Avatar of themadhatter420


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

Alright so I have four votes for Walking Dead and one vote for Zombieland. As I said before I plan on probably making both and running them at the same time. I am going to make the Walking Dead thread first later tonight if I can and then I will create my Zombieland thread. I have two different plots for each so I can keep them different from each other. Walking Dead is going to be more realistic as far as trying to find food and will not be any original characters so please don't ask to be Daryl. There is a similar expectation for Zombieland (you cant play Tallahasse) but I am keeping that your character nickname has to be a city or even a state if you character doesn't have a specific city he/she wants to go to.

I shall post below when I have the threads for each of them posted but I am still hoping more people post interest on either of them :) Have it up as soon as I can guys

Artemis was watching some sort of human cop show. They were using crazy tools that she had never even heard of before. She was intrigued but confused in so many ways. She was alone for quite some time but was a tad relieved when someone noticed her in the room. She was actually glad someone noticed her for that matter. She was afraid that she would have been all alone all day until she figured out where her classes were tomorrow.

Artemis smiled as someone walked into the room. She turned to see it was David. "Hey...David right? I'm good but I don't really know what you see in this 'tv' everyone seems to like." She said staring at the box as if she was confused at the whole thing. "But I guess it takes time to like it." She said smiling and giggling looking over at David. She knew she was weird but she hoped he didn't mind. Mainly it was her whole life not having anything like tv's or even a cell phone. When her dad found them it was mainly dumb luck or because we had stayed in the same place for a while to make it easier for him.
Morning everyone :)
Rainbow Dash and Rarity had finally made it. But the diva had complained quite a bit the whole run up there. She knew it was an emergency but she was mad they didn't take the train instead. "We got here much faster than the train would have Rarity...let it go for crying out loud." Rainbow Dash said running up to Twilight. "I am sorry Rainbow Dash, but now my hooves are hurting so bad that I.... Oh Twilight! I have missed you terribly." She said seeing her and running over to hug her. She was excited to see her old friend again. When she became a Princess they haven't seen too much from her. "What do you need our help with? Do we get to kick some bad guys butts?" She asked bucking her hips to get pumped up.
Exactly :)
That's why I have made many accounts on the old site and this new account I made :)
@Remipa Awesome
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
gotcha :) interesting back story btw :)
|Type: Matching Avatar and Signature
|Size (pixels): any size/not to picky
|What: A female mad hatter inspired pictures. I am open to most colors except dark or neon green.
|Inspiration Images (if any):

|Other Notes: If you can add my current poem in the signature that would be great if not I understand.

@Remipa Awesome

Awesome! Thanks for showing interest :P I will definetely consider making a Walking Dead one first if anything :) running two zombie rps is almost second nature for me when I am in the mood for it :) Thank you very much

awesome :) sorry for the late post but I am definately interested in both :) Let me know which one you would like to do more in a PM and we can get started
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