Avatar of TheBigJon
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    1. TheBigJon 11 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by TheBigJon>

The content of the post or my comment? I just meant that Damar's the type to ramble on and on about philosophy and navel gaze on things.

For the post, he's basically saying he wants to see what's happening first hand and gather more information before he makes a decision, and that he thinks following one's instincts is too primitive to be of any real use in decision making.

Oh, it was a bit of both! I was also wondering where you think the conversation should go. I was thinking I'd let Damar kind of dictate the situation.
@Nevix Ah, okay! I didn't totally get that. I'll get started.
@Zeroth Wait I'm confused on what you mean
Are there any guidelines for what timeline our character could come from?
"What's your full name?"

Charles Anthony Walker

"How old are you?"


"What Grade are you in?"

I'm a senior

"How would you describe yourself and don't hold back, we don't judge here?"

Shit, I don't know. I guess people kinda like me around. Not really "popular", but I do my best to entertain whoever's around me. Keep their attention, you know? I guess it can get a bit annoying for some people. Either way, I try not to piss too many people off. Also, I fucking love bananas.

"You brought the picture of yourself right just in case we lose you"

"Describe your abilities as best as you can?"

Uhh, I pick up on stuff pretty easy. Not really "smarts" stuff, but movements. Ever since I was a kid, I could mimic other people's movements exactly on the first try. Some cool-ass stunt I saw on TV? You bet your ass I could do it as soon as I saw it. (Adoptive Muscle Memory)

"Describe some of your weaknesses"

The fuck kind of question is that. I don't really talk too good, you feel? Never really paid any attention in class. You know how I can copy movements? Same goes for pencil movements. I just copied whatever smartass was in my class that year. Not too good a listener either. My mom used to bitch at me hella because of that.

"Did you know about your...abilities before we found you?"

I mean I kinda figured what I could do was a little special. Didn't realize it was kidnap-you-and-interrogate-you special.

"What's your story again don't hold back"

I mean I guess I can start with my family. I'm an only child, and hella spoiled - something I never minded too much. My mom and dad were both kind of bigshots and worked hella. It brought home a lot of money, but I didn't get to see them as much. Don't think that affected me too badly though; I got on pretty well without them. They'd put me in a shit ton of sports throughout my childhood instead of a babysitter. I guess that's kind of how I found out I was a bit "special": through sports. Coach would show us a thing and then I'd do it, pretty much as good if not better than the coach. Basketball, Soccer, hell, even golf, I'd kill it regardless of what we were doing.

I think it became way more apparent to me when I got put in karate. Everything else bored me, and I'd never tried martial arts before all this. That's when everything changed. I fell in love with that shit. Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Muay Thai, everything, man. I was hooked. All that shit came to me just as easily as all the other sports, but it never got boring to me. Before all this heavy shit you started dropping on me, I swear I could've gone pro. I was a fucking weapon. That being said, nobody really fucked with me outside of the gym, you know? Never really had any "enemies", never got jumped. If I did, I swear I would've fucked that guy up, but I didn't. It was a nice rich kid suburb. I would've started training full time if my parents didn't always bitch at me to go to school. Apparently I have to do things exactly how they did it so I can make the same money.

Speaking of school - I fucking hate school. I told you already, right? How I made it through that shit? My methods did come a little late though; I had to retake freshman year. But that second year was a wake up call to me. I knew that I had to get my shit together, if only to keep up appearance, but I sure as hell knew I didn't want to do the work. I thought athletics could get me by for a bit, you know? Have my coaches fight for their star athlete. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work if I never even show up to class. Barely passed the first semester for that year. After that though, I kinda figured things out. After watching something, I can copy their movements almost exactly, I told you that already. So, one day, during some boring ass test, it occurred to me I could try that same thing with my classmates. I already told you about that too. Then all it took was for me to pay off whoever it was I needed to to get my homework done. All that shit combined with my coaches bitching at my teachers, I got by.

That's pretty much my life so far. Fighting and bullshitting through school.
@TrulyAwakened Oh sweet. Would it be alright if my character was older, but still in high school? Like a super senior. I was thinking intelligence wouldn't exactly be their strong suit.
I'd like to reserve a spot here! I'll have my cs up hopefully by today
I'm interested
@Zeroth Yeah, that's a good call
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