Avatar of themadhatter420


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

Name: Ashely (Ashe) Stephens

Age: 23
Gender: Female
Where you from?: Dallas, Texas
Personality: She is a caring person. She does not care for killing the zombies but she does if she has to. She knows they are no longer human but that still doesn't make her feel sorry for the pain they had to go through to turn into the zombie form. She fears death but she knows she can't live forever.
Back Story: She is always been a tough girl. When she was 14 her step dad stared raping her and drugging her. She was not happy for a very long time until she finally went to the cops at the age of 17. Her step dad was sent to jail and than she thought she was able to move on as if nothing happened. Until the outbreak...her mother was the first person she knew that died from it. She didn't have to kill her mother but it was almost down to it.
Weapons: AR-15 with silencer for big mobs only. 9mm glock. Metal base ball bat she made a belt for to hold it on her side.

Other: Fear of heights. Also has this tattoo on her back

Character Sheet Skeletons :) Post your characters first onto the OOC until accepted please!

Hello one and all! As the title says I am creating a walking dead type story line. I will not allow any main characters so please don't ask. I will have my character sheets below everyone needs to fill out. I will accept you as soon as I see them. Here is my plot line below and a set of rules as well :)

Hello one and all! As the title says I am creating a walking dead type story line. I will not allow any main characters so please don't ask. I will have my character sheets below everyone needs to fill out. I will accept you as soon as I see them. Here is my plot line below and a set of rules as well :)

VOTES ON BEGINNING LOCATIONS!! Cast your vote in the OOC and I will add it when I can
NYC- 2
Cleveland- 6
((Edited Post))

Layla smiled at the random stranger looking up from her equations for chemical reactions. "Oh. Hi my name is Layla. I am an archeologist and a scientist. I'm heading to send my research for the surface atmospheres compounds." She stopped she wondered if it would go over his head or not. Or if he cared for that matter. Most people thought all she did was guess work even with all her proof and research.
@nookzer Shiro blocked the punch with both arms up to his head as he used a side kick to aim at his chest. He hoped the impact would push him back off him. He didn't like people to be too close unless he was the one who put them in that situation.
Name: Adrian "Mad Hatter" Berkley (never ever goes my Adrian)
Age: 21
Gender: Male


Personality: Mercury poising from making his very wonderful hats has mentally scared him forever. He will seem like a normal person one minute, than scream rants of nonsense as if he is being attacked by someone in some way. He does know when he has to be serious though and when he is able to let his guard down.
Weapon: a black staff he carries around to walk with.
Catchphrase: "Would you like to have some tea?", "Why is a Raven like a writing desk?"
Back story: He always made hats for very important people in Wonderland. But when things began to change, so did he. He tried to make hats now but never is able to finish them for whatever reason. He either loses interest, starts going into rants, or can not find the passion for his work anymore. He was always trying to keep himself busy, so he has a tea party all day with anyone willing to come by. He sometimes would even spike the tea to make people stay longer.

Thank you :)
In DnD a Day. 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
No worries at all :) welcome back
Morning @Legion02 how are you?
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