Avatar of The Savant


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
People need to stop caring about politics that much. I won't openly discuss who I wanted/who I voted for (if I voted at all) and the majority of my friends (demos and reps) have defriended me. Idiots.
1 like
2 mos ago
Mhm... you can try @The Raven Calls. You'll have a difficult time.
2 mos ago
We enjoy hiding from most of the world and we enjoy staying in our abyss of darkened comfort.
3 mos ago
I feel your pain @Marlowe
1 like
3 mos ago
You definitely find out who your true family and friends are when you are stressed out and feel like you are drowning. Approximately ~ 60 more years to go. *sigh* I'm disappointed.


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

Would make for a funny moment if Asterion jumped into Matthias’s body and suddenly both of them just die because Matthias only subconsciously knows how to keep his head working and Asterion has never dealt with a gas-head before.

Anyways, they’ll either be fast allies or fast enemies real quick, considering their respective positioning.

It's funny to think about 😂 🤔 though... Asterion needs eyes to jump into so I think they might be safe or accidentally get stuck together on a floor for 24 hours while they are trying to figure out how to function. 😂 Either or. They'll figure it out.
@Qia I'm glad he has your approval. Haha!
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

ohhh curious to see that for sure :o

He's officially posted now. He'll be a fun mischievous menace.
Working on my sheet but damn...just when I thought I was over blood-bending. Avatar still has its hooks in me xD Except not being used through others this time.

I was thinking of blood bending for a character idea but then I thought of something even more mischievous. I'm excited to see what you and others make.

I posted my guy in DMs though I feel like our guys could get along possibly. If they get accepted.
I guess I'll put my two cents in and go for Nickel, publicly, so I can try and snatch that one.
<Snipped quote by Yankee>

We're at a post a week, and there's no minimum on the length, just a few paragraphs is fine. :)

I think that's a great idea! I would send you your Wealth to your secret district via PM, in the 0th post we would just call it a paycheck.

<Snipped quote by The Savant>

That's a great question! Yes, Anime/Manga aesthetics are good. And The God Father aesthetics are always right on par with Nocturnia's vision. Example clip below, it has mafia, cops, the whole bit:

Painted art, realistic art, photo face claims are all good. Besides that, not really any restrictions. If you have a concept/artpiece you want to run by me, you're more than welcome to PM me.

Does that answer your question alright?

It does, thank you! I have a concept idea in my head and halfway on paper. I'll most likely be DMing you the pre-product before hard finishes are written or decision making. I hope I have it up by the mid of this week.

Time to get writing.

Question before I start, is there any... particular art themes/aesthetics to stay away from and safe for use?
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Yes I do that sometimes hehe :p

I do that as well. It's fun to spice things up every now and again.
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