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9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

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Nami smiled as she stood next to him to show him. "Get into this stance." She said spreading her legs out to her side and bending them at a 90 degree angle. Holding out one hand with a fist she punched the air shooting a blue fireball at a target. "You aim for the one next to it." She said pointing it out for him.

Well I haven't decided yet. I don't want her to be like Jubilie (Original X-men) but I would like to have her evolve her skills like that over time if possible. Currently she has only mastered charging her arrows though at different levels.
Name: Itzel Ramirez

City: Las Vegas, Nevada

Age: 22

Appearance: She stands at 6'1" and has an slim athlete's body for partaking so much of her time in softball and track at UNLV. Before the apocalypse, she had a flair for the latest and upcoming fashion trends but now that the apocalypse happened, she sticks to her satin-trimmed tank tops, high-waisted shortie shorts, swimwear as underwear (in her defense, it's more durable), and neon running shoes.

Weapons: An AEK-971 with a shoulder sling to wrap around her (she also uses the butt of the rifle for close defense), dual wielded Glock 17s kept in hip holsters on both legs, and a fillet knife on her left ankle holster.

Vehicle: An orange Camaro ZL1.

Supplies: Her short pockets store all the types of medications and knick knacks she has collected such as her front left pocket holding all painkillers, front right pocket holding all sleeping pills, and both her back pockets carrying as many first aid supplies as possible.

Personality: Despite being appearing as a sociable popular girl, like she was at her university and general lifestyle before the apocalypse, she's refreshingly down to earth and compassionate. She likes to be alone a lot of the times but openly welcomes company. She has a focused and methodical approach to all her decisions which has beneficially spiked up more due to being a survivalist.

Back Story: Before her current lifestyle, she was a waitress at a BBQ restaurant called Holy Smokes! and attended university as a sophomore. She lived with her grandparents given the fact that her father was heavily involved in the crime underworld linking to Las Vegas to Phoenix, Arizona. She never knew her mother but her gut feeling always tells her that she was deported to Guatemala where Itzel was born. When the apocalypse occurred, she was at a nightclub with her boyfriend Nick Dallas whom she had to behead on the dance floor with a floor tile after there was a stampede. The Camaro she drives is actually his which she stole after she escaped the building from the back doors. That night was part of their fifth anniversary.

Accepted :) Sorry for the late reply. Had to do a major overhaul on my apartment and I had a long night of work. I have not read Fallout: Equestria yet actually. I heard about it at the con though just haven't had time to sit down and enjoy it.
awesome :)
@Juka Gearsworth

No worries at all :)

Shiro walked around him trying to move them in a circle before charging forward trying to pin him to the ground. When he was close he kicked aiming for Alex square in the chest.
Well i would see your car but we are in the city. Maybe you should try heading into to town to help me and Hunter if you want.

Why would you just shoot me? I am the GM xD

I will post in a few minutes. I am not sure how to approach this because now all I have on me is a bat and a 9mm low on ammo
I am :)
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