Avatar of themadhatter420


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

Hey everybody :)
posted :) game more info on my back story
Esmeralda was sitting next to Various on the ground spinning her knives in her hand slowly thinking about the plan of action. As she thought though, she could not believe she was here. She has never been with out her guild for this long of a period of time. But what the guild leader tells you to do, you have to go out and do it. They said she needed to gain real world knowledge to become a better asset to the Blood Gypsies.

The Blood Gypsies were her only family. Her mother was banished from her last thieves guild when she mated with her human father. She did not know it was forbidden. She had Esmeralda and headed out in search of a new home. The Blood Gypsies found her pick pocketing while carrying her as a baby. They took her in as family and became they became the first Drow's aloud into the predominately human guild. She was raised learning how to dance, play the drums and tambourine, and steal. She has always been quick with her hands and they used that to an advantage. No one suspects a young child taking money from an adult.

She shook the thoughts out of her head and waited till someone spoke. She wanted to keep a calm head and no was not the time to be homesick. She smiled at the young gnome girl. She looked like a good person that would make a good friend with time.

Makes it convenient :)

lol you better be making it xD lol
So how is everyone?

awesome I can do that
So are we able to post now? I plan on typing up a massive first post for this
no worries take your time
True xD awesome :) just making sure
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