Avatar of themadhatter420


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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

I posted! :) i wasnt sure the best way to start since I was late into the story but I did what I could
should I post in the IC now? And do you want me to move my character sheet to the other page as well?
Shiro walks inside to the gym late. He was just enrolled that morning and walks over to the instructor handing a piece of paper explaining he is a new entry. He remained silent until he was addressed. He was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt and black jeans. He knew he was a bit out dressed for a PE class but he knew it would do in a pinch. He waited to be told where to go not sure how this whole system works. He was trained at home in a family gym, he was even home schooled. He knew they were grouping up but did not know who to pair up with.
awesome i will post my character below :) thanks


Name: Adam Michaels
Age: 15
Year: 5th
House: Gryffindor

Wand: Hawthorn wood and Unicorn hair

History: He is raised by both magical parents that met while going to Hogwarts. He is in Gryffindor like his father was but his mom was in Hufflepuff. His mother took the ghoul class before so she wanted Adam to take it as well. She really enjoyed it and knew he would as well. He is really smart and very talented with many different types of magic.
I will post it here than :)

Name: Shiro Yushima
Gender: Male
Age: 18

Personality: He is a stoic type. He is usually by himself but he was raised to be that way. He was the only son in the family so he is demanded much more than his parents realize of him. He is very intelligent and very skilled with his father's sword called "The Black Heart". He keeps it with him in it's sheath at all times on his shoulder or back. He can even do his martial arts with out his sword but still on his body.
Biography: He is the only son in the family and he is said to be the next leader of his family tree. He was sent to the school to become the best martial artist even though his family was lied to. He does not plan to be taken out any time soon if ever. He is also set out to find a wife before he turns 20 but he does not focus on that at all. He doesn't care that he has to have a child, he thinks he's too young to deal with those matters at this time.
Martial Arts Style: Tegumi
Its an older style his father taught him which allows people to come up with a variety of different combos based on the masters power ability.
Known Martial Arts Techniques:
Power Side Kick- allows him to be able to get off a punch than a jump kick to an enemies chest to get them farther away from him.
The Pin Combo- he grabs his opponent, hitting them in the back than grabbing the elbows bringing them to the ground holding back his arm to pull it out of socket until they tap out.
Submission Style- He uses arm locks or leg locks (depending on what is the easiest to grab) pulling them to the ground holding them down with his own body weight until they give in.
Gang: unaffiliated currently, looking for one though.
Other: His back has a huge cherry blossom tree as a tattoo for his family lineage.

Are you still looking for people to roleplay with? I love some of the ideas you have including MLP or some of the anime ideas. Please get back to me if you are still looking. :P thanks!
Thanks for posting!

Thank you for replying :3
Are you still accepting? I am very interested in joining this asap!!!
Are you still accepting or am i too late? I can play girls or guys if you need a certain gender
Are you still able to take requests? I am new to here and was wondering if you could create me an avatar and a signature. If you can let me know and I will go into more detail :)
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