again so soon. She just wanted to rest for once.

Trying to fight against the rising within the abyss, with flailing ethereal limbs. She would try to push back against the rising trying to swim back down. Struggling against the ethereal hand as it lifted her. She wanted to stay in this embrace of the abyss. She wanted to sleep just a little longer. Just a little bit longer where no one and no thing could hurt her. This safety she had wanted was being taken away from her and as she threatened to break the surface of consciousness, the only thought in her mind that resounded true was. "Never again." She would never trust humanity again.

Cursed be those that regain Consiousness

She took a sharp intake of air, falling forward from her tube as a result in the sudden shift in weight. She hit the ground lightly. Mostly as a result of how light her new form now was, falling over like that didn't hurt as much as it should. In fact it didn't really hurt at all compared to how it used to feel. This sense of floatiness bothered her. She blinked twice as the rest of the liquid evaporated off her body. Light would enter her eyes and she would be aware of her surroundings. Her shoulders felt so incredibly stiff. She flexed them a little and would hear what sounded like the beating of fly wings from behind her. Very loud fly wing beating, as if the fly had landed on her ear as she'd hit the side of her face to get the fly off her ear before beginning to haul herself up.

"Oh. That is not natural." Would be the first word she said though she would say them incredibly quietly. Even her voice sounded different. It sounded less raspy and more refined. Her reaction was to her skin tone. A ghostly gray-white like the cartoonish depiction of dead. She wasn't a living corpse was she?! She'd look up at her silvery white hair hands touching across her body as she felt what it was like, noting the smaller wings on her head. And... wait... She'd turn her head back to look behind her as she was on all fours. There for just a moment was a beautiful ghostly set of wings larger then she was, before they faded from her own view.

She took this rather fast moving scenario with wide eyes of alarm. Before slowly settling on appeasement. Good. It was good she looked more monstrous. It reflected her inner self better. She'd explore the nature of her new self later. For now a bigger issue had to be addressed... The floor beneath her was a stark white yet felt like paper. In fact it most likely was paper. 'This is just a cruel joke.' She would think to herself. It seems that the reflection of her inner self had been quite absolute. She was now as small outwardly as she had felt in front of others internally

She would look around at her surroundings. Slowly standing to her feet as she would brush herself off taking stock of her surroundings. 'These are some really nice clothes' She would say in regards to her outfit before scanning the room around her. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the fact she seemed to be in an alchove. She would step towards the edge noticing two people below her immediately as she'd dart back before she was seen.

So she wasn't alone in this room. She took a moment to breath. People were gigantic. The distance from the alcove was surely enough to break something even if her newfound lightness rendered her not likely to instantly die. Conversely she had wings now and yet she didn't have any idea of how to fly. Thus she'd spend the time listening in to the conversation of the people below. While practising hopping and wing flapping. She was attempting to at least be able to hover and then she could use... Yes! She could use that book with the lock on it as a way to descend to the ground by using it as a dead weight. So while she was hopping about her alcove looking like a total fool that was hopping and flapping her wings. She would be looking about to see if there was a key here too. IF not the book was naught then a dead weight. If there was a key. She'd at least read it first.

Thus she would be practising to hover and fly so she could 'fall with style' while listening in to the conversation of the two giants below. But not once speaking up to interject. She just listened silently. Safe to say though, the way their conversation was going was raising her small fairy sized eyebrows especially with the reveal that...

She wasn't the only one that reincarnated!
Akari Matsusuke

The Abandoned House

Akari would blink again. Yeah, She would never get used to the fact that someone was bowing to her. Right. She would shake her head for a moment, not at the fact her 'servant' had declared loyalty to her but at the idea of having to respond as anyone that would own a servant. Instead responding in a very Akari way. "Hey! don't worry! I don't mind if your not a Saber? You still have a really cool sword, so what does that matter and if you are who you say you are, such things like that shouldn't matter right, your strong miss!" It was a very innocent response from a girl who didn't really know the danger of her situation, it was also slightly rushed in speech, as if having her hand grasped so suddenly by a stranger had caused her to act in reflex.

Indeed. She didn't know how to respond to having her hand touched. Did she pull away or did she just let Raikou let go when they felt like it? Well, Akari would sit there awkwardly, her cheeks becoming similarly flushed in embarrassment as she didn't know how to move the conversation onward. "Y-yes I accept you as my servant, but I am not calling you my servant all the time Raikou" She would stammer initially as her embarrassment would reach its peak from the hand thing. Finally retracting her hand after the embarrassment boiled over but not before trying. She took another gulp of her soda to recollect herself before sighing.

"So do we head out to the town then or something? Are there more people like you? and do you want me to call you anything for short? I don't know if you want me saying your identity to others. So we need to figure out something else to call you." Akari would say getting back into business whilst also trying to get her head in the game. As she gave that Akari-brand smile.

Meanwhile Tomoe would be trying to get attention from the strange woman, rubbing against the servants leg.


Hideyoshi was not in the most grandest of states when he had been summoned, he looked barely more noble then a peasant, although his true name alluded to someone much greater. The Hideyoshi of the current was perhaps the weakest servant present in this war. This would bothered him slightly and with this outlook in mind he'd need to court an ally, strong enough that his ally wouldn't fall early on in the war, but weak enough that if he needed to betray them he could. That was the line of thinking that ran through Hideyoshi's mind.

"Master, if i may request, I feel the first port of business for us would be for us to find an alliance to team up with, I need to swear myself to a lord of some standing to become useful to you." Hideyoshi would say plainly laying out the first port of call they'd have to address before they could truely participate in this grail war.


The girl had apologised to her quickly not that she had to afterall it was Fujiko's own fault that she had been so lost in thought staring at the poster of the missing girl. But almost immediately following that apology came a barrage of questions and a particularity that Fujiko would of caught up on. Given away by the fact that the moment the J/Ruler started talking she had widened her eyes as she had most heard it.

"U-um. Shizuku-san." She would say with very carefully placed tone of voice wondering if the person in front of her had done what she just did intentionally or was simply completely aloof with revealing the fact that she had a talking card. Fujiko had a card that was similiar alive... except her own J/ruler was nowhere near as loud. So. Fujiko would progress the conversation as best she could after that surprise just in order to make sure anyone that was watching would be out of earshot before she did her next move. "Oh me? You are right, I'm new here and I'm from um, The Okinawa Prefecture, Anyway I'm from Class 2-2 which makes you my Senior." She would say with this casual conversation. Finally satisfied with people being far enough away.

Suddenly she'd lean in close to her senior dropping all pre-tense for just a moment. "You know I can hear them right?" She said motioning to Shizuku's bag. "I don't know if your looking for a fight. But I'd rather not fight you Senpai." She'd say before leaning back and shrugging. "You'd probably beat me." She said continuing with her obviously faux smile. It was the type of smile one would give when they were scared but not wiling to show fear. A fear that stemmed from the fact that this 'enemy' had just approached her so casually and revealed whom she was just as casually.

Akari Matsusuke

The Abandoned House

With a small click, a pop and a fizzling of an opened can of some branded soda, Akari would open up the hatch and down it in short but frequent gulps. Her right hand raised up in a 'one-moment please' type of posture, three red Tomoe now on the back of that non-dominant hand. She needed to take a short moment to process this. Considering less then a few minutes ago she had fallen over in surprise from the sudden appearance of a woman in get-up completely flubbing any sense of 'decency' or 'class' the summoning ritual could have had.

She'd take the small moment of downing this Soda to reflect on what had happened today. She had woken up. She had received her paycheck. She had brought the animal blood from the butcher and some meat for her pet cat Tomoe. She had come here with the book and had set everything up trying it completely out of curiosity and out of the fun of trying stuff in old dusty books. Problem was that it worked.

"Ah." She said with relish as she finished drinking the Soda. "I don't know if you'd like this brand, but here feel free to have one Miss!." She said gently rolling along a branded can to admittedly cool-looking woman opposite her whom would have to deal with Tomoe, her pet cat brushing against their leg. A friendly smile on her face as she continued. "Sorry about falling square on my butt when you... I suppose manifested? Its not every day I see mysticism." She said honestly. The last time she had seen anything supernatural in the flesh was like years ago. So it wasn't a lie at all.

"But regardless of that." She laughed with a hint of embarrassment, a hand behind her head. "Why don't we introduce each other more yeah? I'm Akari Matsusuke, None of that calling me master stuff or whatever." She said standing up and holding out a hand. "So what's your name? I don't think Berserker is your actual name"
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