Avatar of TheHangedMan


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Today's the first time in a long time that I've felt empty. Not even sad or tired, just empty. This quarantine is getting to me more than I thought.
5 yrs ago
@Jessica Bunny: You live in America! College is optional (and expensive) and around you is opportunity. I believe you can make it!
5 yrs ago
Magical Girl RP, Original World: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Oh shit, I've been surrounded! The room is ripe with the scent of bitches!


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Vashya Rafflesia
w/ Menzai @samreaper

The child serviceman smiled down at the little girl excitedly jumping around him. For the first week after they had found her, she was catatonic and unresponsive, and they had honestly worried for her health going forward. She wouldn't eat, her sleep was sporadic and often she would wake up screaming. It broke the orderlies hearts and frightened some of the other kids that were nearby.

It didn't help that whatever magic her mother had taught her caused things to simply break around her. For someone in her mental state, broken objects meant sharp things were always nearby, and the staff often found that she had cut herself - not on purpose, but because she simply ignored the broken shards around her and carelessly walked, fell, or touched them.

Then suddenly she was just fine. She began to respond to questions, and her mood lifted up rapidly. It was almost eerie, how quickly her personality changed. Still everyone was too relieved to care about the whys and hows of it, just as long as the girl was okay.

Vashya Rafflesia, a victim of abuse and apparently magical experimentation. Though the investigators were unsure of what exactly transpired in their household, evidence suggested that her mother was a practitioner of black magic, which in itself was already troubling information. That she subjected her child to harsh training in order for her to learn the same magic was beyond cruel. Her death however, was a mystery.

Vashya wouldn't say what caused her death, only that it was her birthday on the day her mother took her aside for 'one final training session'. The results of said training were evident: her mother was reduced to a puddle. The coroners were barely able to identify the woman, with her body so severely decayed and mutilated. With lack of information, the investigation on the cause of her death simply halted, and they focused on taking care of the girl that was left behind.

Said girl was now excitedly rambling on about how awesome the city was.

"Look! They even sell books here! S'many books!" she cried out. "Y'know back at home, there were houses smaller than that store!" She turned to the serviceman. "Are th'store owners rich? Did they get rich sellin' books?"

The earnest question got the man to laugh, and he responded. "Well, maybe. That's a pretty big bookstore chain. They have stores in nearly every major city Fiore."

She gasped. "Bookstore chain?!" The very idea sent her head swiveling back and forth, as though trying to find said stores chained together. The serviceman laughed again.

Soon enough, they reached their destination. Fenixtear. Local mage guild in Crocus and the current hot topic of Fiore after their prodigious feat of slaying a Dragon. That there was an actual dragon attack was amazing enough, but that they had responded so quickly and defeated it, it was no wonder they'd achieved overnight fame.

And there on the papers was the man they were here to meet. Marduk Girga. Member of Fenixtear and apparently the father of Vashya. That the man was sixty years old was concerning, but they didn't have a choice. It was clear that the mother had prepared for her death, as her final request was for her daughter to be placed into custody of her father.

They hadn't simply acquiesced to the request. The woman was clearly mentally unsound, and therefore they considered why she would make that request. They did a quick investigation of Marduk: former wizard saint, former independent mage, and currently something of a hero for some people, after the events at era. So far, the picture painted was that he was a morally upright and responsible man, and therefore someone they should have no problems leaving Vashya with.

But a child was a huge and altogether unique responsibility. Did the man even know he had a child? How would he react? And even if he did accept her, how well of a father would he be, at his advanced age? Vashya was 11 years old. It was highly likely that Vashya could be left an orphan soon after getting to know her knew father. Such a development would be a critical blow to a child in their formative years.

So that's why he was here. He wouldn't just be dropping her off. He'd also be observing and gathering information on the man, and based on his report, would decide whether or not to leave the child in her hands, or to move her to an orphanage.

It was when he stopped his musings that he realized that Vashya suddenly went silent. He looked down at the girl, a who was looking at the door of the guild with her eyebrows scrunched together, her mouth pulled down into a small frown.

"What's the matter?"

Her eyes darted to him quickly. "What if he doesn't like me?" Her small hands grab his, and she trembled slightly. "Mama loved me, but she still hurt me. What if he doesn't like me? Will he hurt me more?"

He swallowed. That was a fucking heavy question. Still, he answered her with a smile. "Don't worry Vashya. That's what I'm here for. If he looks like the kind of person that would hurt you, I'll take you away, somewhere safer."

She smiled, looking a little relieved. As they approached the guild, a barefooted man knocked loudly on the guilds entrance. The pair of them stopped, waiting just behind him to see if anyone would open the door. Vashya fidgeted in place, a little bit of her apprehension returning and also from impatience. The girl looked as good as ready to barge in herself.

A misty black tendril poked out from behind her and snaked under the hooded man towards the door, and the serviceman narrowed his eyes.


The girl looked sheepish at his chiding, and the tendril dissipated into the air.

Abe Yuuto
Burgeoning Onmyoji
Asahi - @RolePlayerRoxas

As his clubmates fought over who had the honor of being bate, Yuuto nodded, smiling pleasantly as he took note of something that he'd been curious about for awhile.

"Ah, so a Kitsune and a Jorogumo. I guessed as much." Well that was one minor mystery solved, now on to the bigger one. Hasshaku-sama. He was familiar with the urban legend, and he chided himself for not thinking of it sooner. In that regard, Kaori's experience shone through. It was an recent enough legend, and it was one you'd hear about even in the countryside, but Hasshaku-sama was a fictional spirit - the irony of that statement was not lost to him - so therefore, if what their esteemed club leader was saying was true, they were pursuing something that didn't exist.

He wrapped his mind around that. He didn't consider himself an inflexible person, quite the opposite in fact, but it wouldn't do to simply assume that this 'Hasshaku' was the culprit. There could be any number of explanations for what Kaori had witnessed. He voiced his opinions to Tomoko.

"I'm not saying you're wrong, Prez, but I feel we're jumping to conclusions a bit to fast," he said. "I usually agree with your decisions and you're instincts haven't failed us yet, so I'll go along with anything you have planned. I just feel it'd be safer if we consider other angles beforehand."

He paused, considering something.

"Although if we're pushing through with the lure plan, I also nominate Asahi as bait." He turned to her. "You're a Kitsune. You can create illusions can't you? You don't even have to be the actual bait, just make it look like there is one."
@TheHangedMan: Hey, are you planning on getting a response up? I just want to know before I do anything. ^^;

Get one up in a moment!
Long and wild red hair that reaches her hip, with wide gold-colored eyes and heart-shaped face. Has a surgical scar in the shape of an 'x' over her heart.

Vashya Rafflesia


Guild Mark Location:
Right Hand

Magic Type:
Erosion Magic
A type of Black Magic that focuses on the accelerated breakdown of an objects existence.

Magic Rank: D

- A pendant from her mother

Curious and keen to learn, Vashya unhesitatingly looks for questions as much as she looks for answers to those questions.

Vashya is more intelligent than the average child her age. Her learning and retention ability are easily prodigy level. She rarely forgets things she's seen and heard, and is often able to apply the things she's learned to solve out of context problems.

A shared trait with her father, though not quite the same. While she still often acts impulsively and without thinking, when she has a set goal in mind, her focus sharpens and she's capable of holding herself back a great degree in order to achieve her objectives.

She's 10
Impulsive, unfocused and generally just does what she wants because it's fun; touches things she shouldn't, eats random things off the floor like a child half her age, and generally dislikes being told to stop the fun thing that she's doing.

Seriously she's tiny
Well, not literally - she's actually quite tall for her age, however she's 10; quite fragile, still developing bones, and very much shorter than everyone else in the guild.

A literal child
Keeps secrets because someone gave her a snack to keep quiet, forgets to keep things quiet, sneaks off without telling anyone where or why and likes to bother people not just to satisfy her curiosity, but also she likes bothering people.

A naturally curious and not at all withdrawn child, Vashya is energetic, constantly looking for things to do, and takes an interest in everything. An emphatic person by nature, Vashya is sensitive to the feelings of those around her and often is easily influenced by the emotions of others. She takes joy in simple things and is open with her feelings and expressions. Although not as tempered as her father, she is patient and willing to delay gratification in pursuit of a greater goal.

While she can be petulant and whiny, it is rare that she is ever truly angry - and her anger is very much unlike that of a child. Perhaps even more so than her father, she can be vindictive and calculatingly cold when enraged.

The only child of a single mother, Vashya was often told that she was her mothers dream and precious treasure. For all the years that she lived with her mother, she was taught the magic of her family. For awhile, Vashya was happy with that - her mother showered her with love and praise, and she enjoyed the feeling of using her magic. It came so naturally was as though the magic was made for her!

As she got older though, the training became stricter and stricter, and punishments for failures became harsh and cruel. Her mothers personality became manic and frantic. There were times where Vashya would catch her muttering to herself in the corners of her home, her eyes empty. At times her face would become so distorted that Vashya failed to recognize her, and hid in her room out of fear. Always her mother would be waiting just outside her door, a smile on her face and with words to placate and assure her everything was fine.

It turned out that her mother had been possessed by an Etherious Demon, who had possessed her mother and groomed Vashya as her new host, one fit to hold its power in full. Vashya was unaware of this, but the change in her mothers personality was a result of her mind and body breaking down as it failed to fully fuse with the demon.

On the day that her mother died, she was found by child-services, who had come upon hearing reports from neighbors about her screaming the night before. She was catatonic and unresponsive, clutching to a letter her mother left her. It instructed anyone who found her to bring her to the man that was her father, and to explain the circumstances of her death, rather than to send her off to an orphanage.

Extra: The demon sometimes talks to her. She's quite friendly with it.


Marduks' laugh was positively boisterous. The sequence of events that started as soon as the walking-talking vending machine crashed through their window probably should have left him confused, but he always found it better to be amused instead. He didn't need every particular to find out why the things that happened, happened - quest giver got impatient, wanted to force quest, ergo, reverse defenestration.

So, default to amused.

Back to the matter, or matters, at hand, it looks like things were getting busier, with his guildmate's picking up quests and splitting into teams. He was mildly pleased to see Holly take up his suggestion and invite Zenith to join her. He was less pleased to see Kaden and Lavinia in the same team; to be clear, he had nothing against the boy. He trusted Torys' judgement and if she let him in, that was good enough. What he didn't trust was his personality withstanding Lavinia.

The girl was different. Her mannerisms would make her out to be endearingly clumsy or an absolute irritant, for all that the girl was caring in a way that defied everything about her upbringing. Mentally, Marduk shook his head. Perhaps less different, more one-of-a-kind. Whatever the case, she came with her peculiarities, and frankly speaking he wasn't sure that Kaden would be able to stomach them, and that may cause problems down the stretch. He also wasn't afraid to admit that he held some personal affection for the girl, so his concern about her well-being may be less than biased.

He scratched his chin, pondering the problem before deciding that it wasn't up to him. He'd step in when he needed to, but they were all adults on that team. He had to trust that they could work it out between themselves.

Setting down orders for drinks and seeing as there was little more to be done, Marduk made his way to the side of the bar where Torys' was sitting, carrying two glasses of hard liquor on the rocks with him. He arrived soon enough to catch the tail-end of her conversation with Tone, one of the newer guys who'd signed up after the Dragon Incident, and gave them both a big, toothy grin.

"You know, one of these days you ought to accept 'your cut,' just to humor him a little." He placed a glass down in front of her, and kept the remaining one for himself. Leaning over the counter, the old man took in a mouthful of liquor, setting it down, and giving the four other mages in front of him a thumbs up. "Thanks for hearing me out Holly, Zenith looked just about ready to choke his frying pan to death. Be good for him to see the outside of his kitchen for awhile. Who knows, maybe if all goes well with your Job we'll finally be able to hire an actual crew to man the thing."

With a chuckle, he downed another mouthful of his drink, while eyeing the job board. He considered taking one of them earlier, but it looks like the rest of his guild has them covered. Hm, guess that meant he'd be spending more time with whoever stayed behind.
Bumping this! Decided to run the 1st RP, now I need at least on more person to start.
So! I have two RP ideas and nowhere near enough energy to devote to both at the same time, but I like the concepts so I'll have the court of public interest decide which one I should run:

1st Concept: Royal Selection
The player characters serve as the vassals and guardians of a young princess, undergoing what is essentially a trial to select the next Ruler among the children of his Majesty. The Royal Selection is magical in nature - for the one sitting on the Throne of the Heavenly Kingdom, should they be of true blood, is God of its lands. They influence the seasons, the yield of crops, the inception of disease and death of newborns, they command the loyalty of all the living creatures upon their soil. They are Karma incarnated in human form.

The Heavenly Kingdom is thus untouched by the issues outside their borders. But this may soon change. The world outside the kingdom is recovering from a devastating war, the candidates of this generations Selection are more hostile to each other than ever, and the previous Ruler was less deity, more man - flawed and foolish.

As the vassal and guardian of the 3rd Princess, not only must you protect her from outside threats, you must also do your best to guide and support her, through her own trials - for at the end of the day, the Ruler of the Heavenly Kingdom stands alone.

2nd Concept: Demonic Incursion and Human Sacrifice
The kingdoms of Gaia have fallen prey to demonic incursion. Humanity has been torn and shredded, brought to their knees. A prophecy has been issued: To close the the breach, one must travel to the origin point of the demonic invasion, and sacrifice the life of an innocent soul.

The players shall be thus: The greatest warriors from each of the remaining kingdoms, armed with blessed weapons and spells. They must travel through each of the ruined kingdoms until they reach the promised location, and perform the sacrifice.

A bit Survival-horror: The demons are tremendously difficult to kill, vary in level of intelligence, can read minds and sense desire. They are evil and malevolent, taking perverse pleasure in the suffering of living beings. Moreover, they are assisted by insane cultists or enslaved humans.

Our heroes, on the other hand, have only their holy (and very much breakable) weapons, magic that doesn't actually work on demons, and spells to conceal themselves or detect demons nearby. Every bit of the players wit, planning and luck will be put to the test.

Will you be able to close the breach?

So! Those are the two concepts. What do you all think? Which would be more fun to play?
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