Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



Most Recent Posts

Currently Akari is already accounted for

Monkey on the other hand not so much!

<Snipped quote by 1Charak2>

"Master, get back here this instant! Your dinner's getting cold!"

Oh heavens, Now she has two parents that want her to eat dinner at a set hour. Hopefully the times don't overlap!

Well, she's accepted so.

Public Morals Committee and a Delinquent. What could go wrong!


Um. That is... I’d be interested in forming a pairing with this Master, assuming she’s accepted and you’re down for it.

T-that was fast. Well this is a first. I didn't expect someone to latch onto her so fast!

I may be down for it all the same though!

(If she's accepted that is)

The first non-mage.

Shopping Center with @VitaVitaAR & @Rune_Alchemist

"You carried that conversation with the gracefulness of a fish out of water, but what could I have expected from a human." Castor would say as if disgusted by their masters lack of proper etiquette and unskilled conversation skills. Really he just disliked the scenario he was in, having to act as some hand and foot servant to a girl who lacked the ability to communicate with gusto, oh how it made him scowl in frustration. Likewise why on earth were they shopping for clothes anyway? His sister would look amazing in whatever they brought so such ideas as 'browsing' and 'trying on multiple outfits' were merely extravagance. The only reason he had even began to agree to this venture to begin with was to confirm an already known truth of his sister's divine beauty.

"Brother you need to carry yourself with more reservation. Master will never get better at speaking if you terrify her" Pollux would say appearing from one of the aisles as if to act as a saving grace to the conversation before Castor would light a fire. She would wave with courtesy towards Yuriko with a smile of hospitality to boot. "Besides brother, she just offered to feed us both and that would give you ample opportunity to criticise those that need it." She'd say with that overwhelming sisterly aura. Which got a annoyed hrumph out of her brother whom had resigned himself to just following his sister at this point, even with this fool of a master that so far wasn't doing much to make him like her at all.

Of course he probably shouldn't of resigned himself too early given Pollux had turned her attention away from their joint master and towards the person their master was talking to leaning over past their master. "And you fair-faced stranger perhaps you would like to join us for this meal as well so that you and my master can talk more in a more relaxed setting?" The divine sibling would say looking over the woman their master had talking to with the intrigue and fondness she held for humans in general.

Castor however had turned his gaze towards the strangers' servant. Obviously it was a heroic spirit from the age of man that much seemed certain but Castor had neglected caring for that age when he had become firm in his hatred and yet deep down in his instinctual nature, something about the child's innocence seemed tainted. He most certainly couldn't shirk joining the meal now if there was another heroic spirit in such close proximity to his sister.

"So are we going to eat or what." Castor would say not wanting to stand in this clothes shop longer then he had to.


Fujiko's mind was stuck in thought so much so she'd have missed the chiming of her bell, the gears of her brain was whirring as she was considering all manner of wild considerations of what could have happened to the girl, of course she was freed from this abyss of deep-thought by the voice of another whom had also coincidentally managed to sneak up next to her without her knowing.

She would jump in surprise back stepping away from the voice in surprise, hand immediately clutching her chest as her heart rate had raised quickly from that surprise. "W-woah woah hey you startled me." Fujiko would say in protest to that surprise. Only to blink twice and realise she was talking to a fellow classmate. "Oh hey, er, Shizuku was it?" She said talking to the girl the first time with the grace of a fish out of water. Mostly because she had been startled but as that wore off her voice would pick up some of its confidence as she sheepishly shuffled back to her original spot.

"No, actually I have no real idea who she is besides the fact that she used to go here." Fujiko would say playing with a strand of hair as she thought to herself. "I just found it intriguing, and wondered how or why she disappeared. Conspiracies are interesting y'know?" She said as she'd shoot a question back at Shizuku. "So what are you doing? are you also curious about what happened to this girl?"
Whos paired to who in terms of master.

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