Avatar of themadhatter420


Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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9 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

Most Recent Posts

Oh my god, thats horrible...im so sorry
No worries...just a lot of people joined and no one posts
Don't worry I will help you remember :)

"Even in Defeat, you will always learn something new."

Name: James Doran
Nickname: J D
Age: 18
James loves pokemon, but loves most people just a little less, but he still like most of humanity, he just has trust issues. James loves to have fun, explore, and find brand new pokemon and friends.
1. Scizor
2. Heracross
3. Charizard - rare one that likes James and only burns aggressors.
4. Venusaur
5. Alakazam
6. Magikarp - hasn't evolved for a long time, James is about to give up hope.

Back Story:
James left his house at the earliest age he wanted simply so he could live freely, enjoying life with his favorite Scizor following him side-by-side, protecting him and he protecting his pokemon. James only ever wanted to go out and meet new people and capture/make friends with new pokemon. And to win several badges and more along the way!

"Live life as if it was your last day, you should always have fun."

Artemis Jane Saunders
* Eevee (always on her shoulders or on her head, never fights)
** Princess ---> Eevee's name **

1) Houndoom
2) Kirlia
3) Empoleon
4) Liepard
5) Roserade
6) Raichu

She cares about her pokemon like they are her family. She cares about the friends she makes as well. She wants people to always have fun and enjoy each other. She is shy at first but her Eevee helps her become more social since people always ask about her.
Back Story:
Her family does not care about her. They gave her Eeevee and Pikachu and kicked her out. They wanted to make her grow up too fast to be a better adult. She was kicked out at 14 with nothing. Her parents don't call her either. When she calls them, they don't answer. She has been trying to make a life for herself and be the best trainer in the world.
For everyone's knowledge I am Deathslawter's wife. In a sense that makes me a co-gm. He asked to accept everyone that has posted :P you can move your CS's to the cs page :)
Right... i slacked a little on that front.
Still waiting on dark i see *sigh*
Thanks baby :3
oh no im so sorry to Hear that...what happened?
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